sou>oi _Mr. and Mr,. XWalter M, So1eý, of -Boston, took )lace last Satturda v afterniooti, Septeinber 12, at the \Vil- i4ette Paris],iMethodist chutrch. The reremonv *xva s 1e r f or iied(1aU 4 :3ql o clock by Bjislîopf Hughes, who a assisted bv rbis:sôn'i, the Rev. Edwin HF. Htighes. jr.. pastor of the Kenîniore church in Buffalo, anid I1 the Rev. Hor- ace G. Smith of the MINethodist chtircli. Thé bride, w~ho . was accomn.panied clown the éltircli aisie blw ier brother. Francis, wore -a ,lovelv ivory satin pricess gown. Her train and Veil of princess lace liad l)een worn l)*v lier sister at the latter's !uiarriage fifteen years ago. The bridal .bouqueti.val of.on hids and liles of the valley. NIiss Bettvy Ehbert of Io Angeles. Cal., cousin, of the bride, vas maid (of honor. .1-er ýgoivn. whiclî xas -lso muade princess faslhion), x,-as pilrîk. She wore a pinik velvet biat. andc carried talismian roses.* The bride .S two si.s - ters- Ur. Wlliain H. Reruv (f Iii - dianiapolîs and Miss Caroýiië-Hine 1 gesý of Wilmette; Miss .Yizalbeth le. sister of the bridegroomnd atil N[i Bettina Beach of Coltunibis. ()liio. %vere thie bridesmnaids. Tliev ail wvore prinicess CgYOMISs shadýed lu thle ~u'. colons. aiid')rO-%vii elvet lbatý. l)ro\\n>1 slil)éi)rs, and(lgloves. :Thev lheld bo-.t* quets .of. talisman rssinterspersed witli delphiînium,. Isabel F.ll Reniv as flower'girl had on ail old iaSl1iioneil frock o'flong wllite niet over pik silk made ,with the quaint flounces.j She carried a basket of rose p)etals. Serving _Mr. Solev as b)est mnan wvas 'james Parker (if P,)rtlid(. Ma'iie. The ushers were \\"IliaiiH. Rem 'v. Francis _M. Hughes, Herbert Riple\, of Oak Park, and Rgnl .Robbins of New Y Xonk CitY. \Vlien tlhe bride and grooin rettnnn front their weddmng Jouriiey bY moton, lthe east theyr wil make ýtheir hm in Camridge, M-ass. Mr. Soley i > copltng i edical1 st ud!eis a!; Hanvard'.. Meets in Country The opening meeting of tlhe ViI- muette Senior Infant Welfare Iboard1 for the vear 1931-1932 -was held~ at Pitul Stiume- 1inor t. Mf.adJrs. Harold G. Parrceti of .22 Insl.en aejnbccamc thlw bride of, RalIi E fit ian 1 Son 'of'Pr. and AIrs. h/ci'h> lflmanlrd Of Iotadhi Sat-ý -da v <ftrnomn Spcnhr5 / brde onI lri<lc</-o<Iflw ml " k' tlitir Ihomie al 530 Swidnroad, te jir t-ci'eddinqtp to Portland. SCHQQL DAY OFFER Just $1 eack for artisfi studio pictures CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by ROBERT STANLEY Ross, C. S. B. of New York' N. Y. Member. of the: Board of Lecturesbîp of the Mother- Church, the First Churich of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts' in the Churchý Edifice, Greenleaf. Avenue and Beach Ro>ad SUNDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 20, 119311 at: 8 o'elock THE PUBLIC sCRDAL IVTDTO*.ATTEND R.lay STUDIO ChicagoAve. Evansfori UN4L 223 8 IZ to 46 Other Rothmoor Coats'to $250 Maurice L. Rothschild State at.Jackson Ww~ua~ ~5T 1859 CNI~AG0 ~iI Umm 1 I-M i