Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 34

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I I Sea scouts Will Enjoy Cruise in Schooner Sept., 13 Throuâhout the summnen the Sea Scouts of Ship 64 have heen going on cruises and other Sea Scout activities. They have niade fréquent trips to thé Great Lakes ýNaval' stationi where their twepty-eigit. foot. whale-lioat is; located. They have. put ini rnany hours of rowing ln the station ibarbon. The whale-boatà belonging to Ship 64 cones fromi the "Cavite" Naval Station situated iu the Philippine Islands.. This. meaisý that thene is probahlv quite a bit of, sea, histony connected iwith the boat. the two-mnastecd schoon.er, "Aiba-. tnoss" whichi belongs. to ail of the. SaScout 'ships -in the counicil, is also anchored ini the G'Yreat,,Lakes harbor., 011 -the nighit of Septemiber, 9, the local Sea Scouit Ship. had its first meeting aften the sunmniien vacation w-as over. Here plans m-erc made for a dav cruise on a two-nîa-sted schiooni- er ownied by Clark Wright of Clii- cago.- The schooner, w-hichi is namied. the "Privateer," is anchoned ini Bel-. mont harbor in I *Chicago. Tie use of this ship was, secured thnrough flic cooperation of Roy Wright ' of 'Libertyville, andIftic Sea Scots of Libertvville certainlv want to thank Roy and Clark Wrighit for the p)riv- ilege of usinig thc schioonier. This cruise ivihi take place Sunidav', Sep- temben 13. Dcôn't fong.et th'e cruise, fellows! McPeek Writes of George Washington George Xasi'gto,î-Real ox is the title of a booklet just'off th el .ress of which, the author is WaltercN Mc- Peck. form er Scouit exe 1cutiv e of th1le North Sh'1ore ai-ca, Boy Scouts of Amnenica, and now associated, îtib fli national staff of the Boy Scout niove- mnent with hieadlqulaters ini Wasingi9_ ton, D. C. MnI. M\cPeck, it wil be. renmenbered, was the' official onganizer of' te North ShIore Mr. and Mns. Arthur Boilil Robsant road, KcihwNxonthi, i Saturday to bc guests f'or t( of Mr. and 'Mrs. C. K. B.r< their summner homùe at Crysc Miss Molly Mickçy, 1523 aven.ue,ý is, leaving Friday1 IJniverWiy of Minnleso ta,, Winnetka Father of Boy Scout Gives His Impressions of Camp Manuel Hahn, -of 552 El-n street, Winnetka. father o f a.Boy Scout who bas enioved the suimmer periods at Camp M.Na-Ka-Ja-Wý%ani, Sp ring' Lake, Xis., camp of the North, Shore Area council, Boy Scouts of Ainenica, re- centlv addressed the appen 'ded etter t. Mynon C. Ryboît. nonhsoe Scout eXecuitive, which should be of interest to every person interested in Scouting activity: Dear Mr. Ryholt: Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-WVan is over for 1931. 1 arn glad I was tiiere to s ec the tents couic (lown, the chiests pihcd, I)v the museuni and, the last truck- loa(h of camipers sing their v.av ont of the enclosure. Even if I1 hadn't -seen it. 1îvould haàve beepiwl satisfied Nvith the camp froin the hrown. happy 'boy whiO is (regretftill\'> back at ho'me again : a better boy ini so mnaniv Nwvs, it %vould be liard tn enumnerate thern al.; Mrs. Hahný and 1 alre the-richier-- too. for thie pictures. of that Iast nighlt tiere ; the siniging at the tables, the ceremionia]li litiing of the fires, the inîpressive momients of the awards5 and thie splenidid spirit of camp pride at tlhe acilevenients oif the leaders. of ' -1ood to sce the genenous acclaimn ofJore thiani a hutndred younig lads. at t!ic superior achievernent of other. 1 amn sure that thie camipers at the last pcniod were thie'ichier for a les- soni in Scoutinig that ivas as imipress- ive as it ,vas unprene(litated. 1 refer tgi"GCeorge's" ,\illingnëss and abilitv1 to step) into the breac i in the kitchen' an(l 'demonstrate that an EFagle Scout1 isn't merely badges. Tlwo of the de,-4 partîng campers werc standing be-1 lîinl me on the dock and ivere talk- ting as mari to mai without anvy idea, of l)eing overheard. -Y011 can't go uintil 'ou promise to cone .back next Nvear.» Mn. Boltz chaffed themn. "Ill cone ifyel promise to dIo et of 15V of Eagle Scouits served as a guard of Ieft IaSt Jhonior ýto M'\rs. Hoover. markinig the' ýe dla vs 1assagcwav froinîthe entranice' to thc owne at platformi. Other Scouts, acted~ as at- taI lake. tendanits to the main- airplanes pres- eut 'for the crnin.StihI othens Wahniult assisted ini handlinig tnaffic :and at the for theliRed