Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 5

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A record attendance is expected* at the meeting of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce Monday nigbt, September 14, wbicb wiIl in- a ug u r ate t he Chambers fait and winter season of activities. The meeting Will be held.-at the Wil- mette Masonic temple, 1010 Cen- tral avenue, start- igat 8 o'clock. W The. two speak- ers who hve be 4 engaged for the eveffing, Maj. R. W. Schroeder of Mai- Seha-sedr S k'y Harbor ai*r-: port, and Village President Carbôn P. Dubbs, are expected to be big drawing cards. Major Schroeder, famous aviator and former bolder of the world's altitude record, bas. been giving talks before chambers, of commerce and luncheon club organizations on the nortb shore, 1 n recent weeks on bis experiences in the air. I He bas made such a favorable impression wberever he appeared that the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce aedhim to speak bere, Tels of Altitude Flight * His talk includes an account,.of bis, activities as chief test pilot forthe United States government at McCook feld, Dayton, Ohio, during the World war. It was while he was stationed at Dayton that be penetrated the strato- sphere for the fi rst time, flying to a height of 38,000 f eet and iiearly losing his lilfe in the attempt because bis eye- b alls froze and bis plane went into a tail spin. He regaîned consciousness i time to make a safé landing. WVhy Wilmette should proceed im- mediately with plans for the construc- tion of a niunicipally owned and op- erated,,water plant will be tbe suhject of Village President Dubbs' talk. Tbis proposed project, wbicb bas been the subject of discussion for some tirne, ýis, con.sidered one of the, most 'important *Wilnette, improvements considered in. years. Outliaies Water Plana *President Dubbs bas made a thorough studv of the water nroblem in Wilmette. VISITS IN MISSOURI Miss Mary Winner H4ughes, chil- drens librarian at tbe Wilmette Pub- lic library, is spending this, week at Kansas City, Mo., ber borne. She left Wilmette last Saturday. posea vacatrng of the alley between Seventeentb and Eigbteentb streets ex- ttending north f rom Isabella street to 1the first intersecting alley soutb of Wil- mette avenue. Trhe hearing on tbe proposed vacating of the alley wili convýene at 7:30 o'clock, whiletbat on the rezoning of the Cen- tral avenue propierty is Set for 9 o'clock. Several weeks agoa group of- inter- ested' pro pcrty owners, petitioned the Village board for tbe rezoning ofCen, tral avenue between, Tentb and 'Elev- entb streets to "B" Commerçial'. and in accordance witb legal. procedure the board referred the matter to tbe Plan commission. If the.rezoning requested by the property owners i s granted tbe present business area on Central avenue- vir- tuaii"y will'be extended one block 'east. f rom its present termninus at El eventh street.. In addition to dweillings, the block contains tbe Wilmette Masoî;ic temple and the First Cburcli of Christ, Scientist. Myles J.Pbillips. chairman of tbe Plan commission, will preside at tbe hearing. Members of this commission, which wvas appointed fol lowinz the Vil- lage election last April. are: Mr. Phil- lips. Henry Fowler, William J. Weldo'i. Arthur C., Youngber'g and Andrew ýJ. M ouat. Pre ebvteria.'ç Cali, Rev. J. Venekiasen Tbe Rev. James T.. Veneklasen of the Second Presbyterian cburcb of Oak Park bas be.eu invite't to become nastor of tbe Pirst Presbyteriani cburch 'of Wilmette. At a special mreeting of the churcb and congrega- tion* beld after tbe regular morning service on Sunday, September 6. the congregation voted to extend a cati toý the Rev., James T. Veneklasen.. Since December 1, '1930, wben ill health. caused the resignation of Dr. C. R. Wbeel and, supply pastors have provided the sermons.. Plans for a new -$175,000 structure to be erected at the northeast corner of Ninth street an-d Greenleaf ave- cnar1iLy. That is the reason for the suc- cess of Econotny Shop,-Mrs. Henry Cutier, chairman. Economy Sbop