Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1931, p. 16

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NewFalilFootwear eof Genuine Rajah LizaTd Cortrasted, with Calfskin #50. One. of the most important fashion, offerings of our Golden Anniversary Sale-these ultra-sm art Fail sbocs at this unheardéof price. Smart ties, spectator purnps and straps-all sizeg--come in today-this sale for Thursday, Friday.and 'Satr, urday only LAST VEAR YOU PAID $8.50, FOR A SIMILAR QUALITY lu the Footwear Section- Firýst Floor, Cegter MMRsSERVICIE CHEAP HEAT Annual reports of officers and com- mittee chairhien showed a vast amount of work acconiplisked in al departments during the past year. Work done by the rehabilitation comn- mittee totaléd over $1,400, and the child welf ar e committee. over $700. The sewing committee bas made 6Q5 layettes. Wilmette unit bas. received a citationf rom the State department for exceeding its higbest membershiP during the. past thréee years. Memn- bers now number 116. .The unit is indebted tO Mrs. R.. C. Johinson for a most interesting and complete report on the state convenl- tion. in Peoria.. In recognition of. ber effiicient work as a delegate and as parade chairman of. tbe . district, Mrs. Johinson was elected Fida,-c chairman for the Seventh district. Wilmette is honored inhaving an- other nmember, on the district execu- tive ýboa'rd. in. tbe person: of Dr. Beatrice Hawkins', wbo is district vice -president. Dr. -Hawkins lbas demonstrated bier abilityv and enthu-. siasmn in Auxiîiary work as president ofWilmiette unit and in ýlier cooper- .ation in district affairs. *Mrs. F. Von -der Lippen rpre verv satisfactorv progress on, tbe musical play, "The Rainhow of. the Rio Grande," to be given at1 the Woman's club Monday and Tuesday evenings. October 12 and 13. The cast numbers one bundred and no end of fine talent bas been offered. so that a snappv and finished performance is assured. Seats will be on sale soon and will be reserved, so buy early! "T'he Titiv Tots' Wedding," pictur- ing a diminutivebride and groom and 46ft%, other children will be an added attraction. Wednesday afternoon. September 23, members will meet at St. Augus- tine's club bouse to sew carpet rags. Junior Auxiliary miembers will meet at St. Augustinie's club bouse Friday afternoon, Septermber .25, towork"o scrap booksfor the Home at Normal, Ail auxiliarv members,.shoquld save, noon, September 18, at 4 o'clock, an] again Saturday afternoon, September 19, at 3 o'cl ock. Instruments made under Mr. Dushkin's direction will bc played by the teachers, as welI as by children who have made thern. In- formation about the musicales may be secured tbrough the Dusbkins. .Mr. Dushhkin, Who had, a depart.- ment in the Glen coe public school last.year for the making of musical instruments, lias .iust opened bis, school in his home in Winne 'tka. Mrs. Dushkin, Who actedas his as- sistant for several years at Glencoe and at the Francis Parker, the Win- netka schools, and the,,Latin school in Chicago,ý is co-directorwith bim. On the faculty are Miss Lu c il11e Turn er, violinist; Mrs. miriam En- glehardt, 'cellIst; MissPatricia Berk- son, Miss Grace-Creamner.andLAbhîi Zuechi, assistants. The- school plans to make ac- cessible to the student a series MJ instruments so'musical that the most sensitive ear could take pleasure in1 hearing them, and so simple ini con- struction that even a young child could himself build many of them. The chuld or adult has the benefit of modern educational méthods. for anl enriching experience with the in- struments, and the finest literature IF carefully adapted to the student and. instrument. Among theintues made, are straiglit flute, drum, marimba, plec- trachord, chimes, pipes of pani, and in. the more adv ancéd class are the. yiolin, side flute, 'cello, guitar, so- prano and alto flutes, and circle harp. A comple-te review of Mr. Dusli- kin's work wilI be found on next week's Music page. SAILS ON NORTH SEA Eniile Zoir, distinguished Swedis'i artist, Wbo spent the ýpast winter teaching midem .art, on the north shoret, is spending the summer sailing his own: boat, en the North sea After his vacation at bis home i Goathenburg, lie expects to return to: the UJnited States this faIt. An ex- hibît of bis work in November is on the list of announicements of the year's program by the art committec of Shawnee Country club. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wilsoni, 721 MAIN ST. WILMETTE Phone Wil. 2600-2601 JC.lown. A, B.Van enseit - w eunqàw 3lst SEASON NOW OPEN Wilmette Branch.--627 - 1-1 TH STREET (Boulevard Bldg.)' PHONE 3612 Main Scbûool-5o09 S. Wabash -Avenue CHICAGO -J IVBK1TI i.

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