Y, SUNDAY anad HQLIDAYS eW Star"i 2 P. uM., Continuons ELenings During Week Doors Open 6 :30o-ShoW Stat 7 P. M. TONIGHTS PICTU RES "THEEWHKO'LOVED" CONRAD NAGEL and BETTY COMPSON starts 7:20-10:00 "YOUNG WOODLEY". FRANK LAWTON end MADELEINE CARROLL FRIDAY:-and SATU RDAY, SEPTÈM BER 11-l2' EDDIE DOWLING "Tff UFFALO aHunT ADVENTURES IN AFRICA. Conedy -<artoon - Newsi SUNDAY end MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 13-14 (TWIN FEATURES) ""TUfE -SECRET CALL"r- RICHARD ARLEN and PEGGY SHANNON tltat~- un.3:0 * 3 7:.. 0 2; mon., s:. 0.. 10 40 ',THfE HOLY TERROR"9 GEORGE O'BRIEN starts-Sun., 2:00-1:30-11:à0-9:20; 3Jon., ;Î00-4:30 Cartoon Comedy - Nw TIJESDAY and WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15-16 A Dramatic, Romantic Sensation I A FRANKC CAPRA PRODUCTION I lr j ri S tl:Iwz c k 1. ,çs brs liant ilkid epcsciii. the dranw. -T/w Miracle IVowall» that sht' Z'il/ rmi th",auieceof a wcl ki:wn euzl c'ane/it. The final th rill. . . is a fie ice f n <zsnz" s vsP/rta p/a Maca- ý:qjc M fraise ( *T/.!raI ltoa.'to bc sccn : ilt/Teatro (dcl !.ailo mi edvand If 'ednes- .dav. Se4mr1.5 un;d 1M. Banter WiII Please a t Community House dv adU..3dLUE uây, )eiemi)er8ii .~aiiu A charming heroine is Doroth\- Jor- dan-not too ,vell known, dainty and gaY. "ý4Shipmate.s" is calleci a romantic c6tm- edy. hecause of the disturbing and amus- ing ilncidents wýhich- arise through, mis- taken identities., MNontgomery, F&ck of life ahoard. a n oit1 barge.suddenly finds hirnseif in àthe United States navv. The antagonism between Torrenc'e, called Scotty. and Montgomery fuir- nishes man%: a chuckle. Incidentailvy Ernest T'rrenj'p i ahso1ttelv splendiîd MATIN'EES SAI Doors OPta i1:30 "VYOUN4 1P4S <P* ILLI . 111'E (OMM13ON LAW" 611111-KLEJJ E RRY FINN". Jaz<-ki 66SILENCV" UMR A Ry AINN"9 .('ogan, Junlor Constance Bennett I>urklîa, Itzi Green Hailu:ton. iactvauuen ciîrecteci ooth pictures for Fox filmns. Much of "The Black Camel" was made oni the exact locale ôf the origi- nal Earl Derr Biggers' story, and the gorgeous Hawaiian backgrounds. add. infinite charm 10 the offering. Sally Eilers, Bela Lugosi, Dorothy Revier, are also i the cast. and wholly unusual htnting anad ship scenes are absolutely gentune, as this picture was actually filmeci and re- corded in, sound ina Newfoundland and on the Labrador ice-fields. "The Viking" will be showýn at the Teatro del Lago on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September i7, 18an-d 19. A 1()(1k at the varied and .interesting program oiffered, for the iveek by the -)atr(lei Lago wilI help to expia'n why throng's of north shore theater- gesare trequenting this heautiiul amusement center. A picture tremendously- intieresting- a:nd at the same time authentic-wilI cli'max the wecek. -The Vik.ing." talk-- ig film of the: Frisseli1 seal hufiting expeditioni whiéh cost the lives of its> i producer, Varick ---b --- . .. ..w -FrisseU.- and twen- rtv-five othiers, wvill be shown on Thurs- dayv. Fn day and iSaturday. SePtem- ber 17. 19 and 19. The tragedy oc-w curred wvhen the Viking. the sealing 5hip after .vhich the 1)icture vas nanix, %vas destroyed hy, an :expIoL;ion near Varsck Frisseli the coast of Horse Island, off New- toundiand. L., Barbara Staawyck * Another film of the week wvill be -The -Miracle Woman" with Barbara Stan wy-ck, David Manners, Sam Hardy and Beryl Mercer in leading rotes on, Tuescoav and W\ednesda%, September. 15 andl»1 1. The twin feature bill on Sunday and i Nondai-. Seiotember 13 and 14, wvilj ofe 'The Secret Cal]," with Richard Arien and Peggy Shannon. and "A HioIy Terror" .vith George O'Brien and Sallv Eilers. * On Friday and Saturdav. Septem- ber 11 and 12, "he Teatro diel Lago will delight wvith "Honeymoon Lane,.' lune- 1 fui pîIcture featuring Eddie Dowling, iJune Couvyer. Noah Beery and others. * Here Are Tw'Featiures The pictures tonlight (Thursday) ôon the double feature program w-il! be "'Three Who Loved'", featuning Con- rad Nagel and, Bety Compson. an~d 1 .Young WooüdIey," prîesentingan aIl- s tar, Englîsh cast,. Fach of the featured films offers a s'distinct. contribution 4o: screendom as. foloùws, Fatndly to Be Thrailed 1"The Viking"-Excellent-enteirtain- Iment for every rnerner oif the family i I *Ja4,k Hol and Rai»h Graves Cfive Brooks and Peggy Shannon Janet GOnnr ana!Cbarles Farrell,