Mass Meeting Monday on Water Project BOARD PASSES WATER MEASURE. Orýdi.nance Providing for Building of, $600,00O Water Plant. Getsunanimous O0. K., An imùportant step in the proposai * of the: Wilmette Village board to erect a mnunicipally owned water plant and to improve the water sup- * ply Isystem. of the Village was. taken Tusdy ight when the board, at. its, regular, meeting, passed an . ordi- naànce authorizing and providing for the issuance.of water revenue bonids in the amount of $600,000 for the pur- pose of financing the project. (The ordinance' appears ini fuilllegal. forai on pages 51 and 52 of this issue of * WI1LMeTTE IME The next step %will be, th.e holding of a referendum -on the matter.' In, this particular case the law does not provide for adiect referenidum, but, requires that there be a petition fort a ref erendumn signed by twenty per- cent ofthe numnber of voters who1 cast their ballots for the village presi-1 dept atý thé last 'election. Such a pe- tition is now being circulated. Village President C. P. Dubbs and .miembers of th'e Village board are convinced thiat thé erection of a mun-i içipally owned water plant is the bests solution for Wiliiette's ater supply1 prôblem, and thiat it would not bc to1 the -best interests of the, Village to enter into a long-term conitract witht the citty of Evanston to continue sup- plYing water to Wilmete Unaaiimusly'for Orcimne Ail ofthe trustees who were pres- ent at the board mé'eting TuesdayC night voted ini favor of the ordinanc f providing for the issuance of watert revenue bonds in the amount of $600,- 000flfl innce. a muiniciDalhr nnedc Sehool Days Bring Warning to Drivelrs- Schools -are openiin Wilmette again, and with tliis i -mmmd Chief Henry Braùtigam this week gave a *ew words of advice to.automobile drivers. He said: "Always be careful. Save a life. "Be on the lookout for eblidren. erossing the street unecxpectedly. "Approach stop signs cautiously. Save your breaks for, emergencies. "Observe speed laws.. "Keep in line. "Watch blind corners. "Check your Iights. "Take steps. to reduce automobile accidents." Helps Workmen to Secure Jobs on N.,T. Project 'The New Trier High sëhool board, of e ducation lbas employed Robert C. Meleney of WVinnietka to represent the board in making a thorougli study of the employment situation at the high school, where 'building operations are. now -under way. Mr. Meleney %;ill keep a record of ail available wvork and will see that workmen. living in New Trier towni- ship are notified 'immediately when niew projects open up as the work on the high sehool additions progresses. There is 'much unemçipoyment in the township, and carpenters, 'brick masons and other artisans residing in the four Newv Trier vitllages who are out- of work . complained to the high, school board 'of education that the contractor on thé school building project is ýem- ploying Chicago men ini preference to those who live on the north shore. -After :con ferring witb representatives, Enrolme[nt at New Tr-ierNow Exeeds 200 Two, thousand andl fort-y-seven stu- dents were, present for classes at New, Trier High school Tuesday of this 'ek when a check-up was made of the enrolîment. This is by far thé largest enrolîment in the history of thesco. It, is expected that the number of studenits attending the high school this year ivili reach 2,100 by the end of this mtonth,.since a considerable num- ber have registered -butdid flot* show up for classes, this week. The. 2,'047 students attending* classes Tuesday included 1,070 boys ýand 977 girls. 'The. enrolîment in the varions, classes was as f ollows: seniors, 461; juniors, 463; sophomnores, ý557,. and freshmen, 566. ,An unusually large nu mber Of stu- dents are taking post graduate work this ,year-between th:rty and thîrty- fiye. In previous years onîIy a few stu- dents have enrolled for post graduate courses. Renneckar Seeking Facts on Warrants> Village Trustee Carl Renneckar hias been appoin'ted chairmnan of a special comniittee of the Village board on the sale 'of tax anticipation. warrants for the purpose of raising mnoney to start street 1improvemnent work in the Village at once in order to relieve the uneniployrient situa- tion. The Village .treasury is depleted1 beçause of the factthat none of the 1930 taxes. and ' many of the 1929 taxes, have nlot, been paid. Street re- pa ir wotk . cannot go,-ahead uinless there is money available to pay tlw- workmien for their' services, it was ý pointed 'out. contract wth iEvanston to -supply water to Wilmette at prices which lie and other members of the Wilmette Village board consider exorbitant. Before the passage'1 of the ordinance Tuesday nigbt calling for the issu- ance of $600.0090 water revenue. bonds (Continued on Page 4 on...... tickets to the ern-Nebraska gauie at the Junior Life......< Dyche Stadium October 3. Music Page......3)Il Socîety Pags....23 ____________ iiny person wno served ian the W war fromi Illinois, and bas not ceived' bis' (Or'lber)' bonus chi should communicate with Harold Mohr, commander, Wilmeltîe No. 46, the American, Legion, at Sixth streeti or-by telephoning mete 1084, it ià statedý.. DUBBS TO SPEAK ON BOARD PLAN Wilmette, Civie League Ar- ranges Meeting in Byron Stolp Just w h a t will. an indepenideût water works mean for Wilmette in every Way?. The Minmette Civic lJeague wants this subject made clear to ail voters of -the village and to that end has called a mass meeting of reside nts ta be held at the Byron Stolp school auditorium Monday evening, Septem . ber 21ý at 8 o'clock, to discuss al1 pihases 'of the question. Village President C. P. Dubbs 'has accepted an invitation from the di- rectors of the league to preësent the- Point of view of the Village board M.i propQsing the ..building of Wilmettc&s, own plant. An oPPortunitY will be. given for 'the presentation of, the views. of resi- dents opposed,,to the proposition. Hector D od ds,, presîdent of the Civic league, in announcing the plan for the meeting, made the following statement :1 "The directors of. the Civic league realize that the question of an in-. dependent water works for Wilmette is extremely. teclinical and one, that it will. be very difficult to vote tapon intelligently at the referendumi to the people. Therefore, we hope to have a sane and thorough discussion thiat will allay' any doubts regarding the project., Many people have-,inquired as to the attitude of the Civic' league on the proposition. At this date no ordinance authorizing the erection of a plant' bas been passed by the Vil- lage board.. Hence .anv atituide wnnlr 1