Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 20

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GROUND GRIPPER' 1SHOE at. new reduced. prices for theé opening of. schooU New Prces Effective. NOW Chilidren's Tan, and Black Oxfords Sixes 5 to 8 ..... ... 50& ies8 to Il $4.50 Sires 1, te 2 ....00 Misses'and growing girl* gixes 21% to 8S *. 7.&Q Stert them o*ff in , Little Grippers tl ensure foot hoalth in later life. Lit Grappers embody THREE, VIT2 PRINCIPLES. 1. The Flexible Arch. 2. The Straîght Inner Lino. 3.- Ample rà,om for the tocs., GROUND GRIPPER SHOE fSHoI GEORGE H. WITTMANN 1735 Sherman Ave. Phone GREENLEAF 6181 Evanst( Founfain Square -~~qs~N w19 32~ featuring: G. E. Productions FIRST FLOOR 1 wIIl contain. thirty of Anierica' s most of tne exPosltÏOii. fani-ius comics, presented ini sixteen "~The display of ov~er 32.000 new pages. Full, fou ' -color printing w~i1l iniventions.,r'ânginig froi a lneedie to be used, assuring a brilliant display tur jalcmtv n rn e pt the enjoyment -of readers of ail ages. tlvso. Mr. Green says, "is proh- Includedi the new Weeklv ,villuc îuî the miost interesting exposition ii' Jiggs and, Maggie, the KatzenJýimner that lias ever been ini Chicago. Kids, Barnev Googte aud Spark, Plug. ieo Toots and Casper.ý Bobhv W(>uice atid. lIllzeofte second interna-, Dottie ' et e- htCa. apvtional patent exýposition catibhe' Hooligan and a hosit of, otiier tav'irlte eauged hv reviewing the diversitv of comfic cliaracters both old and nie\%. he exhib;its. Group displays include With the addition of this nI over 3,000 new, autoniotive devices., ConiicWeekly. the Sunday Herald and 1900 neéw"aviation aids. over 300 radi Examiner willi now give its readers. in patents, thousands of lioüseliold addition to its numerous news anid fea-J items, a great variety of new coin- ture sections, two., maga Aies, the 1inatiofl agric.ultupal implements, seV- bat American Weekly, the miagazine that 'eral hundred railroad patents, several ttle ts read more widely than anv other ini thnusand time and lahor savinig de- 'AL the world and its -new Comic Weeklv vices a variable array of ra in- witlî itq thirtv or more fanîous char- -ventions, quite a number of nieýv> in- acters front funlan.d. d(ustrial lYrodticts, and the latest de- velopuiitts ,.in telev-ision and filmn GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS transmission. Guide-lecture tours for the zencrat'l,"Tlie nost unique display at tife public at Field Muftsei of Ntur1.secod international patent exposi- H-istory next- week will heg'in Mt011 - tion," Mr.. Green continues "%%l h day, 'September 14. ith"E-conýoltic, the twelve hour daily showing of per- Minierais" at Il a '. ni. and "Oric!it-1l fected television, 'which' xvill be in .Theatricals" at S P, ni. On Wednies- rgesechdvo le xoiin ton day at the sanie hiours. subjects wil! I irogrs ac a f ieepoçin - e 4onl ,eptember 14 to Septetuher 27, be "Migratory Anitis ý;antd Birds" '-incluîsive. 'fie. television exhibit ini- and "r-conomiic Planits." and on Fr1-: ctudes the niost elaborate slîowing oif day,"Roan rclaeoogv an teevision apparatus. that lias been 'Dinosaurs and.Otiier Reptiles." <(_~ placed on .pub)lic- displav N j v.-here in Tuesdav and: Tlursdav there wý\ill be the wvorld. general 'tours ofanthropological. a ,n SOVreaeth botanical, geological andzooncl S nîn ad 0vr(1*eth * exhihits. These tours, condticteï D l exhibits w1hich ill be sho\vn at, the staff lecturers, are open to all iu- exposition -that many intdstrial lead- setnivistos. arie, aseblein iers throughout the Untited states seun vsitrs.'Patie. ~have. made arrangemienits hi attenld- side the nortli entrance. tî~ xoiini1atcpto of fild- 7ýiijýni anv' devices for develoiiitit. .e\ploitation and marketing.- Just $1 each for artisfic studio pictures, STUDIO 1606 Chicago Ave.. Evanston' UNI. 2238 Miss Elizabeth, Potter> to Be Oberlin Student Miss Elizabeth Potter, (laughter 0 Mr. and M-Irs. Raîpli F.. Potter. 92. t liestn t avenue. Xilrnette. \vill eIIý t er C)beýrliI college as a tresltnan this fal., As one . oi the 400 itembers oni Oeinsfre 'slîman class -titis .vear. Miss Potter %vill take p)artilu Fresît- tia week, whlich hegitîs Septenîher 18. FIve davs have been set apart, for t1he fresinen before the arrivai! Of the r est of the stuçient. *ocdv, ini SWM UT? 9469 Cr#O

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