Contest not open to em- pic gees of WILMI3TTE LIFE. receive one reserve seat tick football game Saturday, et for the Nebral October 3, at Notre Dame ge.. LOOK, YOUR BEST 'Foi. the 'Game... At Ai lTimes The ýbeauty of being- well groomed is achieved tbr ougb regular attention ta your persan, by -experts trained in-the ýart. ýWe offer, comipleie beauty service. Albrîght'S Beautýy Shop 116 7 Willmette Ave. Phone- Wilmeüt.te 45 17 Wh, s Norbtwestern's captain this Vear, wbat position- dons he Wpla ad where ih bis home?ý A Sm-art Appearance -is essential always. Trust your clothes ta car care and we will keep you looking' rigbt at ail times! Custom Tailoring and Alteratioî,s Cléaninq and Pressing EBER'"S Etabllshed 19031 1163 WJLMETTE AVE. PHONE WILMETTE 18 2 Wbat were. the scores in the lest tbree 'Northu>estern -Notre Dame MUNS p.- bhe Glortous Emblem of Autumn ~7 Briliant and beautiful. these favorite blooms are b always f resh at our greenbiouses. At the Game-on the Dinner Table or for any other otcaioni we offer à lovely array of Mums, Roses and other cfesirable flowers. 4 Wbat is the Nebraska team frequen7tly calle Your Formai, Appearance -ýfoir tbe, party after tbe,,game will be inmo~ the best of condition if cleaned in ournmod- ern, plant witb .Our uùp-to-date mnetbods. Established 1921 OTTOù F. FISHER,Prsdt 1,150 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3 710 or 704 Main Office and Plant-Waukegan and Wibster Avez., Highwood., IIL Phone Highland, Park 3710 5 Namne' the head coaches of 'flue Big Tenî teamas. BE PREPARED for the game Ever Tusday WenesamiandThrdag Car:eàUe4frard~neIrtaveu THOROUGHLY LUBRICATED deflvered pend Idhedeen Phone Corner Main -St.--Linden Ave. Tire Service Wilmette 3775 Smnzn 6Who were the captains of the Nosthu>estevn University football 6* teams during the lait tbree Vears? The Highest Sco rer for 1931 THE GREAT AMERICAN VALUE place Your Order Now for'Prompt ýDelivery 4.00 (or $i8.oo includiî,g the Notre Dame gaine> are stili on~ sale. Apply by letter ium, Ticket Office DYCHE STADIUM for information cail Greenleaf 0007 ed .Wbat is the popular nickname for 'the Northwestern team?