SEMU-ANNUAL SALE 0F RUOS --Septmber 17 Thrh Setme 26 Only once in six montlis does such a notable purchésing opportunity present itself i This year, because of' a.dvantageous market coniditions, w., are -abilé.fta offersaýings hithertfo .unequalled. Every type of floor covering foreery room in the9 housie d s far below regular as to make if are s, rc on,*conomy to ýbuy. 'oyal Wiltons 9x 1 2-Foot Size Worsted, Wilton s 9x l2--Foot Size $39.ý74ý Only the -fines+ imported wool lias gone into the making of these closely wvoven,. Iohg-wearnfg rugs in a num- ber of aristic patterns and colorings. From the loomns..of a noted manufac- turer.. special for our Fitsae Moth-Proof 'Pad American Orientais Every rug in the house deserves the p'ro- f ecion of' ane of these pads wkich double the life of yaur floor cov.ring. 9x12 size. Scatter Rug, 175 The ideal 22x36-inch Axminster scatter rug in a vas+ *ssortmnent of rich colors an~d * patterns. A. delightful touch fo the room' ...neyer Sa low-pricedi 9x,12 --Wilton.,Weave, Neyer before have we been able to offer rugs of such merit at so excep- tionally iow a price! Constructed, of the materials which fashion rugs at $100 and more, these imperial Wil- tons, size 9x1 2, are great values,- Velvet Carpeting A splendid selection of excellent quality aI oalcrpeting.. 27 inches wide. Choos., frorm five beautifui colors wth borcleis. Bath room Duplicofing the design- foun& usu t4ess hancisomne rous calarings y in the finest1 andi intricacy of imported orientais :sie give every Set , 95 A ýhevy ichoeille rug, size 24x36 inchese, and a seaf caver to match comprise these sets whicb go sa far toward dres.sing up the i,.throovnl Noteworthy value, +o. iii. Nows !the ft !,extra" linoleum Rug S, Liinoleuns-Thti*d Ploor, East Room price ibuy . 8.74: