Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1931, p. 26

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tor GALA WELCOME HOME' Ail A dmissions andCo devoted te GOVERNOR'S REL' EDGEWATER BE.ý 5300 glock Sheridan Road-Telept PATRONIZE.,OUR PARTY (Sept. 26tb) jiit 1s explaind. 9mer Charges I Mlle. Allegra Carlyle bias appeared with the Chicago Civic Opera coni- ,IEiP FUINO pany, Los Angeles Opera company. WVarrier Bros. and Fox Movie studios 4 C H H T E1L1 Harollywood, Calîf., and danced, i hon LOgbe.h 000Classes will begin, