obtaineci at thi s party ývil1 be used ior the inany worthy philanthropies that this club bas contributed to for mnany years as well as f or the very unusual demanids that are constantly appearing these days for réal charitable work. For. this reason Mrs. McJunkin, has opened lier beautiful homeatnd 'bas, procured the assistance of Marie Grif- fithi who recenitly gave a -similar Style shiow at the Edgewater Beach hotel. Mrs. Lawrence Schramm of Win- netka, -social chairmain, and Mrs. john Fisher of Glencoe, social service chair- man, wi1l be assisted by the following, cOnmittee: Mrs. Raymonîd Kloepfer, Mrs. J. Sauer., Mrs. B. G.. Eherle, Mrs. H4. Roberts. Mrs. Robert Mehern. and VIfrs. Mcjunkin. of Winnetka: Mrs. Frederick Clarke. Mrs. James Enriglit of Glencoe, and Mrs. R.. V.,O'Brien ofý Clicago. A (llightful eveling's ettertainment is promised to those who come. There- . will he tableprizes and refreshments. It is the desire of the committee that a large number will respotid to this Nvorthy cause. Checks may he-sent tW M.Nrs. Lawrence Schranm., 95S Fni street, Winnetka, and tickets will also lie sold at -the door. M r. aîd 'Nr s, Harvey A Craig and chuildren. Dap hne and Rodger, 716 Lake avenue. recentlv, spe,ît a week Inithe Ozark mouintains In Missouri. Before the tn. Rodger was. at Camp Fair-, .wood, 'Mich. Janmes anxd Norman Craig. have. returned f roin Camp -Owalçonize. J naril lake, Ont., Can~ada. have 1 found, that Goci hathl mad1e man uprig-ht" (Ecclesiastes 7 :2Q). Arnong the citations whvlich coni- prised the lesson-serrnon was the following from the Bible: "For ye are ail the chidren of God by faith in Christ' Jesus. There is nelther Jew,.nor *Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither 'maie nor femnale:, for ye are ail onie ini Christ Jesus", (Galatians 3 :26, 28). 'the tesson-sernion also included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, ."Scienc.e arrd Health mith Key to, the Scrip- tures,"ý by Mary' Baker ýEddy: "T!he Scriptures inform us that mani is made in the image and likenes of God Mati is spiritual and per- fect; and hecause lie is s piritual and perfect, lie must be so understood in Christian Science. Mani is idea, the image, of Love;, he is not ýphysique. He is the-compound idea of. God, ii.- cluding ail right ideas" (p. 475). CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "'Substance" will be the subject at the services in the First Churcli of Christ, Scientist, in Xilmette. Sunday1 morning, Septenîber 13, at Il o'clock. Sunday school. convenes at 9 :43 o'clock. Mýiss Eleanor Idler, daugliter of Dr. and Mrs. Percy B. D. .Idier, 932 Aslî- land avenue, will ieý a 'junior at Rock-1 ford college t1lis fail. $he1 spent lier first twvo vears at Laseil Feninary near Boston, ,Mass. The. EVANSTON ACADEMY 0F. FINE ARTS IN OURSELLING 0F DR E..SSES. $2250 w-j' /fj A school with fully selected a ir ited enroll'ment an d a care- faculty of weII known artists and 636 Church, Carlson Building Tower Street, EvansFon Greenleaf 1674 ]CH UR AN 5SHE RMA MarsmailField & Company anid$2950 r ý, ý ý 1 1. . .. . ý - ý. .- , o < ý . 1 1 1 1 , . ý, lý ý - 1 1 1 ý 1 ý ý 1