Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 42

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ALL the knowledge acquired by automotive engineers since the first '4one-lunger" cotlghed Ilro life bas been combined' to produce the new Chevrolet. Come and see it! A new line of custom bodies on the 200-horsepower Marmon Sixteen chas- sis is annouinced by George C. Tenney, Marmon general. sales director, accord- ing to the Wersted Motor company, 562 Lincoin avenue~, Winnetka, north shore Marmion distributors., This line is composed of thirty-two body styles wvhich, with the addition of the eight -standardtypes, makes a total offorty different Marmon Sixteenbody styles now available., Five and seven-passenger toyn cars,, all-weather.types, Vrarious limousine ar- rangements and sport models are feat- ures of this fiew custom line, Mr. Ten-' ney said. There-are frve and seven-pas- senger, sedans with "sunshine" roofs- roof s.which the driver or passengers- may slide back in pleasant weather. MIany custom features of comfort, ap-- nearance and, refinement are combined INVESTIGATETHESE EXCEPTIONAL USED CAR VALUES FOR THE PARTIGULAR E1JtÈR LaSalle 1928 Cabriolet, $9 2 ispares - ý. . . . . . . $ 9 Stàdebaker 1980 Sedan, & wIre wheels ,. ,,,. . $495 Oakland 19S0 'Sport Patn 6 IvIre vhee,,$4 enstont bulit $4 Pontiac,1930, toadster, $525 ai wire iwheel ... IlIlRMS - ilIRA 1)Es COMMUNITY MOTORS, mnc. 2323 S. 31lehimgan Ave. PACKAD. PREPARE FOR WLNTER Buy àa.Better Car Now Special Induce menti off ered during this month 'D prices. on our Jand mfost chversiied lhnes of body 'types in the fine car field," Mr. Tenney said. "Numerous color and upholstery op- tions make it possible to fuliy.ser-ve the customer's own personal preferencesand individual requirements by this arrange- 1 ment."y Oif Filter Demandsý Careful Attention A most important, instruction in car' owners' operatingamanuals is that con-* cern ing care of the ouil ilter. IThe oil filter removes abrasives and. foreign niatter f rom the oil before they vandaiiiage,.cyliriders, pistons and other internaI part 's of the engine., The mat-i- nais recommend that the filtering unit of the oil filter be> renlewed at f rom 8.000 tb 10,00 miles of operation as after ýthis mileage.it heconmes filled ith foreign matter and ceases to f unction ati higiest efficiency. Chevrolet's August ]Production Is 54,9581 Production of Chevrolet, cars ýand r rC ks in, August totaled 54.958 unlits [as conpared with 51,622 in the same month of 1930, W, S., Knu.dsen, presi- dlent and generai manIager, announ ced this week. August is the fotirth suc- cessive month ,this. vear. to show a gain ove- the, corresponding mionthi of 1930, and the output for August l)rings the total for the flrst eight months of 1931 to 643,410 cars and trucks. I fi More stringent reguiations governing the wholésaling of pure. Pennsylv'ania oul bave been placed into effect, accord- ing to an annotincement macle by offi- ciais of the Pennsylvania Crude Oil as- sociation. Hereafter every concern. 11-. censed to .use the association%'s trade- markîii connection with a pirivate branti wilI pay a yearly fee., Steps have also been t -aken to prevent retailers using. the association's trade-mark in such a way as. to crate, the 'impression that it is a brand and to -mislead thie public into thitnking the association 1roduced or rcfined the oul. The .group also anlnounced that, it plans to "function more vigorotisly ini the future. National advertising will be conitinued, and the poiicinig of the enl- tire country to detect. suhstitution and. misrepresentation of Penuisîlvaial oils will be trehled. These steps are heing takien to protect the public against sub- stitution and to 'uphôld thé prestige:of the association's emblem. Braun Bros. seli their 100,< ý Pure Pennsy1,vaniaoil under PemnsyivýanIa Grade Crude Ouî association ýpermnit No. 890. ;Auto Service!,Room Becmes MoVie House th, serice department. of the Han- .Son Moto)r conîpany, 557 Chestnut strect, Winnetka. wvas converted 'into 'a 'nicv- ie,". for one.night only, Tiiesdav .evening,1 Wheni thrilli ng sound filmis were silown. with the Plymou.th and Dodgýe cars a> other Chrvsier products fcattured in the story portraycd,. Thie service department wvas cleared of its car hoisting machinerv, spray purnps and mnonkey wrenches ; the grease.d floors were ail polished up and comifortahle scats 'arranged: for the con- 'venience of 300 spectators at,,one seat- ing. Inter est in the show necessitatedl a second sho\ving of- thqe filmns ta acicom- modate the throng of. inte.resteýd visitors ta Winnetka's latest "Movie House." Tourist Is Booster for Chevrolet Cars North Shore Chevrolet Sales, Inc., gas PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPAN Y 0F CHICAGO 925 LINDEN AVENUE, HUBBARD WOOD:S Winnetka 3070: Greenleaf.600 Bob 'n' Mac Main St. at Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 3334 CENTRAL CHICAGO GARAGES 357 North state si., Chic~ago Phione SUPerlor 980 Ami;Olncc th&e Opelng eofTheir . EW ENTRANCE Directly o)ff the -New Wabash Ave., Bridge, Just NOrth of Ri'ver Firot Twexreours........a TFvo to 4welvHours......se *1 g

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