Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1931, p. 12

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The irst step to. make in this thar- acter building. is the formation. of côrect habits of eating. if you desire advice on the proper nutrition for vour baby the. Health Center pediatrician will be verv glad to rendier you the necessary assistance, en- any Wednesday afternoon f rom WE ,PRO0MISE.D ELO USE LOWNSBERY FOOT COMFQRT She got it! Eloise Lownsbery-w7«eIl knowp -author of -booksnfor-chïldfiéù--ýY first learned about Ground Grip. p e comfort while serving in Fance with the Red Cross. She wanted foot comfor-and shegotitia GroundGrippershoes. GEORGE H. WITTMANN 1735 Shsean Ave. Evansi Phne.iGreuIcsi6181 op", Su*uiay Euings VUnil 9 ton *Mr. and Mrs. John D. Small., witli their son, Stoddard, of '411 Mapie avenue, mtored to Moline last Fni- day where they spentthe, week-end at the home. of tlîeir daughter, Mrs. Merle C. Nutt. When they returned Mondày. Mrs. Nutt ca me with' them to be their guest for ten days. Atý the end of that time, Mr. Nutt, wllîo) is in ' he south, on business; wiIl ac-, company her to. Moline by ,motor. M iss janice E. Fisher, daughter of' Mr. and. Mrs.. Edwin. G. Fisher, of Winnetka, has entered Knox college at Galesburg. Mrs. PL. J. Burrows,ý .Mr5. Fisher, Miss Dorothv Thomrseni and Janice' motored, to Galeshurg a day or two prior to the opening of college. Popular and- CIassical Music Beginners, or Advanced Students Reasonable prices. Virginia A. .Cordeli Director of Music Illinos Piano College Branch Studio-923 Greenle.àf Ave. Wilmefe 482 Their feet were literally on the, ground-nothing left of their shoes but the uppers. The mnan's clothes were hanging in shreds on, his back. A two year old baby. slept on the' man's .Ief t shoulder and- a gunnysack was over. his iight shoulder. Theire were twÔ girls. eighit and eleven vears old. The inother looked as though she could not go any farther. We took them in, and they en- joved a bot bath and a- good meal. My neighbor 1s, known. and, unknowfl. f rom ail around, gave me clotie s and m3anev with which I was able to buy four ticets for this family, pay their room rent at thie Central. hotel- for the night, and PttmIonev in their pockets. Again I1 sav to'friends known anid unknown. "One and ai.1 thank Mary Shaefgen., 918 Twentv-first street'.inîte Mr. and Mrs. L. W. James. ni 701 ~Washington, avenue., lef t last Satur- day, to drive to Washiington. D.C. with their daughter, M.\iss Effie. wvho was entering school at Arlington hall. ýAfter Ileav-ing lier there Mr,. and 'Nr,. James have gone- on a motor -trip In thie east. ,Tlîevexpect to be away about ten days. MISS Bettv Ketchan-. 611 Ab1)bo t ts,- ,lord road, Kenilvorth bas tis %ear enrolled as a freshmnan at 'NorthNest-* eriu universitv. Your last year's coiff ure is exactly as passe as your, last year's_-ha Le--s- hljjyou to .wear the new styles successfully by giv- ing you the proper w ave. Frederie Vita Toniïc, Eugene, L eMVu r, or Gabrielen Also Special Wave L GELS 1133 port: Building Depertmnt. This department issued twelve building permits with an estiniated cost of $69,95û. For the same perio1 last year the department issued. ninel teen p.ermits with.an estimated: cost o f $ 62 ,38 5 . . 1 1 The completed buildings this month make Provision 'for five additional families. Seventeen, fanijlies, have been -provided for by the 'buildings completed since May 1. In addition to the regular, work of thie building inspector, this depart- ment during August has nmade sur- veys for Ridge avenue paving, and, bas staked out Birýchwood, Schiller and Twenty-third streets for grad- ing. The department bas also com- pleted a.map of the' water system on- a four-hundred to the inch scale. 1 H ea.Jth Departm'ent There were twenty births'and fifteen deaths during, the month. The con- taglous, diseasesreported were the 10w- est 'of any month'in four,.years. Garbage colection-Two hutx«red fif- tyr-six tons of garbage and combustible waste Were collected and dispo.ed of cluring, August, at .at cost of $670ý per ton. Fifty-one and four-tenths tons md*re garbage wa. coilected. ln August this year, than iln August of last year . This additional tonnage. is accounted for: in_ majo)r portion at least to the weather. Thvre: weroe stvera;l severe rainstoruis during the month of August this year and last year the mionth was a *very drY one. 'Manv of our citizene do flot, have tight fitting covers on their gar- bage cans and the garbage has been extremely~ wet on several occasionýs this past tnonth. Therefore: *Uere was. more Theton-Combustlble Waste TeVillage started hauling the non-, combustible. waste on Mxý,gust 6 to a new duimp in Glenview. This new dump has increased our hauld tao appoxmiatlynvemils.One hundred fifty-three loads or 916 cubic yrards4 of material were deposited in this dunip. Pollce Department There.-wereone hundred fourteen an- rests and' court cases, duringý the month. Tho total fines .colleted am-ounted. to, $45860 or an averaýge of. $4.01 lper case. There were two drownings and. one. death due to auto collision. Four persons, we*e bitten by dogs. BERENICE VIOLE Teacher and Pianist Stu.dio6: 114 Third St. neWimeti 10 i ré.m.

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