w. CALL FOR j'flay Wcu ior ine utneni JZA 11181j>imp uIAI feldt, Winnetka's captain who suf- fered a brQken leg ini a bail gaine on August 23 while playing for bis teamn. On, Sunday, Septemnber 20, tht Wil- mette Pioneers will meèet the Nules, Center Chamber af Commerce team at 3:30 o'clock. at. the Dempster Ter- inal field, Ridge road, Nules Center. Hl Schlucter, again on the maund for the Pioneers, did -some elassy twirling last Sunday. He alloWed only, six bits'and sti-uck put twelve men. He suffered, only one bad inning -- the third wheil four Winnetkang tai-. lied, taking advantage ai twa. errors, the«.aonly ones ai the gaine, and three bhits. Winrietka -scored its other runs iii the fourth and fifth inning& Pioneèrs Chas. 3 Hunrler The Pioneers slugged the offerings ,.o three Winnetka pitchers for.a. total ai seventeen, bits. Bilbel, F. Krase. and F. Rocmer made three, bits apiece to account for nine ai the- Pioneer blows. The first mun ai the gaine -vas scare(l hv the Pioneers iii the second inning on Seghii's triple and Rrase,. single. Dienlien's single, an infield ýout and -F. Krase's second bit featuired! the Pioneer drive that netted -anothei2 ruii in thie fifth. Launch Sinashing Drivé latncinig their srnashing offensive in the .sîxth inniiiiig, the Pioneers. scored five runs ta take the lead. In iis ininiig, .Bilbel, Seglii, and F. R\oemier walked, while Dienlieni,. H1ahii, . rvchel, F. Roeiner ai d Scllieter ail coincicted for bits. Twe inore ,allies .,vere added iii the ninth o1) a siligie by Bilbel and doubles bv Fý. Rýoemer and E. Krase. Pete Schiliall started pitching for. Wiîinetka. but 'hut bhis arin early -in the gaine. ýBurineister relieved himf and . Schwa\-ll. playýed shortstop. The sixth-ilnng,.:rampage *ènded Bur- inei-t.er's duties . Ward -%vas next. When he got 'in trouble, Schwall again 'ýNeit ta the mouind and finishied the ganie. .Dettniani and Hoifelder starred at bat and .,afie]dl for Winnetka.Hah .Miss« [r. an I Take the whole family to ýWeeks' Dn n oom for food that . s' good-and economical lar,-, ujal aabcu d mua441*At pro-L viding for the improvement. Before taking this action the board attempted to get the opinion of al interested property owners on the matter. Questionnaires were sen-- out and, the returnis showed that 'twenty-five property owners wereml forof the improvement, eleven were opposeci ta it, and thirteen ex-- pressed. them sel.ves as being flot in- terested. A nùmber of bouseholders favoring the installation of the sidewalks at- tended-the hearing.last week and in- sisted. that the portion of the im- provemenftaffecting the -streets iu st westoai the Kenilworth railroad sta- tion be started ai once so that -it can be comnpleted this flu. The Village board. decided to rush the completion a4 th is part of the wvork, even though it may be necessary ta delay putting ini someé of the sidewalks until. spring. The sidewvalks are ta be installed along the following streets. wheÉe there are now no sideivalks: on both sides of Green Bay road 'south of Kehiilworthi avenue, on bath sides of Kenilworth avenue just west ai Green Bay road, on the north side af Xayland avenue just ývest ai Green kBayý road, on.bt--ie of Green Bay raad north af Wayland avenue, on boith sides af Sterling road froin Green Bay road ta the Skakie ditch, anbath sies of Rager avenu' e f ram Green Bay road ,vest to the alley, anid on bath sides of MIelrase avenue just east of Brier street. Children to Get Money Frorn Book Sale Monday M.NoneN- received frani the sale of. school baaks. last week by the Cen- tral-Laurel Parent-Teacher associa-. tinwill -be tuirned aver ta -the chil- dren wh pavde te oaks,,Mon-. day afternoon. September 21, 'after 3 'clack in th e baseément oi the Cen- tral school. it wvas, annauinced this Special T-IBone or Club Steak There Is No Substita.te for Good Food Week~' Dining Rooni 113 1 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE, 355 WILMETTE Anderson, dai A. M., Ander JR A LULIAS BROTHERS FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET US>5Min Street, near Wiluetté Avenue W. DoUives Phml Wil. il$, Luncheon 50c Dinner $1.00 Also .65e Dinner ALBRLGHT BEAUTY.,SIIOP The Season's Finest Fruits and Vegetables at LOWEST PRICES. r Wilmette- A-ý,en'ue Wi'llm*leltie 4el7l