Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1931, p. 36

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Northi shore, goifers. salute your King! jack Westlands showing in successfuily defending his titie of Chicago District G'olf association amateur champion, and ini finishing as runner-up to francjs: Ouimet, of Boston, Mass., in* the National Ama- teur chanipionship at Bevé'rly stanîls him as the outstanding . gol fer of the :vear iii, the Middle-Wecst.. Chick EÉvans put Chicago on, the. golfin- map of thé coun trv- and kePt it there for, years and now *we have Westland, Johnny Lehnian, Gus, Novotnly,. Tonm Frainey. Ira Couch, Dicky Mfartin. Russ- Martin, john Ames- and a lot of otlier good bovs crowding up closv to the top of the ladder. Mý,ost of these players "have ar-' rived."1. Tlleyare àas',good as, they ever wilil )e ,butriglit elhind ltliii. in the Junior class. wc have XVi1 Day, Bud-,Hutchiisoni, oy Avtoni and several other, good kids wvho pro;mise to reach greater height.s than our prescrit day group of stars. In. tnaking thi.s, statenient %ve (d) not lie- little the gai-e of \\estlatnd and Celi- mani aid these two great golfers arc ,much alike aind owve thieir position iii the golfing w-or-Id to inuch the saine characteristi.cs. - Both Playersare better mnen thani they are, golfers. Westland a Figltitr Botl1 boys have a fine competitive temperamient. Both are figlters iviho fear no man and they l)roduce . tier best golf under pressure. , They play their golf intelligently and their great success is due to their mientaiitv raîlier thanl to titeir meehanical skili. When you compare t.heir play with the gaine- that,.. Robhv. Jones bas s.hownl us. you cannot hielp but real- ize that both have certain mechanica! fauits which miitigate against thieir continued success. Wëstland has a beauti1ful wooden club game.. Hé hits his tee shots a mile but there is an inclination toward erratic iron club Play and he thinks that. *He gets.on and off with bis Putter." it is our'private* opinion theai this streaked putting is- pureiy mental.t We have seen jack WVestlanid putt1 beautifullv and .his .vhole short gainet wvas masterlv and. whn nan vh Novotny- in the finals was most im- ipressive. Then Westiand went to the Na- itional and led the .field the first day with a fine card of 72 which was fol- lowved by' an 84 and bis total of 156 enabled him' to qualify weil toward the top of the field.' Then he- met and defeated Samuel M. Parks, Jr., of .Bellevue, .Pa., 4 and 2. George T. Dunlap, Jr., of. East Orange, N. J., 3 and.2, Arthur Vates of Rochester,, N. y ., 1 up, Maurice McCarthy, of New York, .3 and 2, then lost to Ouimet in the finials.ý No one couid accuse Westland of picking the easiest haif of the draw and his golf during the en tire tournament was ex- ceptionally. high class. ,club Honora Wetland Westland's play was so-impressive during the entir.e year that, we ýdo not hesitate to crown him "King 'Of WVestern Golf" and,.he is a worthy leader of, the golfing arnw ,of the west. jack has a fine personaiitv andi bis- popularity wvith the Stinset Ridge Country club menibers is so great that they gave a wvonderful re- ception and dinner for him at the club and presented himi with a beau- tiful Ford, roadster ini recognition of what he bias donle for golf. jack ,Westiand is every inch'a goifer, and a mnan, and w-e are proud of himi. TWO FINE CARDS The hig kick of the week along the nortb shore is two fine cards which were remarkable i every way. The caNîs iwere a 64 by Aiec Stupple. professionai at Exinoor, and a 69~ by C. C. (jack) - Hopkin.s of Highland Park. Bothi scores were inade at Exmioor and they wverc due in a large measure to the wonderful condition of the Exmoor greens.,. For a man to score in the 60's he must have confidence in his putts and both Allex and Jack said that theyniey.er putted better. .Sttupple's card shows eight birdies and Hopkins had. four birdies to bis credit. ja.ck has tiot played mucb golf this year and, good golfer that Hopkins is, for him to step out and shoot such a round of golf is lit tle short of mnarvelous.- There i younger generation that was threat- ening their supremacy.. Frank is an "Old War Horse" with, a punch to his drivP, like the kick of 'a Goverfnmeftt mule :'and a golf gamne that would tax Francis Ouimet td defeat. He.has a fighting heart. and ,everything, else that goes to make.a real1 champion and the Old Timfers thought that he could, show Seymour just how the North Shore courseshould be playýed. Frank did just that thing and theý Big Boy was one up when the.y stopped for lunch. Neither man had 'shown 'marked superiority during the, morning round and there was a lot of wagcrîing' dir-, ing lunch time.on the ultimate re- suit of the match. 