Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1931, p. 39

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By J. R. Foote BEAUTIFUL PLANTS NOT ENOUGH The selecting of seeds, and bulis, flovers and* plants f rom the catalogue, pictured so. enticingly, *will ot. insure. for you.a picturesque garden. SUiI inî raising floWers, love of the beautiful, bard work, skiii. in produc-' inig fine blooms, none of these thiipgs wiil make for, you a truiyý picturesque garden, nor will tbey, ail combined. 1Most of our"gardens are reaily quite wonderfui, and yet tbey ýdo flot' approacb the f ull possibilities as picturesque gar-, dens. Mastery in any. field of, art re- quires the a bility to do'at least a little better than. tbe generai run of good artists. A landscape painting cannot very %vell be altered, improved or. reinodeled, but tbe landscape garden picture, the' picture of living plants, canri e cbecked over hy the one skiiled in that particu- lar phase of gardening and can ofteti be greatiy improved with a smali ex- peniditure of effort. In almost any one of our north' shore, homnes, somewhTere en the grounds, is a picturie,. a nook, a vista,, a, retreat, wbîch, if not already a wvorthy picture, can be made the sort of a-thingë which wiil make ýus exciaim, "Oh -%vhat -a pic- ture.'. OLD WORLD G~ARDEN PICTURES The world f amous gar( r1ens oif Pnvatv. the zrd derful charm. ;*iley are sucn. necause no effort bas beén spared to niaké therri.. so. They have not been buiided hast.ly. haphazard nor witbout the use of great SUIl. The. master grdener. dreams dreams about the axis of interest, he greatly exaîts the focal points, lie plans ter- minai, features as if his life Were de- pendent on it. The-skilled artist çpeaks reverentlyý of the lines of interest, lie kn~sf uli wèll the f unctions of tbe paýrterres and with what interest lie exaîts the tree lined walk into an niakes bis landscapes sceen to enferge rigbtout of the beart of the surround- ing wooded bis. These. gardens are known, to bavee each its own characterizing spirit; in. fact tbe garden is builded around the spirit and. this spirit miust be soniewhat understoo d before we caën appreciate its garden. PlantPeonies NowIs Advice to Gardeners By Charles FMore (Fiore. Nurseries, Highwood.) Peonies are sucbh lardy, tbrifty perennials, that they just grow' anà grow, and soon become firrnly estab- ished., We are apt to overlook the± fact, however, that.new 'and iun- proved varieties are constantly inak- ing their appearance. Sometimes it is, weil to disiôdge, tbe old varietics we get, so used. to seeing and sulistij- tute ,11 their places sonie of the more rece ut intro.ductions. These newer. finer sorts . are sure to deliglit you with'their improvied, qualities, and it wil lie interestinrg to plan different Peony beds. Peonies are such delightful flowers that it is difficult for onie not to be- corne an enthusiast to the point of growing dozens 'of varieties, If Peonies becorne .one's bobby'arrange the plants so they are dispayed to best advantage. Create a special garden for themn, and interpiant sorne Delphiniumis, hardy Phioxes, Asters and perhaps Chrysanthemnums, to. provide interest Mwhen' the Péonies are out of flôWer. When planting Peonies, tbe ground should lie deeply prepared and wcll fertiiized. Be sure, thougb, tatit contains no fresh manure, for if the roots corne. in contact with fresh manure, the. plant W'111i. become Sick and fail to bloorn. Prepare the ground well in advance of planting. and make a thorough job of it for being h'1eaved out of the ground. Peonies are reliable plants. Tbif-v are remarkably free f rom insCtor fungus troubles and vou need rarely What -Is Needed in Your Landscape? meal each yeai delight you wit provement and beauty. There is bloom io bord ert. f_ t-a Crocus, Snowdrops, Seille, are Spring's your nexi firat welcome. Narcissus or Daffodils and. Jonquils niake their debut nOeit. 17We tarai Hyncinths, -Singe and Double EBarly eswt Tulips also. mîngle. Tulipe, Darwin,- Cottage and Breeder. are neit in'the O w tei Parade. mlltetnt.wsi so The short, ulte elw sso closed in wiîth Iris, Columbine, 'Dion-, Frai thus, Pyretheum and Poppies. L DEER] Peonies, Delphinium, and Madonna Phoine Lilies. intermingled withý Foxilove. Umbellatum Lilies and Canterbury. Belse also make their debut et this Bsteon. There is a @tramblé for a short period annong many péenaMa t-for thse tenson peeding phlox. Phlox predominating during July and August. Annuels and Glads also intermingled at this senson. Japan Lilies, Rubrum and Auratum help most efficiently during August and early September. Dahlias, Boltonia, Hardy Asters, Pyretheum Uliginosum and, last of ail, the Chrysanthemunas predommnate at this Besson of the year. Evergreens and Rhododendrons are our Winter satisfaction. WE ARE IMPORTERS 0F HOLLAND BULBS is no eed- for 'a seasons 01 in your Piower aISIÎU >'*# wit ci: seuson': plan. msh- our casions- cost. Js$sical ,FIELD, ILL. Deerfield 241 I CHARLES FIORE NURSERIES Located on Route 22-One Mlle West of Milwaukee Avenue Bpec"aiats in LANDSCAPE GARDFENING RIGQHWOOD Offie-49 Praire Avenue11 Phone H. P. 523 Nursey-Pralrie Viewv Phone, Libertyville 628-R-i PHIONE ROGERS PARK 6620 OR ýGLENVIEW 87 OR 89 I

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