i~eour coluplete li1t of ftirnishied & illfuru-i.hn'e & Apte - B. H. BARNET'P -4 526 Center St. 60'LTN20-1tc C HOICE RENTAILS Charmîng Colonial home, 6 'bedirme.., 3 lils, libraî'y 2 porch es, 2 car gar., large grounds, near trans. and schools. $225 Per mo. Artistic Engli.ih honîe, 5 bedrms., 3 baths, oil heat. att. gar. $17.5 per mno. m. home, large lixv. mi., 2 car gaié., (-l hea-ýt. $100 per ' mo. Üthet' rentais $75 tQ.$500,,pet' month. Frances J. Winscott $4i pl'uce S t. Winnetka 1267 60LTN20-1 tc -NEW VE NGISH .BRICK RECENTLY <011PLETED IN '%,YIN- nefka, larg~e living t'ooîn opening on terrace, 4 imaster 1edriime., 2 tule b'tths with hw'. 2 nîaid rrns., and bath with ,separate etairway,> oil heat. Sp.e in ba.-enient foi,' reit'eatiônh. At-ý tached 2 ('ai' garage. Choice location. Dit l00x200. Only $260.00. FREDK. PRI.lHOM-\AS, & CO. 443 Elnî St. E;xd,-, agents. winn.. 2850 6(ILTN20-1te 'HOICE HOUSE RENTALS Sout h ca!st Wininetka 7 ýrni., 'Englis.h ('<Ittage, 4 bedî'ms, 2 lniths, large li%- ing n., garage attached. Sunset rea - 'i, ,brick cloial, 1 hedrmis., heated slieepýing iorch, and .sunrini., (11.1 heat.. ,Abov.e homies .offet'ed at %-trv yreatonabule E. E. StuIIts ReaIty' hc 46(1 inek Ave. Winnetka 1800 * 6OLTN20-l tc 720 LINDEX AVE.. WIL'METTE A confoitable 7 roomi home. Two baths, extra lavatory, sun parlo'r, sleeping porci-(h and garage. Hot watei' heat. Very large wroodedl grou~nds. Being put in first. la-ss uonditiopn. * Mc-KENI)RY' REALTY éCONP.AN Y ýState Bank 13dg. Uni. ,S3 ibr %Vil. 5172 HOUSE 1071l VINE ST., WINNETKA 8 rns., 3.bathýs,1 ('ai' garage and ma4ids, qtiarters,; glazed and screened porch; large *woded lot; ne. tranisp. and, sehools. A desirable location. $150 per* n1o. Apply 840 Center St. Ph. Win- netka, 265. 60LTN20-te, 9 RM. HOUSJE Beautiful groni large screened îng porch. 011 transp. $175 n I N N. rid s on ra porch & heat. D i Ph. .GLENCOE, [ne. 6 bdrmis., closed sleep- ar lake, and GARAGE FOR RENT. NEAR LA.%KE and 16th. Ph. 'Wilmette 2838. 64LTN2-fe 66 FOR REriNT-STORgS G& OFFICES VERY DESIRABLE LARGE STOREI spcadjoining grocery, store, doirtg exceptlonally good business in ,Win- netka and ,Kenilwo~th. ideal: location for bakery ,at a very'reasonable 'rentaI. Caîl Wlnnetka 1800. (6LT.N20-te -y2 FOR SALEÉ-HOUSES Oir, Preferred Selections Neýýr -Homesé-Sale or Lease These outstanding values in Finer Homes-ready for occup- ancy-are open for inspqection now. Brick Coloial: 4 bdrmns., 1 tile bath,., 1015 Elrn Ridgeý Drive, Glencoe HIGHILA.,D PARK English Brick:- 4 mnaster bdrms., 3 bathes, Riparian pnriv. 89 N. Deere Par 1k tYr. Spaniîh Home: 7 rmq., 2 baths. East of Sheridan Rd. -AND . SPECIAL Brazjd new - English ly. - Brick and Stone home. 8 rins., .1 baths Living rm. 20x2a: mas- ter bdrm. 14x20 - dressing rm. with built la cases. 2 miaids' rms. Garage for 2 mo(tors,. Beau, ravi ne .wooded lot. Ripa'r- ian privileges. 242,N. Deere Pk. Drive. B3aird & Warner 10171 Skokiù 'Ridge' Drive Glln"e)154 Briargate IS55 72LTSJ"%20-lti- NEW' COLONIAL (OPEN NOW - PRI-CE RF-DTJCED- Authentlc Brick C olonial home. 9 rmm. 3 ba. Well planned, wlth unusual solarium and recrea thon rm. Master bd'r-ms. wlth nd iv. tile bath, a-nd. dressing rms. Can add library and. extra bdrm and bath. Large grounds on ---knolNLewipg Skokie Meadows, 1015 Elm RiTeu. Phone Glencoe 1554, or Briar- gate 1855.> BAIRD &WARNE.R 72LTN20-1tc EvnsonsBe st Valuie Unusýual Georgian brick home, 10 rmms., 3 ba., located among N. E, Evanston's mos-t exclusive homes. Canvased Llfroughout ta 2rd finar. Ti1l itghen -.nueu. - 71 INLAN & TYSON, hic. lm Street, Winnetka Winnetka 2198 72LTN20ý-ltc 6 RM. BRICK HOUSE, 2 COLOR baths, ext. lav. H. W. H-. $15,000. )0 cash. Might trade for vacant. ý8 Kenilworth Ave.ý 72LTN20-Ilp WANTED T iO. uy-vAcANT, LOT ON NORTH -SHORE ABOUT, two thousand dollars..Give ful Par- ticulars first replYý. Address B-1911, Box 40. Wilmeétte.