Cross emuergencv station., Tbose in change of the ceebration and ccived sortie* lesson in Scouting, that was not part of the regular work for advancemcnt. and fenit, badges but ,.hich came from living with other Scouts. It:- must' be a matten. of wonder to vou,:as it isto. meé, that ail the Scouts of, the area are. not 'with you for 'rnany periods. ý The cost is so0 low that aniv Scout who wanted. to could easilv save up the sumn betwcen niow and next Juné'. And any Scout' withi enough 'boy in hlm to carn a tender- foot's rating êould enjoy every tutn- ute of' a stay at Camp Mfa-Ka-ja- XVan. No matter if he be studioluslv 'inclined or have a ýtruc horron of books, he cati fiîîd things to do at the Camp. Trhene are not lessons, no duties except the uniesca)ale lcessonisI of living Vitl' ti or fellowvs and 't1e' (luties of being cleani and decent. 'lhle t-est of t1lelife in canîpi-alh of it. ln fact-is etjoyînig youirsehf Ili the righlt way. And the parents shouild face th ë grea value of campj-a societv %vh'erel the' facts of social life are Icanned 1)y living themn. Thiese bo-ys of ours are soon to be men; too) sooni. \Xe cati- not alwavs stand bctweeni them alid the' liard knocks of ever-vdav exil- tence. lit camp, they bye in a wonl(I ôf their own. Thére are laws and proliibitîons-rniuh casier to unlder- stand thian sone. of the artificial mies we grown-ups face daily-and there are 'imittioset by thenîselves fotr the commt-on good. They are a re- putblic of their own under a constitul-, tion of the commion-sense rules of' the Camp, and they cati make .heir, oivin happiness and their own ueu uness or' faîliIi it 'according to thée1ir ovn efforts.' Thcv. learn what thie.% lack and thîev sec what thevx- mlust, hiave 'withouit the iiecess'ityt, of preach-7 Voit iav juldge by this thiat I ant e9thttsiastic about flic camp. 1 alti. 'And about Scout.ing as well. 1 think 1 - - -' Iy "'ciii ehectedl to thîe Order of the Arrow, an' honorai-y organization limitedj to those Scouts whlo contributcd somie, definite senvice to the ' w-elfiane of' S'couting. Paul is noNV visiting Jinny Goetz, 460 Locust' noad, \Vin1- petka, and, will' enter St.. John' s academylthis faîl. \\'aipler, public health, personal hecalth ; Peter WVhite, reptile study, conservation. 'Higiiood-Troop 36 -Firtst Class-Robert Golden, Celio Nogogincomo, Ernest Santi; Stat- John Jacobv;- Life,- Ambrose Canta- gallo'; Merit Ba dges-ýA.mbrosé Can - (Continued, on' Page 51) Announce Awards Earned by Scouts > in .Final Periods The folloving awards were ere hy, the Scouts of the. North ýShore Area during the third and' fourth per- lods at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan this s ufmmle r. THIRD PERIQD .Wilnette-Trioop 2, Second Class, J. C. Streeter; Menit Badges-Henry Crawford, swimming; Harold Ray, cai oe n g,1 swirnn'ing; Troop 3, Menit Badges-Marshall Peterson, woodu- carving.; Ravmond 'Peterson. swun- niing. Indianii craft;- Troop 4. Bronze Palm, George, Bersch; Menit Badges -George Bersch, painting. Indian craft. woodturning; Paul Union. car- pentrv. reptile study, woodworkinglý,. Troop 5,' Men1t'Badges-Bill Bowen, camping, bird study. Troop 12.,F.agle Scout, Vic Joyce; MN .e rt fadges-Ed joyce,. public healtiî, conservation;, jVictor Toyce, bird study, pioneering. Kenilwvorth Troop 13, Star-Pai Cornleil, 'Mern t Badges-Patil Cor!îell, personal health, camping; Richardi H(ohînes-canoe'ing, camiping-, .Jack 1-ove -Conservation, narksmans-hipý, life, sav,%ing;, George McMulle- leathercraft,Ilife,'saNviig, sw. immîngii' Val Siiithi-personal hecaltlî.\V- netka-Troop. 15, Fit-st Class. Johin Muhî1ke; «Menit'Badlges-Bill chi- chester, handicraft, wooffiorking, camping;' Fred Kriebl-carnpinig John Muhlke-swiniing ife sa'in Troop 18-Merit Badges. Perry' Crawford, canpentry, aviation ' wood - %vonkinig; Chiarles Metcher,, bird studyl, pîonieerinig; Mahion Sharp, leathercraft ; Philip) Swabacher, p)hotography.. Troop 19 - Menit Badlges--Syney Craig.> camping; Emory Sawyer., conservation, reptile studv. Glencoe-Troop 21, Star- Richard McMantîs: Menit Badges-. Richard McManus, sw-imming, wood- carving; Tnoop 23-Second Class-- H4arry 'Fisher, Bill S nyder; Star- Phil Dostal; Menit Badgés-David Cloud. Public health; Phil Dostal, caiioeing, public health,' personaî

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