Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 50

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. JUI ~LTer . 68 and 4ý 6OLTN19-11 720 INrEN AVE.. VLEr A confortable 7 rooni hmie. Two baths, extra iavatory, sun parlor. sleeping porch and garage.. Hot water heat. Very large. wooded grounds. Will.be put in frtciasse.oiidition. McKENDRY REALTY COM.PANY State Bank lldg., Evanston, Uni. S31,: or IVil. a6172 PARTLY FURIiNSHED. PLEAISAN'I hoe v rlooking Indian Hilli Golf Club. PIi.ase, telephone . Winnetka SOq or call at 96 Chureh Road. Two baths, four bedroom, moiderate rentai. 60LT1'N19-Itp 7RM. HOUSE, H.W.H., GAR., 3 BD- *rns;., Leaving town, mirus t rent Iby Oct. Ist. lient re:ts(nab.le. 51Ô Oak- dale, Ave. Cln~. 6O0LTNI9-lte é1I FOR RENT-FURtN. HOUSEs FOI% RENT 6, RM. 1-OrSE ýFUR- nlshed. cil ^heat..,NWrite P. O. Loci< ~)X503" Deerfieid. 111. 1P-t 72 FOR UALE-K4OIJSE Our Preferred Selections New Homes-Sale or Lease These outstanding values in *Finer Hrms-edy for Occu1- pancy-are open for ýinspection. * Brick C lonial 4 f-dim. al n tude baths. 1015'Elnm RideDr., GClencoe'. English Brick: 4 master br . baths. SRîpariani priv. S9è N. Deére Pk. Drive. Brick and 'Stofie: ',rs..3 brm R11-, parian prîv. 24322 N. Deere Pk. Dr.1 Spanish liome: 7 rmis., 2 baths. East * of Sheridan Rd. * -AND SPECIAL New attractive English type hume. 7 rms.. 3 ba. Liv. rmn. 20x-15. Masýtur bdIrin. 14x20O. Gar- *age, 2 motors. Beau. «Wooded grnds.: Coniv. Loc. VeVY reaso>n- ably priced' for s<ale or lease. 248 Oakla nd Drive, Ravînia. Baird & .Wa'rner 1071l Skokle Ridge Drive * Gencoe 1554 Briargate 18551 d2LTN19-ltc! NEWý-Pri.re Reduced open. Ail Week Authentic Brick Colonial hane, 9 rms., 3 ba. tnusual Solariumý * and Rlecreatlon mi. %faster bcd- rms. wi.th imdiv. tile bath and dressing rnis,. Can add llbrary and extra bedrm. and bath. an way belo cui. ait $10,U00 II. U a11 Dei neOeo1cyc. ar*'oec, n'se-ing, September, ,ait the brîi1e's homne. doJ - pay't. Phone owner, WInn. 165. hold furn Rugs. P. 8SLntka1045.h ceeoy hih.ks promc -1 __________________________ * bv~ the bridegroom's father, assisted OWNER - WILL, SELL 35x162 FOOT 1_ IRL'S, PATFIFINDER BICYCLE INby Dr. oaeG mtva t lot, Ail iniprovemients in, ripe for good condition. Wlniinetka 1346. .Hrc .Sih a t buxilding. 35 feet adjoining can ialse 8SLTN19-ltc tended bv onlv the immediate fami- be bugh. Adres B182 Bo 40 lies. There wvere no attendants. Mr Wimette, li. A.74LB-8219ox c40, WANTED TO *UY-MISC. Nate and his bride left -bv motor ___ ~~immediately afte> theseic fr 84 REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY SYMPHONY Concert tickets for every other Fr1-m their new homne' in Denter. where 'Mr. day. Cal Wilmetté 3042.. S9LTNl9-ltc ý * miunitv Chest campaign. D, TLik. R tA P'3BCY"CE 2 N,'NTOE ±a~.L4I~ 1NnL$10. In goed condition. Pli. Wilimette The formier 'Miss Camnpbell attend- 4393.'cig~~ 89LTN19-ltc l ed. Randolph Maconi colleige wýhere Low Cot ~ TO FUL 1 she was' affiliated with Kappa Alpha, Low Cvielj Theta sororityý, and is aS lécag graduate of Ph. Wilmi-ette 1645,. S9iLTI9-lte the Universitv. of Chicago, being a We supply 7 5 % financing. on Quadrangular there. Last year she total cost of lot andihorne. A 1.7)nihinte i-hshola yr. loan, repaid nmonthly, Yr- i NOTICE 0F _4Il P LTCA TI 0,tauhz'.r cicsinterest and principal. NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN of the, -ditiburgli. Texas.-Mr. -Nate is a Emiploy yotur own.architect, yoi, iin yte egned iththelii- graduate 'of Ohio .\Vesle.van, uni- lot, or take adva.ntage of the nois Commierce omiio f an il)- ac im * incomparable lot. values in o.m. plication* for a Certificate of Coen-vrîvadmme N. Shore Develepmnents - si-l _ venietice and Necessity to operate a. a ý !Chi îraternity. kie Ridge. Deere Pk.. or Raivinia hmotor carrier for the transportation et ____ \Veodlpinds. Ouir ý,dvice and ex- mierehandoîse. freight and property be- Jeriencte are yourS, 'as wel 'as tweén C hicago, iio. and the point of Mrs. John D. Couffer whose ýhonie a large szelecttion<f plans frini intersection of State Bond Issue Roul i is now- in California, is spending the * the "Arv(hitect.s' Exhibit. Wr.it, No. 42 "or ý,heridin Road and thu 111, -l-i1months of September and October with, phne o~ enis-iatens-intat Lne ad ntther daughter, Mrs. John R. \Walsh 'aid & \Vare Inforniatin a to the tfime and pa 'Baldw in of 149(6 Asbiiry avenue, Hjb- 1071 S1kokie flidge Drive (-f a beartng lintTp piton th 1ýi' bard WVoods. 