- iarly Years" is a syniiposýiuni course Private classes. Also special for miothers of young children f rc>m, birth to i vears, and conisiders tilt a rrangements mode for grou PS. 1 oig rbes-tephy weil-being of the child, his mlental1 CONTIRACT BIRIDGE CULBERTSON METHOD Presented. by George Webster Plànk ai the EDGEWATER BEACH KOT]EL IF,%ry W edned. evenlng-ii BRIDrE TILNN-lJtý Evî-r3 Thurisdlgj afternopon-a BRIDGÉ LUNCHÉ0N M r. Flank, a -former- corporation. and financial aton rd gradua te r < th Clîlf1ege tf Law of the TUniversity ofeMinnesota, 15 a. meinber <pf The \National Bridge Association, and a .cualified' memiber--teach-ier "fi~ ubrt.> Natienal Bridge Studios of New, York Cityandli a S ilie activénd. per.,onal corýperatiO'n' and counsel ()f Mr. lXlersn teaching thé Culbertson "approacirforcing" systeni of Contira:t, Bridge. Mat.l<*,eraItn, nworledimesdaiy. selbt 2 :1rg1 un.!Tlursday the.2-ttl Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago Telephone, Longbeach 6000 Nôorthwestern. Ur FOOTA estedin the \eliare. of boys and girlsj shore district, Evanston, and Chicago nii the years froin eighit. to fifteeii.+ The zest, energy, and good wvill dis- Special consideration \Nill be given tcO played during the first week, give the p>vchology' of tihe pre-adoléscent promise of a year of great achieve'- and adolescent child. including such l et topics as the e ianinig of illauritv. iet and accomplishiments. growing juta independence, develo;'- The senior class, in one of its firs5t ing ellotional stabilitvý, seeking. a lite :s&sS.ioiis. held itsý electioin Qf class job and finîing ýthe 'self. offcers. The resuits .wcre as fo)lloxvs. Ohsfxaionin liec h11( r 2is lizabeth Hoffmann of Wilniettc, iiih m~ ai n iterstîîgpresident; Miss. Alicé Braun of sehol, - - diferei:niet te .viceý-presidenit Mss Dorotim' centers vill hé part of the Iddn f leviweserear Ms ýcourses, ~~~~whîch il11he conducted 1 , fGeve Coures, ink <liecto ofparet -sephine Bacr of Chicago, trcasure:-., -Miss Nlartha'Fitiik-,o-(Iannoctors tlataanntn edutation, assiste(l - 1)\>en1i .)erýý of the . -Nlil.ilod nolie htan crlee taf n( 'ts last vear 's graduates.thé e lown collge taffandteacliers.iii the chil- lihaverpre - rsetvC)I drem's schooI. The classes vill brprtda ropcie olg lheld iniHarr-ison haI.ilSlieridaniroad, su nt 'Iu~a,\en~ a ial d M onda% M i -1S Betty- Lies of NXiles Centte.. xvho \vas MiOe .winner i a one-v car morninttsatlit(lhIck, aniregistra- tion will lit held .during the week fl scholarshi1i at Muiidelein collegc, INil1 Octôber '5. h)egin b' er course otf studies theré togetherëitliNMiss, Marie. Sturin *o! Cieavo. aIsce of the class of '31.1 Miss %Be t1, Faber -of ýEx"anstoil, 1Ileaves for \Vinio la,, Minn., to coini- * plete lier studies aStThrsa co1- - lege. Slbe ciainis the honor ofi hold- ig a if'our-vear sch olarShip, at this iiv e rsityen cnter of 'learnini T'he remnaliing numbr, iss Mary * Hoffrnann, Miss MargarctDe rc and Miss Clemnentîne Atno I ; Wîlmnette, and Miss Joan 4ev-\er oî0 Park Ridge, Will attend DePa.i.l uni- V versitv this fall. 'l'le facultv and students oïnil Malii 1ckrodt wislh each of theis- L cess during the coming school year. 191HOME GAMES Oct. 3-Nebraska- ------$3.00 Oct. 17-U. of Calif., Los Angeles 3.00 Oct. 31-Illinois--------3.00 Nov. 7-Minnesota 3.00, Nov. 14-Indiana--------3.00 Total*,--------$15.00 Season Ticket - - - 14.00 Season Ticket includ- ing Notre Dame-- 18.00 AWAY FROM HOME Oct. 10-N. D. at Soldiers Éield' $4.00 Oct. 24-Qbio S. at Columbus- 3.00 Nov,. 21-Iowa at Iowa City - 3.00 iczit ForInfr:atiriCail Greenleaf OM7 ES