Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 33

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Lgroomns plarents, Mr. and1 Mrs. Judson F. Stonie. 12314 Ashland avenue, WVil- mette. 'l'le windows in the livinig room; be- fore whiich the Rev. John GC'. Hindlev read, the service at 8 :30 o'clock, wec beauti fully.. baniked vith smilax, ferns,; and baskets of pinik roses, and delphin- u'ti, aiud flo%%ers and delicate greenery %were artistically plaiced throughout the other rooms. About eighty guests, rdlatives and f riefids Of Mr. Stone and his l)ride, were preseiut., Tfhe bride wvas dressed iii white satin, simply made, with a long train. Large pearls tvere caught intô, bands twined ab)out lier head to'.hold lier tulle veil >ni place... She, carried, gardenias and valley lilies. MisFance Cark, as maid of lion- or. wore a gown of light green satin and càrried pink roses, and delphiuiiiu, and, the bride's two couisinis, Stella J anotta of. Kenilworth and Ramona Cookec of ýGIencoe, as little bridesmiaids, were* dressed ini frocks of ligýht green taffeta and liel(l old-faistioiied)ou(Iucts- of delphinium and roses tied %vith whiite ribboni. Harry Stone served as hest mani for bis brother, and Jutison Stone, the' l)ridegroomWs oldest.brothier, and Rob- ert Sweet,' brother of the, briJde.1 stretched the ribbons Whicli forme4rii aisle down .wliich the .bridaI partv, passed. M r. and M.%rs. Stone have moturcd east on their tiedding trip and wlîcin t1iev return in tvo or threc eesthey will live at 2210ý Maple aveiline, Ev- anistoul. E.'vanstoti. Il thie ligit. of candies the Rev. George P. Magili read thec serv- ice, atter wliich a reception follo\\ed ini the homle of the hride's parents, MIr. and M-\rF. Cliarles flIerbert Kraft, 1236. Greeiîwooý)d ,avenue, MWimette. Miss VivvYeuule -Mufrin of Wilmnette andl MNiss hlelen Calyeri of Chicago, sorority sisters of the bride., memnbers, of Delta Zeta at Northwestern univer- sity, %%vere,. respectively. soloist and or aii at. thé ce.remony. antd twyo other sororitv sisters, -Miss' Carrol, Speed and Miss Virginia Vanderburgh' of' Evanston, poilred at the reception following. Tlie.bride e a tightly fitted goivi of, white. satin with a. long train and Alencon lace yoke anid'cuifs. Her veil o ftulle anid tsýcap were trimnmed with Irish crochet lace-f rom lier motiers wedding dress and orangý,e llossom, clusters ieldtheé cap at thée sidés. MNiss H-azel.Kraft, the maidof hionor *for 'lier sister, was ini a fagotted dress of aquamarine georgette, with gloves and earrings to -match andi wore rust slippers. Rust and aquamarine satin ribbon tied her bouquet of tea roses and delphinium. Fagotteti gowns of, rust colored georgette over aquamiarine slipS. were worn lw vthe hridesniaidî ., Miss *Marion Nessler, sister of the groom, and, Miss Ruthi Truska of Wilmnette. whose -oes.*ps, erigs, and floôvers matchied those. of the maid of honor. \frs. Kraft wvas ini rose-beige geor- izette \v.th slippers and costume jewvelry rs. iNessier ivili ne guests of the rafts until thev find an apàrtment in ranston. Jut-of-town guests at the weddiig ýre Miss Letty Watson of New York, MISS ELLA B. BuTZ Maker of DÉCORATIVE ACCESSORIES ]PiIIoôs,, Silk Lamp Shades, Slip Covers, Old Artic1ee RefUrbished. Prices Moderate . 802 Lake Ave., Wilmette. ]Phone IVil. 801., I LAKE_ FOREST, ILLINOIS Day and Boarding H igb Scîool and Juniior College foi, Girls. Sixty-second ýyear opens Septem- . ber 16, 1931., open, to visitors Iat ai tmes, including Snndays. For fufther informnation and cata- log address ELOISE R. TREMAIN, Principal- ITelepbone-!Lake Forist 1~~ c Ai A EV AN J 1 TO0N RO0THMOOR COATS A remarkable group of dress and sport styles at JOHN A. COLBY & SONS 620,CHURCH STREET, EVANSTON (Former location of Marshall field B, Co.) I Maurice L Rothscild State '49 Jackson mil at IN

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