- I11. L2-t 86 FOR UALEr--HOUIJEHOLD GOODU MUST BE SOIJD BEFORle TÙESDAY 22nd. Owner leavlng town permanent- ly. Piano, 5 rmns. ot furniture, sun. po'rch furniture, laundry stove, open porch. furniture, mah. diniing rm. table, 2 hand -mnade sailors c hests for .,torage. Preserve jars and. kitchen ware, book. shelves; lamips, window hanginùgs, pair portieres, china, :fine dbl. . Napoleoni bed, box springs, cote, extra single. bed, springs, Mir- t'o'1,, statues, wheelbarrow,' hose, bed- room% desk, ée. Cali 560 Elm St., tir. Sheridan, preferaýble Saturda-y. 86LTIN20-Itc SMALL SIZE UPRIGHT PIANO MADE b.y relia1b1e pia npanfacurer, .fully guaranteed. Will ho sold for smal-l balance due on lease-No do-wn pay- mient necesary-Just continue -wlth weekly payment of $1.50. This piano almiost brand new--'only ln use for a few mionths. Offers an exceptional, value for sorneone. Answer quick- Want to, move at once. Mail reference to Wllmette Life, B-190. 86LTN20-Itc> SMALL SIZE GRAND PIANO ONLY 3 ionths old. Orlginally sold for $600 -Will sacrifice for $195. Satin finish miaht. case. No down payment neces- sary--continue balance o! lease at $2.00 per week. Mail reference to Wil miette Life, B-191.. 86LTN20-1tc- EMBROIDERED LINEN LUNCH SETS arriving this week from China; also lovely fireside chairs and other an- tiques. THE WHATNOT 811 CHESTNUT CT., WIN.NETKA $6L20-ltp t J 3 PC. PARLOR SET, MODERN-UNI versal Gas range, living mmi, and it- chntables, ruge. 100 pc. ditiner set and other household goods. 638. Ex- moor Road, Ph. Kenllworth.2206. 86LT20-ltp 7 BÎED ;MATTRESS, AND SPRINGkS'$6, 1 couck day bed $5. 1 round dinilng room table $2, miscelleanous dishes. 883 Elm St. Ph. Winnetka 2248. bc ~ Ii 5UUU UUniUtJUion aa rasonux Ph,. Wlnnetka 3213. 89LTN20.-1tc WÀNTED TO. BUY - BOWLING balls. Plione Wlpnetkia 1894. S!4L20-Itp WANTED - BIG ,AQUARIUMN. IWIN- netka 1755. 89LTN2q-ltc N OTICE 0OF APPLICATION 'NOTICE 15 'HEREBY GIVEN of the filng by the undergigned withthe 1111-' nois Commerce Commission (if an ap- plication for a Certificate of Convenience, and Necessity to operate as a m rotor carrier for the transportation ýo! mer- chafidise., frelght and property: between Chicago, Illinois, and the po)int of in- tersection of State Bond Issue Route No. .42 or Sheridan Road and the Ill!- nois-Wisconisin State, Line, and inter- mnediate points. Information as to the time and place o! a hearing upon this application may be secured byr communicaion with the Secretary of the Illinoi, Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. GENERAL FREIGHT A.\D TRUCK CORPORATION By P. C. Welntz, Presilen t.. ALLEN & DALBEY 320-25 Adain Bldg'., flanville. Illinois- ATTORNEYS L20-12tc MOTHER DIES Mns. Mary Výan Dyýke Co-el!,' mother of Mrs.. RandolpbHl11 Lamp-. rey, 730 Washington avenue., pasged away September 7, at the age of 7.5, at her home ini Minneapolis. She, ivas buried at Woodlawn. Ný . ,Mrs. Lamprey, who had been in NMinne- apolis to be with ber mnother before. ber death, returned to Wilmette Iast MondaN. MOTR THROUGH THE EAST -Mrs. D. L. Taylor, 849 'Michigan avenue, with her son an d daughter- in-Iawv, Mr. and Mrs. Whitmnan Tay- kInr-oilOlencce, and ber other sn Gerard, %vere motoring for foÙr weeks through the. ast. Ms ht man Taylor, stayed over 11.1 Nutley, N. J., to visit friends. The others re- turne.d Iast Week. Mr, anîd Mme. Charles D. Hieller are back ini their home at 808 Elm- wood after spending the surnner at Camrv, 111. Their niece, MNrs. 'F. M. Vesey, and ber daughiter were also md. near " M. *BUNGA- nished. Chic- . $75- per mo. ,w. Ph. Wil- 61LTN20-1lte ment cati Winneti<a 2823 or- write netka. Phi;one 1Winetka1292..... A-9S, Box 40, Wilmiette Life. ST2-t 72LTN'2û-1tc éT2-t GIRL'S BICYCLE,'$5. GIRL'S COAT, REDUCEfl THRE tMEe size 14 to 16. $5. Gr' new blue silk roomei best locatfon. Newly decoràte4, dres, size1,$2 hn'Wnek $16,000. Wllmette, 1615. - 72ILTN20-2tc, 2424. * 82-ltp opposite Ro Tel. Lonigbeach 1: Also opp. Oakwoî Loop office: !Ave., tCac'ago 1 1 Free booklet 8 ý& Mt. Holpe ent. N. LaSalle St. j' o] - w 9 ROOÔMS, 3> BATH 7S. 'HOT. WAT ER heat. 011 hUmr. Oct. to June, or 3 year. Near Pehooils and transp. Cal WJnr£. 1299. -61L20-ltp ýF