A LL-$TA R SPE CIA LS Thursday go Saturddy * TWO FOR THE PRICE 0f ONE' * CHRISTMAS. GREETING CARDS steel dye engralved, tissue limed envelopes, 21* in box, New 1931 designs.ý $1. value. ..boxes$1j LOJRD'S-F.irst Floor *$2 FABRIC GLOVES in *new Fali shades with de- Medl nsai cul! troat- tuent. Regularly $2 paui, £hoose at .2 pairs $2 LORD'S-First Floor *KOTEX SANITARY NAPKINS regulation size, 12 ini a box,ý regularly 39c box. .2 boxes 39,c LORDS-First Floor * JSTERINE MOUTH WASH $1 size bottie, sensationallY underpriced Bt ..2 bottles $1 LORD'S-First Floor Tip-Tilted Models Shepherdess .Types Empress Eugenik Hats Tlie New "Derbies" Ail must be woin tihted forward over the right eye. They're universally flatt ering. Smnartly developed in fet-in blac.k. brown, flBvy and green ..ail headsizes*. 'A remarkable value! ln the NEW V IliIliniep-1i Serti oc-LO RD'S-S'colid Floor New Fabric SLIP-ON QLOVES You-'lI Want ~Y7 Several Pairs at 1~.uiw v I ~1lir~ ,79c .S-button sflp-ons with ,scalloped' ér plain cul!,, in browýn4., wal- nut, deer, ivhiti and eggshell in size 51/z to 7/.They'll- wash marvelously -again and again. I the Glove Section -LORD'S- Fis-st Floor, Orringtoit Ave. Extraord inar'y! ELECTRIC CLOCKS, A Clock You Never -WindFr r- A edock that keeps time to the split sec- ond and costsfroni 5e to 7c, per month to run.. such are our Washington* clocica. ln a gracefully designed bakelite case. In the Jewrelri, Section -LIORD'S- .First .2 Ibs. 60e LORD'S-First, Floor is regular sazes. Lest year you paic !95 for this smre quality. ln, the S ilk Underwear Seetion- LORD'S-Secoetd Floor Every Suiccessý of, the Season! Newý.. Eau lHATSý $395, i *95