is sponsored by the Woman's club, and tbe> pro- ceeds go -to charity. public sebools. Siniultaneously the faîl prograrn of the various subsidiary organizations will be quite generally announced. Dr.' George 1). Allison, president of the Wilrnet te Ministers' associa- tion, aslced.,WILMETTE Li'E tbis «week to extend, the cordial' welcome of the churches to those who have recently rnoved'into tbe village. "0-f co urse I can ýonly speak with authority' for my,,own group," said. Dr. Allison, Wbo. is pastor. of the Willmette Baptist churcb, , "but 1 know that the churches and ministers of al denorninations >are ea ger to give spiritual uplif t and, friendly conradeship to tbose wbo will heed, tbeir cali. In this- tirne qfrnany burdens and anxieties, tbe reassur- ance :of the'love, of God .and thi. practical expression of. Christian neig.hborliness,is more needed than ever. " Our churches raised more money for relief and hurnan service Iast sea- son than for years past. Those who have, must give. But witb equal eagerness we invite those who rnay have little of this world's goods to spare for others just niow, but canli greatly aid in our public worship ani in our ministries *of friendship. It. is a great reinvigoration of mmnd and heart to enter with whole-souled zest into a glorious praise service. We ail need to heed St. Paul's advice to the discouraged Tirnothy, 'Re- mnember Jesus Christ'. If any one doubts whetber thé churcli bas a message for the, times, let him enter into one of Wilmette's lovely temples of worsh ip with an open mind and participate with bis f ellows in the greai adventure of faith. I arn con- fident that be will not be disap- pointed.". _REDECORATE LIBRARY The cbildren's room> at the Wilmette Public library bas.ý beeni painted and redecorated. The most noticeable change is in tbe floor, whicb bas been nainted green. New Trier High school, witl, an esti. mated enroilment of two thousand stu- dents, wull open for the 1931-1932 termn MUonday morning, September 14. A meeting of the department beads of tbe school will be held Friday morning Of this week at 9 o'clock, and on Sat- urday morning at the same hour the entire faculty wilI meéet., Thé f aculty an-d administrative staff this year will number more thari a bundred.. .Mattbew P. Gaifney, wbo cornes to New Trier from Great Neck, L. I.L, will be superintendent of scbools,' succeed- ing1 the late F rederick E. Clerk and Acting Superintendent W. L. Brown. Sevwaml New T.Chera There* will be several new teachers. In tbe' English, departmient Miss Beu-, lab Hall of Grinnell, Kanis., will. take tbe place of *Miss Lillian Fogg, who wis married. R. S. Peterson,. who for- merly- taugbt at the Harvard Scbool, for. Boys ý in Chicago, will be an addi-, tion* to this depaàrtment. 11. H. Herron will be registr ar this year,,taking tbe 'place of Miss Lilian Doing, wbo is studying at the Univer- sity of Chicago. R. C. Routsong is taking Dr. Clar- ence Minnema's' place in the mathe- .matics . department. Mr. Routsong bas been teaching at Detroit, Micb. P. G. Delaporte is an addition to tbe science department faculty. Mrs. Thel- ma Hudson, who taugbt in this depart- ment last year, is -not returning. J. R Smitb of Elgin will be a new teacher in tbe commerce department. In the girls' physical education depart- ment there are two new teachers to. take tbe place of two otbers wbo were rnarried. Tbe new teachers are Miss Margaret Hubsch an-d .Miss Anna. May Smnith. The two who were married are Miss Helen Fraser and Miss Agnes Biesemeier. ýMiss Martba Wilen will be the new switcbboard operator, and Mrs. Marion Sbowley is taking Miss Rutb Lannen's place on tbe office ,staff, doing clerical work in the boys' gymnasium. Anmune New Staff. Followingz is ýthe complete New Trier teacbing staff for the, new 4cbool. term:* Y-A. Liii~~TI.j.D. E. Johnson,A Call Wilimete 4300] E Iizabeth Hadden, Rlso :Ethg.).Z ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____(Continued [ce Burchalr . u tX*n*UV* miss E. L Btau (algo à on Page 6) j.

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