organIIatLme le,.LCLI tro tei i,a44, andu communications \vitiî NIr. Lauir ence ina- be directeci iii care of that. theater. Mr. Lauirence studied withi Widor in Paris and earned diffloinas at thie Conservatoire Amiericalui at Font- tainebleau. Aniong the lionors lie re- ceived in, Europe -%%as bis appoint- nient as guest organist ýat the Basi- lique de Saint Denis and the Cathe- drale de Saint Sulpice. H 1URT JIN CRASH William Armstrong, 28, of 680 Carol Jcotirt, Higlilaui Park, spffered svr cuts aot'fie face anîd lead Tuesday mioring about 3 :20 o'cl)ck wh-len i carraofte road as lie was, nortli on Ridge roa- ini XVilmfette. He w2ls taken to the Evaiistoin hospiial. Armîstrong tailedl to nlak-e the turn oul Ridge road south of \\ilmiette ave- niue, craslbed inito th e arning sign and tore up.a lamhp post. His car wvas badix %vrecked. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur \.. Wakelei homne at Lake GCeneva, Ws IMann' Rainbo.. Sea Food Tavern Chicago's Newest and Smoartest R estaurant 73 East Lake Street A step or tio ,off Michigan A ve. We. Feature ful Couise Luiicheon 60C QeLuxe Dmnner. 1.30 I Bernie Photo avd mitts to match aren't folozé- inqI~n/'rss iù en e lais jbck nita fasizio . Ms t* (Li/eni OJallv of ned DtP(rtIient shn-e, Eflv,îs- to'n. 7,lio is in chaer of thé displar IS a ft'tltlfle..of I liicstorc*s (;,îdo'i *rc.ýist /lie temi/tîîtio;îludh), p 7 lien th<' Plioîya!,h pni l 111(ym oinâ. Voil nu hlow qt, d rotlîerlokdzl'u lu .çZ'ît mng for bad aCOrnea-Ouri back in 1875.. lié,e dross \Miss (Mly.iveà ring was.loaned t thieexlbtIl rs. A. XV. [Môselev. .1701) licg avenuie, Evanis- to', 1i. btY swo h1wler iotleranid, w~as miade ini Paris about.-50 y'ears ago. Mre liat is fro,îithie collection of D. B. Fisk and Company of :Chicago. Auna Clialpin of Rogers Park loaiîed the ui- ;brella, and thîe mnitts were donated hv M rs. JW. P. Miaclear, 903 M\oiiroe streýet, SCHOOL OPENS Indiati1Hi1l academly, 160 Celuter , $19.75 SECOND -,,o- on.e' FLOOR show Eoomi 1420 SÎherjuaftAv*. Evan&tOn Greenleai 0700 XKain ofiee 900- Linden, Wlnnetkaý Wlnuetka 050 HiZhiIaad' Park 4141 ',-UJl Brow