Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 1

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SCHOOLS OPEN NEXT.MLONDAY New Addition at Howard Sehool Not ýto Be Ready Before, Thenksgiving Wihinette public schols will open for,,the .1931-1932 term AMondav morning, September 14. An ennol- nment of more than 1,600 pupils is ex-r pected. TI-e faculty this yean num- bers seventy-five. Becaüse of the construction work in progress. at the Howard, school somne diffibulty will be experienced- there ini cang for the large num ber of pul)ils. The six-roem classroom addition being built above the one- story ýwing to the ýwest of the main nuit' tlthe Howard'building wil lot bc rely for use before Thanksgîv- ilug. Until the construction of the addition is comnpleted the main floer of this wing aise will be available for use, an.d tenperary quarters wi.ll be îir<ided for the pupils who* wil use--this space -%ven the addition is finislied. * Where Pupils Meet * Towe1 F. Todd, principal of the Sehool, announced this week thiat wle. scool convenes next Menday nioning at 8 :45 o'clockc the, eiglith grade Nvill mieet ini the auditorium, the seventh grade, in the gymnasiuim aind. the sixth grade in the librarv to receive instructions as te the division of their classes and where they wilI mieet. Cliildrei inii the lower grades %vill go to their last year's roomq ýte receive tlîeir assignmients. One third grade. and one feurth 'rade Which %Noùld erdinarily"be -at thie Howard buil 'dinig will meet temý- porarily at the Logan school initil the six-r oni addition ai Howard is cempletel, Mr. Todd stated. These tweo grades 'will then- be tnansferred l)ack te the Howvard building. Mr. Todd aise announced that km- dergarten plipils will register in the kindergarten roomn. Registration for Mis s Mary Anu Irigginis of Bloom. iligtoni, Ill., will take the place of Mrs. Lois Berry Larsen as tlfth grade teacher at Howard. Othen new 0 teachers at this school will be M~iss Kathryn ýWilharm cf Minneapolis, whe is taking ,Mrs. Betty, Mason's place,- and' Miss Mildred Flaskered, (Continued on Page 3) BACK TO CLASSES More than 400 Kenilworth Pupils to Return to School Monday; One,New Faàculty Member School wiIl stant in: Kenilworth Mon- day morning, September .14, at 9 o'clock. An enrolîment of about 450 pupils is expected at the Joseph Sears school.- Saturday afternoon -of this week at 2 o'clock members of the Joseph Sears teaching staff will assemble in the sçhool ibrary for, their first general meeting oéf the year. There will be only one new member of the faculty , thjs. yeaýr, Miss> Anna Pemiberton. She will teach Englisb in the'sixth, seveuth and eighth, grades, taking the place of -Miss, Elizabeth Alleni who is not return-.ng. Supt. E. L. Nygaard again will head the Kenilvorth school system. The ne- miainder of the teaching'staff is 'as f ol- Ifari crie SItanton, kindergarten; Car-t oline Littier and Etta E. Knudsen, first grades; Edna R. Mayer and Florence Tatre, second grades; Neil M. Littier and Lecah Clark, third grades; Lillie T. Bitting and, Bessie Stark, fourth grades; Florence E Allender and Em- tua W. Bi'lingten, fifth grades; Mrs. Mollie K. Foreman, matheînatics - Anna Pemberton, English; Edith M. Stryker, social science; Margaret Davenpont, music: R. J. Finnigan, manual train- ing; Tolita Hansen, science and do- mestic science; ('ertrude Herrick, phy- sical education and literature; Mf. Louise Robinson, art; Robert W. Towniey, physical cducation, and Altha Lvrman, school nlurse. Miss Adelaide 1-oward wiil continue 'as secretary to Mr. Nygaard. SPupils will buy their books and sup- plies and get their lesson assignments' Mfonday. Regular classes will be heldý on Tuesday. Hold Public Hearing on Sidewalk Projects, The regular nionthly meeting of the, Kenilwonth Village board was held XVednP'wl2v niolh f athk uw4r istea r. .......... .51... .S r. Limes* i.......... .Music page.........0 "Lucky Baby"-Contest Going Merrily Along The centest is. Wgxiiig warm and reports of Wilmette's newcst arriv- ais are, coming in daily. Reference is, of course, to the "Lucky Baby" centest. nowv being conducted by W'ilmette mnerchants ini cooperatien, with Wui,îEr'nm lave, (Detailed information ilu WILMZTU1 L"1pe issue of August 27.) The contest'provides that. the first baby born in September shali be the recipient of a shower of gifts that will introduce the infant to a venit-. able1 wonder world.. Shariûg. with baby in these gi fts are father and mother, j ust te make the matter a, real family affair. You are requested to -send to WILMETTE I, , ithout dciay, the following information about, a baby born in1 Septemiber: day born, heur and minute; physician's namie; Where child %vas boîn; f ull naine of rnothen and father and, i f possible, naine of baby. The winner of the ýSeptember "Lucky Baby" contest. vi1l be an- nounced in the* issue of WILMETTE LiFE of Thursday, September 24. Warn Motorists About 1Parking Light Rules Chief of Police Henry Brautigam is- sued a warning this week that auto- mobile owners ivho park on Wilinette streets at nighit without turning, their parking lights on w~ihl be arrested and fined. The Village ordinance regulat- ing parking -at nigit lhas been disre- garded hy many automobile 'drivers and the chie f states that the ordinance is to ')e stricilv. enforced and that vie- REPORT CONTAGIONS Si.x.cases of contagions disease were reported ini Wilmette this week by the Wilniette Health departmient, three new cases of whooping cough and tbree old cases of the same disease. thins need.d for the comf art and W-eIf r. of the. youngusters who wifl b. of fto school ;in afew mnore days. DEMAND LARGER SHARE ,0OF 1JOBýS Workmen's Committee Meets With New Trier Board; Asks Local Help TheNe Trier Township High school board at a meeting held Tues- day night was visi ted by a. czommittee representing carpenter 1s, brick masons, and othen artisans residing on the north shore, delegated, te ascertain* hythey have net been given a larger share cf the employment in connec- tien with' the building cf the W85,000 addition-teO the high school. These men, al cf thern résidents and for the most part tax payers on the north shore, say that they object, te seeing the money they pay in taxes going to non-nesidents of the cern- munlity. whem the centractor en the high school building job :b.ings eut from Chicago. It was this grievance which, their representatives .pnesented te the high school beard. To Work Out PIMa Fellowing a lengthy discussion at the meeting Tuesday night it was agreed that the members of the beard should meet the contracter Thursday night of this week and work eut plans whereby iore New Trier township residents may be given work on the construction of the new additions at the bigh school. Interviewed by a. representative cf Wî.itrtýT'rE Lnpe Tuesday niglit follow- ing thie meeting at. the 'high school, menibers cf the board stated that tîte board's policy-singce.the beginning of the building operatiens at the high school has» been te help relieve the local unempioyment situation in What-. ever wav it could, and with this iný mmnd the board awanded the contnact te the J. W. Snyder company with the undenstanding thiat the contrac- ter use local labor as fan as possible. succeeding K. L. Amnes, who was ap- pointed chairman of the board. a newly created position. Other officers were reelected, At the annual meeting cf stockholders, Oscar A. Reemer and J. Stanfeird Otis were elected direc- tors, the latter succeeding F. J. Car- roll.

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