Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1931, p. 20

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A new star bias arisen ini the golf7- ing firmanent and Tom Creavy, af Albany, N. Y., lias broken into the, charmed, circle of the great. BiIIy * Burke wvas fiot uiiknown'to f amie wVhen hie won the.Nàtional Open title_ but few had iieard of Tom Creavy * when .play opeuied ini the Professional Golf association 'champiliotisipl at Providence, R. I. Everyhody knows about *im iioW for, when lie defeated Denny Shute ? tup and 1 to play at Wannamoisett, Creavy asceiîded the tbrone wliicli lias heen hield bv such illustrinus golfers as WValter Hagen. J. M. Barnies, Jock Hutchinson, Leo Diegel, Gene Sarazen and Tommyi- BUFFALO WOMEN'S MECCA .The big feature of tbe week is the Women's National cbampionsbip at the Country Ocub, of Buffalo, N. Y.. and one of the classiest fields that * ver competed for this ciassic titie is gatbered on the shiores of L.ake Erie. The tournanuent w111 mark thle first appearance of M.\issCléiia Col- Iett sitîce bier marriage to Edward H. Vare, Jr., and lier rivais are won-* dering if she lias traiii,sUthcîenitlv to get iii clampiôîîsbip forni. SWIFT LEADS POW-WOW FIELD Alden, B. Swvift, of Gien V i e w Onwentsia,. Sbore Acres, and we do flot knosv bow manv other clubs, js one *of the classiest bus,-inless-mlenl golfers ini the country. Iii fact, we do flot know of a manti who any where approaclues bis record. Plaving in the aniual Pow-Wow at Onwent- sia, Swift won practically cveryýthinig in sigbt but the comimittee ini charge of the evetît limited cacb, contestant to,.,two prizes and Swift took first Iow gross and, in comipany witb his guest (Tony Haines, of Rockford), the low net prize for memiber and guest. Swift was hitting the bail mfagniifi- cently and bis two cards of 76 and, and the d inner whicb followed. They know how to entertairi at Onwentsia and the club's annual Pow-Wow is a . lwavys the outstading Invitation tournamnent of the vear... NORTH SHORE GOSSIP Guest Day at1 the 'North Shore Golf club) was a hig success. .Over 110 players competied ini the tournarnent and the ;,olf played was exceptionally Ihigh class. M.Nrs. J. M. Krafthefer, of livanston, won the lowV net guest prize wit a card which read. 101- 20-81. and Mrs. Thomnas Harvey, of Wilmettc,. finished second with 104- 22-42.. First low gross for guests was won 1w Mrs. A. MacKenzie witlî a card of 96 and Mrs. J. Byrnes was second witlî 99. Mrs. Dick Gambril. of Illinois, won- the low score on the 3rd, 8tlhi, l3tî,ý and l6tl 1ioles and Mrs. A. Starrett won the putting guest i)rize with a' total of 30 putts. 'There was a Blind Bogey, 91, for members and Mrs. H. D. Farg'o won in~ class A with 102-l0--92.. Mrs. A. E. Tregenza wvon in class B with 109- l8-91. 'an<i Mrs. T. L. Grisamore in class C. itb 124-33-91. Wolf Shoots 76 But Loses Pat 'McCall gave Harry W\olf ofý \Viimette, a fine trimrning düriing thie week-endl play. Harry allowed Pai a 4-stroke handicap and shot a 76 but Pat hiad a 78 hiniseif and lie trimmned Hiarry to the tune of 4 .and 3. Pat onie putted the last nine greens and lie only took 26 putts for the eigbiteer, holes. W. D.' Fowle.r, of Kenilworth, scored aniother, 78 and R. C. Boozer. was around ini 84. Boozer was oni the edge of the seventeenth in two strokes and holed out in six. Heý nieeded a littie of Pat's stu f. -Gene Conley, who was playi,îg with Boozer, bas an educated slice. Gene is the only, man we ever knew who could get an old round-bouse, curve o-n lus bail and still keep it. in the center of the fairway. Gene is famed for his. direction and lie is and Dick Nvon, but they had to shoot, tiniies of this outstanding of ail golf' a best-bali of 32-33--65 to do it. clubs on Chicago's nortb shore. BRUNKER HILL WINNERS H. Gingery and F. Jenisen. tied for lowv gross at Bunker Hill witb cards that totaled 83. C. Huif, R..Eglan- ton, W. Baumbogger,-T. Slusser and F. Howard finished, in a tie for. third place with cards of 88. Bunker Hill. is- in1 fine1 