'Mrs. Couiffer *~ a ii-r- * lence '15-J4 Briargate 1 5 be se-cured by communtnication.,xith th,- er eicto imt S41,TN19-1te Scrtao f the Illinois, Cômmneru, Cern r reieto imte Mission ait Springfield, Illinois.0 * RIPARIAN ESTATE CGENERI-ALFIHAtiTINCfr. and Ms.Thilo Boesch. 2351 FOR. SAXL E OR TRADE UNDER CO'% By F. 417. Weintz. Lake avenue, an-notînce the -birth of dîtions yoýu cannot- afford to overloek., Presîdent. their son. Tuesday. September ,1., at This ýproperycnlt of over 2ý1 LLN&DABYthe. Evanston hospital. The baby,- \VI o acres of beautifully wôvoded groumî 3v25AlsBdgwihe iepuns i cne a wth over 200 feet, full. riparian right- wîX<n'iîîe, Illinciisrices.ba The brick, 10-room .çuse, nidern i ATQESlý19-2te'been nfanîed Ramoni. every respect, 'contains 4 maàster bed- roins, tis ee baths, extra 1,a's.amiCA RD 0F TUIANKS Mr. and Ms Thomas A.. Fitelh and billiard rroolu. AUl appointmients are of Mr. T. SIattor illeteratefullya *finest niaterials, tule, tapestry, aik4~lcgsttknns and syp th eir baby, daughter. Betty Lou, matho,-gany. Iiimiediate possession. Thf jhsmayfin s n ndis it berave- ae arrived. at their home 'in L(-s price wil s11rprise you. For appoir-,f higeanesfafter itheir drive from XViI-ha ment, cail Winneýtka 2',231 orwrient AneeEsteslirdiv rniWl 1 -.173. Box 40. Wilme tNe J fllntte. Thev returned througliEse S4TI-tI Mr. and Or~ liver W Prinigle. Park, Chevenine, and Sait Lake 'City. 1024 Eleventh' street, have returned 85 EXCHANGE -REAL E5STATE. - irom Point, Ideal, Ontario, Canada, N r. andi Mrs. C.,. Deani Klalir oif weethey spent five %veeks at their Erie. P a. (Helen Shurtleff of Wii- W'ANTED-,A HOME he IFYOU OW'N A MDENNORTH umr oe mette >, announce the birth oi a son, Shore residenice consîiqting, of srorn'Paul Crîppen, Septenîher U. The 'in- * nd a bathis and e ieamre eco-, Vî"ctor R. Gage, pro1essor ait Cornieli fant boy has tvo brôithers, and oe *nomnical ho-me of 6 roomis in one: cf university. Ithaca. N., Y., and A, ý W. sist Evanstons rtes residential sec- CeaatrFireisig prtiet* Gage o let atr Fa aeviiin tiens our -client ýwill add enough. cash te akan att.r..itive deal. termteMs ee .Gge. *Mfr and Mlrs. Clarkçe L. Haves and JTOHN ;H H ,m . 14Emoo vne their' daughter, M,,\iss ýHelen Haves, 1619 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 2700 f * have returned to their home at '911 85LTN19-1t,. Willard Jarchow. son of M r. and aeu ie pnigtesm S-;Mris. C. E. Jarchow, 1636 Forest ave- iLk vneatrsedn h um FOR SALE BY OWNER, 'à BM.1 nue,,lias returnied f rom an eight wVeeks, ni er ait their cottage at. Lauderdale b ~ouse in Wilimette, 3 bedroorns andivacation. , at Camp DeLaXVarr, EagieLa,\i.*~ sleeping porch, tile roof,. H. W. heat, et,*is* .- - ee.refrig. 2. car gar. Will copsider ive-; s Lind, 315l mother, «\Mr dress B-166, Bokx 4Ù. Wilniete111I FOR SALE, BY OWNER, LARGE SIX! rooýCm brick Clna residence on 100xi 250 corner lot. Two car garage, beau-j tifully landscaped, ail Imàproveens Located ln, the best part o -is dale. Write Wllmette Life, B-1 ings. Pair Sinimons twin beds. Ph.' Wllmette 3023. 86Ll9-ltp * Mr. and M.\rs. L. C. Torrev and chil- dren, Ellen jean and Richard, 1341 4 RON BEDS. CO.MPLETE;* 2 DRESS Elmwood avenue, are spending their va- ers; davenport anld table; washing cto tYlosoeNtoa ak machine and. mangle. 509 Cenitral cto tXel~soeNtoa ak Ave., MWilmette. *S6LTN19-1tc . .0.--- 1Miss Anna Gen.czo of Kenilworth. ,BAB3Y GRAND BRAMBACH, LYON &iadRvTeisofEaso pn Healy. piano. Moving. Itil.1 sIfori .dRvTéis.o Easo pn $280. cost $'400 five yrs. ago. W1il-1 their vacations visiting frietids and mette 347.11 6LTN19-l1te j *relativ es in.Whiti.ng, Imd.,ý TH F DmMWeseth Ave., UbiÇa»o ODpoaite ËRosèlfjJeiti-ance Tel. LOngbeaých 1161 Free booklet ALso popp akwoods & Mt. liope ent. Lo0o0 ic: 228 N. LaSalle St.

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