The regular niembers accepted at the meeting of the Chamber of Com- merce in the Masonic temple on, Monday nigbt of this wek are: A. C. Sterling, 1820 Elmwood ave- nue; Bord en's, Farm Products- com- panyr of Illinois, 1012 Church strett Evanston; B. H. Platt, Village engi-- nieer of Wilmette; Paul Bleser,, bowl- ing academy, 725 Ridge road; D. Val- entini, billiard parlor;, 1211, Wilmiette avenue; Cheek: and, beautyl salon, 912 Spanish court; Wellington W. Brothers, -commercial artist ' 517 Main street; V. Bezdek, florist, -2246 Xilmette ayenue; Ernest A. Schroe- der. tailor, 440 Prairie avenue; North Shore Homes, Inc.. 1157 Wimette avenue; Wieland ,Dairy. company, Ine.. 2050 est Railroad avenue, Ev- anston; and James- Crabb, builder, 1015 Central avenue. NeW professional menibers are Dr. Martin H. Seifert, 1159 Wilnîette ave- nue, and -Willis D. Naince, Village attorîîev of Xilmctte, 60 Indian Hill estates. William ..James, iawyer, 208 Eighteenth street,, is the riew cýivie r.and Mrs.,.R. R. 'Marquardt. 218. Woodbine.,avenue, 'have returned from a 'vacation spenit at Beaver lake, and Neénah, Wis. They wer-e acconi panied home froi Neenah hv \Mr. and .Mrs. Williamn G. jolies of .Nash1i- ville, Tenn., xiho spént a few dy with the Marquardts.. M\iss Jeanne Culver, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Culver, 103l Broadwav, retturned ast Stnni (lay to.the lJ:iversitv- of Illinois, whcre shie is a senior. She velut down early to attend -the r.Ushinlg, p îarties in ier, sororitv,,Kappa Kaýppa. Gammna.. M i ss Alice Virginia Donahule lias l>eeu.ý spending' the summier xvith lier pa rèîîts, Mr.: and Mrs. jaines -F. Douiahue, 907 Elmwood avenue, and returnied .ast Sunday for. ber senior *y car at the University of Illinois. -0- 1 Wu uubysriue 0o1 one bicycle, scouit- ing up and down the dilTerent streets i search of bicycles. When they see a wheel, one of theboys acquires it and rides away as fast as lie can. If lie is discovered he runs to his friend, gets onto. their bicycle and away they ,go. Children inake a mistake when they le ave their bicycles on. the f ront lot orlayinig on the ground here and there while they are at play. The thieiýes seli the« bicycles in -Chicago for a sg.- Wilmette mother. Mrs. and Mrs.,Herbert J. Leach and. ihir daughter. Harriet. aire back in their home at 630 Washington avenue, aftcr spending the sumnier with Mrs. Leach'i sister and family, the'iWilliamn A. Baehrs at the latters' ranch at Pine, Colo., near Denver. Betty Ruth Friend, daughiter of ?4r. and Mrs. Milton H. Friend, 8W) Linden avenue, is back froni the: RcvMountain Camfip for Girls near Denver. On bier way home she visited Yellowstone Park. Miss Ruth Drayer, 1034 Elmwood avenue. left last week to return to the VUniversity of Illinois. Shé went back earlv. ii order, to participate>in the rushing activities of lier- sorority. Alffha Phi. Mrs.. W. I-arvey, lier son, Bruice. -and James Fargo of Rock- ford' notored to Wilmiette to speind a thiree-dav Lahor dav holidav «:thi the forniier's piarents,. Mr. and -s. B. 0. Burhans of 1757 Washington avenue. M rs.' William Awe of 1030 Illinois road, hiad as lier guests last vveek. lier sni-aw and dauiglter, Mr. aiff 1Mrsi Fotizo Peslev, and tlîeir Ilte, daugliter, Jane Catherine, of iChicag9o. Mr.ý and M-\rs, . j.?. Kinnear re- turned- to tlieir home. at 2241 Çhest- nut avenue, Septemnber 12, after spending' about ten days' withi the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janmes Jack, of Lacon, 111. prices; offers the id.eal WINTER RESIIJENCE. Entertainuvent Features finclude DAtCIN -Jo Roert an hi Orhesra CONTRACT BRIDGE-Luncheons and Din- DANCNG-oe obets ad h; Ochetra nets under the direct supervision of GEORGE Nightly (Sept. 12-25). Concert eacb tvcl WEBSTER, I-'LANK, péeonal representative of. ning and Sundays., Ennio Bloognini conduçting.. ELY CULBERTSON. famous Bridge autbority. SATU RDAYS-ýTea Dance. 3:3.0 to .5:30 P. M, TUESDAYS-Prize Night FRIDAYS-Fraternity Night Alsoi other inresringý actiuilies Teleéphone LONgbéeach. 6000 for reservations ýor further informaion. W. M. DEWEY, Managjing Dir.çtor There'sromnance, thrills and laughter. in these two enàtertaining,,productions! i TODAY-FRJ. & SAT. Neyer more audaciously clevýer!1 Never more sophisticated! Adolphe Menjou "THE' GREAT LOVER"P Daring romance with a superb cast. Neil Hamilton Olga Baclanova. Ciff Edwards Ernest Torrence ALL WONIEN ADORED HIM! NONE COULU RESIST- Hîm! ddy girl made a blushing ANE ) i rkdys t:0 , on Ice Cream I1 IL PUBLIX BALAIRAN KAT VA,.R.S.:IT Y SINCLAIR, LEWIS' Convulsing satire-of Hollywood nihers and their million dollar kids. "NEWLY RICH" " A IHowling Ilit VVith These Laugh Stars Mitzi Green J.ackie Searle Edda May Oliver Imi Louise Fazenda Picture Storts Thuuftday and Frlday 3:10; 5:55; 8:40 Saturday 2.55, 1:10, 8.45 l 1