shape this year and. tb e niembers are playitîg a lot of golf. WILMETTE NEW S Over olne iîundred and.thirty worni en piayed, the Xilmette Golf club course on the Ladies' Guest Day. '1he prizes were quliite evetîly distrihuted between, the mniblers and tlheir gùests and twio of the prize witîners were corna)eting in their first tourna-, ment. Low gross for guests wvas won by.,l)y rs. jack Riiîk,,of Illinîois. Who shot a good 94. Migss Marjorie Wing, of Glen View, scored 95. Mrs. Glenn DLewýev. of Edgewood V'ailey, iad a 100. and Mrs. T. Valburg. of Kildeer, took the least number of putts., 30. Mrs, C7lyde Seanîoe, of ,thehionie club, conipetiiîg in ber, first tourna- ment, %von first IoW net wvitb a card. wbiclî read 1163-80. Mrs. J. T.7 Davis finislîe d second witlî 115-84- 81 -and Mrs. MWil liam WHans,,oii.who wvas aiso playiîxg in bier first event, ivas tbi r d' withl 20-36-8ý4. Mrs. J arn e s Rowe biad 115-30-85, and Mrs. James Milliketi won the puitting prize wvitli 34 putts. DINNER AT KILDEER Kildeer Country club will' hold its Vlarvest Home dinner Saturday. eve-. iing, October 3. Erle Voyle's Aces wvill furnishi the miusic and, there ývilI be dancing f rom 8 t'O 12 P. ni. This is aformai afair. KILDEER. EVENTS The. Annual Caddv event at KXl deer proved to be 'a great succes s. 180 boys bad the time of their lives' and the members treated tbem- royallýY..1 GOLF AT SUNSET RIDGE 'Mrs.- G. H. Dovenmuebe, ofWn iîetka, won the Flag contest in ciass A at Sutîset. Ridge. She placed ber flag-398 yards down the fairway on the eighteenth hole. Mrs. C. D. Mit- chell won in class B,' placi'ng ber flag 340 yards down the. fairway. Mrs. Dovenmruelle wvon the bail-sweep- stakes witli a card.of.97-16-81, and ,Mrs. A, J. Luick-fiished.seconid,%ith 101-19-82. In .ciass B, first place went to Mrs., M itchell witli 104-22-82. Mrs. W_ E. Clark. of Glenco, ,. as second witii 123-35-87:, Mrs. W. Hutîter, of Evanston, finished tlîird with 111- 23--88,, and Mrs. H. W. Jordan, of Keniiwortlî , came next w.itlî119-30 R. J'. Darby, of Xinnietka,, won the ýWon-Tyme tropby witb a card wbicb read 98-28-70. The winners iii the b)al,-sweep)stakes were Frank Pietro- wicz, ,of Evanston, 83-1073. W.. Colemnan, of Wi nnetka. 85-10-75; Dr. H. E. Moc.ie of Evatîston. 92-17-7i; Henry Lytie, Jr., of Higbland Park,. 88-12-76, and B. N. T r a ban, of Evanston, 91-15-76. 1. J. Wilson, of Winnetka, won in classes C anid 1D with a card of 92-23-69. TECHNY TID-BITS The club cbampionslîip at Techniv Fields is providing a lot of fin for the members. Tom Jones defeatcd Edward Sanders 5 and 3 ini a good first round m at chl. G. Pierce, A. Wood, R., Hartnian and C..A. Nash drew byes. A. 'Stenwaldel defeated D. T. May 2 and 1. - D. Sullivan de-, feated È. C. Glenn 2 ýand 1. and Paul Paletti, , of Glencoe, defeated L. Claeyes 6 and 5. 'In the second. round Art Wood defeated A. Stenweidel 4 and 3. and C. A. Nash defeated R.ý Hartman 2 and 1. VICTOR LQW AT CLEN VIEW Sliooting a ciever round of golf 'at Glen View which totaled 76,. Jolin H. d nis of .73 Shker Rd. So. of Glenview Rd. GI.uview 250 wine, "The older lie gets the better lie piays." Joe's big year was al)out 1920 but lie is stili shoot'ing Conisist- ently ini the 70s and be carried Josiî D'Esposito to the iast green in tlîe club cbanîpionship. Joe and Juliaii D'Esposito. put. up a' great scrai) against Josh .D'Esposito anîdDc Gambrill in a b est'-ball match Josh called ro reviewme club s. progress throughout thie season, issued a 'ver,% gratifying report -and.tie emphiatic statement tlia thtie club is operating mnost successfully and withiout a ni y need for assessment of any k1 i in d. The -directors of this . non- promnoti on club aré deserving Of mucli praise for the way tbey have guidedý the des- GRAHAM WINS Sbooting 71-1-70, Bund Grabamn led the field in the Cyril Wagner Day t our na me iit at Tam O'Shanter. George Browvnlee took tle Most strokes on tbe fifteenth luole a n 0 there were numerous other prize win- ners.

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