Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 52

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of our Bloard *o*f Rlilu.Èducation. The Rev. E.* Ashlley GeLrhard of Win- netka gave an Inspiring message re- gardlng the Importance of the religlous education program ln the church. Last Tuesday evenlng the B. Y. P. UJ. offcers met, to plan their.calendar. for the -year .ahead. and to plaee al mem- bers of the'Society on Commissions. Wermaf's Society Frlday, September 11, is the date, for the, opening meeting of the Woman's society, We have been looking forward wlth great pleasure. toward the time when-we could meet our church 'mis- slonary, Miszs Emma Brodbeck of Yachow; Sze, West China. 'Miss Brod- beck ýis homne on furlough, and ls to be with us. at the meeting on Friday and will be our speaker. The mneeting. wil Ibo held In the garden of Mrs. G. D. Conlee-, 1044 Forest avenue et 2 o'clock. This. evenlng, September 10, Madame Scott willI met. the mnembers ofI the Junior and Senior choirs for rehearsai -the Junior, choir et 7 :15 and. the senior choir at 8 o'clock,. Ail members are urged- to* be présent at. this first rehearsal ln preparation forCmunn Sunday. Sunday.1Pthgrali *The ('hurch school departmnents are organIzing their work and wilI hegin their ictivities Sunçdaymornlng st 9:30 ocelock. The boys and girls I)r)ni>ted last June will 'enter new departmients- and. clse. Orîrogrami provides for every member of the farnily. Chldrenti hrough 3 yvars 'of age are enirolled in the' Nurserl' devartinent. Boys. and girls 4 and 5 years of age are in 'the, Beginners department and boyS and girls 6, 7, anid 8 years of ageý (lst, 2nd, and Ird grades) are enrolled ln the Prlmary department. Thesée chasses are looated in Children's hall. t The Junior.tn-ttermeitdiatf departmnefts meet. ln the large room~ downstairs and Inelude, boyvý nd girls froro 4th grade through eighth gradles, or ages 9,through The high school folk, older youngc peoýple and the aduits meet ln thet church auditorium. At .11 Wcloek the chureh sehool serv-1 ies are mergedwlth the morning wor-9 shlp ln the ichuireh auditorium. This will he the time for our observance o? the Lord'sSupper, to whieh el followers ofç Christ are welcQme, whether mèmbers i of this church or -another.e Provision i,; made for the childrena under 19 ye ars of age to meet lu Cli- drn all during the sermon th'pefer Chureli sehool ,.inily 9 :10 a, Mornlng Worshlpila Gospel service . 7 :45 p. Wednesday Mldweek servicee 8 p. ýprl4ay Prayer Meeting ...8p I Rcandinavian -language used Sunday moraing. , tterno n, and Wednesday Sermon 1" of a Gret sional. service for ýrvice and sermon Sand Punlshment The' Lord's Supper wilI be celebrated during the second service next Sunday fnorning, the conifessional service for communicante beglnning at 10:45 a. m. and the regular se'rvice- at Il. Those who wish to receive the Sacrament are' requested toannounce this to the pas- tor on Saturday next, afternoon' or eve- ning. The annuai Rally day ln the interest of the Sunday schýoo and the Christian education program o? $t. John's wlll be held on the first Sunday ln October. During the regular Sunday school ses- sion 'on Sunday 15 minutes are now giveft ove'r to a moving picture film on varlous missions. This -is belng done ln order to prepare the Sunday school for the annual mission Sunday on. Septern- ber 97., It Is hoped that our aninual mission service will be just as interesting and edifylng this year as they have always beeni. St. John's lias always been fortun- ate enoughi to, have as speakers some .of the niisslonaries from foreign and. pcalmssion flelds, who Were in this country -on leave o? absence. Tis yýeà we hope to have in the morning services the Rev. A. Brux, Ph. D., o? the mi- sion field at Vaniyambadi, North Arcot district, British- india. The Rev. Arthur FL ý Dahms o? the Lutheran mission 'among the. deaf mutes will speak Ln the evenlnig, giving his address ln the sign languago -sim ultaneotisly. Everyon.e 15 very cordially invited to attend these. and -any other serviceýs at St. john's. on the programi for the Young Peopfle tliere have .been placed several hikes whlch the Senior and Junior, society *111 undertake Jointly. b1he firqt -o? these is to take place. on Sunday after- noon, September 20. Al- the young, peo- pIe of the churcli are i»vited. Methodist Church T-he service next Sunday,ý morning will be ln -the nature of*a fareweii to the college s;tudents who are leaving for the va'riôu-s colleges and universities. This lias become an aunuai custom iln this church and Is greatly apbreciated by the parents 'as weli a thé istudents going. The Churc.h school wil reopen next Sunday mnorning at 9 :30. It is -.ho ped that Parents and ýothers will see to it that every member of the school is present at' that time. There are classes for al ages. The choi us choir will begin- singing ï.unio, tepteibeur 22 the nrownies 'wilt meet on Wednesday and Troop 2 on Thursday afternoon of' the sanie week. 'Roy Scout troop à wlll meet T hurs4ay revenlng, September 24. Anbouncement iof the Cub meeting will be made next Week. We, pack: your belongings Safely into, huge padded, trucks, move themn a mile or a hundred safely and quic'k- ly. Our staff of movers are experts with many years of experience. Your- valuables are perfectly safe in their. banids. Those who are planning on moving, packing or stor4ing their hossehold goods should have our man cali and furmish a Jree. estimate as 10 sMe cost. Chairs and tables for rent for, ail occasions University, 7317 Wilmette ,32 RIJE5 -CARPETS CIEANFiW LIKE 'NEW- Beautif ut Work on -.-ORIENTAL RUGS ýND CARPET CLEANERS 1804 Central St, IN EVANSTON.ý t -'i t I I t

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