reception hall Ieading to our large living r~om. Its generous width, artistic arches and deep soft carpet is in complete accord with the other parts of our new home, and portrays a picture of Iiix\urious ,spaciousness and geeuine. comfort. Our patrons are. invited to make, fuit. use of this spaci - ous home in, times of need. The Oldest Established Undertakers on the-Immediate Nàrth Shore. UNDERTAKER, "The House of Personal Service" I118 GREENLEAF AvE. WILMETTE 654 5.54 CENTER -ST. WINNETKA 404 Superior Ambulance Service Lilcenýsed Lady Assistant Is YOuR COAL fIN FU-LL? W HEN the first: biting.' blasts of cold weather bt h»sxvn ter. wilI you have to: depend on. the. crowded- facilities o0f: the busy coal dealer heat--..emfort? -or, will yoube teady ,ta assure our family Do .n t wait!. * * 4>IId>ER VOUR (MAL NOIV ** COAL HEAT-COSTS LESS.r lVilieUleCoal& 3laerst Ya d i o0i Lake Ave. -~ Ph m' VI. 4200 - Alleys Openz il -, 1. To 12 1>.'NI. Wleiekdays Sandwiches 'n Coffee Phone WIllIETTiE ,2399 'j i I