'Long Chip Doe&:It Fowler was- stili one up. at the end. of twenty-seven- liôles. but Dexter squared the imatchr.with a birdie 3 on the 431 yard tenth. They halved the eieventhi in 4s and Dexter, got into trouble and picked up on the twelfth. Seymour squared the match. on the thirteenth when Snow was trapped. Frank won the fourteenth- with a par 4 but lost the long 501 yard fifteenth to a par 5. They halved the sixteenth and seventeentil and were still ail even on th e eighteénth tee. The drives were good and. their second shots. were just short of the green. The gallerN grouped around the- flag pole watched the finishi with brea'thless interest Seymour selected a No. 4 iron and ran his bail up to the cup too close to. miss on his next shot. Snow was, further away in. 3 and hie made 1a bold putt for. the hole and missed. Dexter. holed:out and the title was bis.. Sno w shot -a 77 in the morning to a 79:for Dexter and they traveled about the same pace in, the after- noon. Both men are fine golfers and a match like that is well worth s ce- ing.~ but the evening was better -and the contestants. ail] report a wonderful time. lending -Net Scores Joe ý White...... 85-14- 71 RphHazagh . ..;;..86-'l-2- 74 Lee T. EBUis............. 82- 7- 75î Linger Hoyt............80o- 5- 75 Lee Perigo........9-20-- 7'rà Harry Weese ... .......... 98-22-76 0Harryý Strickier...........8R9_-13-- 76 .Cha rles. E.. Driver.. .....86- 9- 77 Charles Crane ............ 89-1- 77 R. Woolfe à.........93-15- 77 A. J. Gram ........ ...... 94-147- 77 R. J.* Fisher.......... 1l04-27- 77 Sam Clark......... ...... 90-13- 77 Ralph1 Hawxhu '1st .......... 89-12- 77 H. A. Lundahl ............ 87- 9- 78 Fred Breit ................. 8.9-11- 78 John WildS..... 1... 1...... 90-12- 78 F.. Ketchum............... 86- 8- 78 Frank. Young............10-22- 78 John Denson ...........1l01-23- 78 H. P. Coyle.. ý........96-'18- 78 Howard Raymnond........ 89-10-- 79 Guy Osborne ............ 101-22- 79 George Bay.............. 99-20-- 79 Percy Cutier. .... ......... 90-11- -.9 Kari Karrady,.... ...1...... 93--14- 79 Jack Berger.......... ..._98-19- 79. Bentley McCloud.... ý...... 90-10- .80 Paul Clovis........... 96-16-- 80 George Renn .. . ........108-28- 80 Porter Fox................ 9j8-18- 8() C. W. Love....... ....... 86- 6- 80 D) S. Camnpbell.......99-19- 80 Walter Cox........ ..... 93-13- 80 George A., Coale ........... 93-12-:81 Alex, Joslin ............94-13- Si EA. Zinimerman........ 99-28- 81* Rl. R. Sherman ,....1... 09--27- 82 Vernon Loùeks-. .......... ý92-10- 82 ,H. B. Taylor ............. 103-21- 82 Edl C. Geither .........96-14- 82 Tom ýDix.........91- 9- 82 Jack Carpenter..... ..107-25- 82 G. C. Babcock.......100-18- 82 A. 1. Wiltberger.........915-1- Craig Ketchumi........... 98-16- 82 D. P'. Peck ........ ..... 108-26- 82 Harold Barnes. ........... 108-25- 83 Al Webster ý............... 93-10ý- 83 Percival Frudeau.......... -97-13-ý 84 Maurice Van Arsdae ...10.3-19- 84 Allan Bulley..... ....... 101-17- 84 Herb Bartling..... ý...... 95-11- 84 Fred Workrnan ...... ..... 99-14- 85 A. B. Carlson ............. A1é-30- 85 Fred Stoingraber......97-12- 85, Clayto'n Burch...... i..... 108-23- 85 John Krause.......1I2-86 Charles, Liddle............10&-20- 86 Bob Ormnrôd ..........81-86 George Dlckerson .......10-21- 87 Howard Hodgkins........1l04-17-- 87 Warren Hathaway........ 109-22- 87 C. -A.* Parahament.......... 96- 9- 87 Allen Gilbert> ........11 5-28- 87 -Gilbert Kelly..........1l09-22- 87 Robt. Hildebrandt '.......... 11-28- 88 Abe Peterson............. :97- 9- 8S Ward Starrett............ 96- 8- 88 John Lawson ............. l09-20- 89, Ha'rrvyWilliams ..,........12i-30- 91 Stanley Knight... ....... 147-3---117 Ormand . Peycke....... ...150-30--120 was purely local, it was alimost as mnen lie tooic on Wv. 1D. iowier of classy as thié field in the National and Winnetka, in the semni-finais. Novw we'd back the men that Westland de- W, D. is an ex-champion of the clul. feateti to make as good a showing as and a player of no0 mean ability but did many of the contestants. wbo, Dexter beat 1 1 in 2 and 1. - This qualified. JaIck waikced tbrougb that startled the Oid Guard, a little and fieldý as if lie wýere the only golfer iti. vet they thought Frank Snow of Ev- it and the' trimming he. gave Gus. anston wou.ld be able to suppress the - -- . 1-1-- " i-- *iivcue1 aI Inn'selgnît o uefeat LJ1ck trophy. First low ne~t went to Josepn Gambrill, Jr., 4 and 2 in the thirty- White. who scored 85-14-71 and -. six hole finals for the club champion- lot of prizes were distributed tliroughi ship. The event was at match play the field. .We lack space to give ail but the medal cards of i' champion- the details but the following list of sh'ip match are always. interesting. low net scores wi Il show how the 'josh shot 74 and 77 and Dick con- various- players stood. at the end cif tributed two 77s. in their scrap for the day's playý. The golf was good the titie.

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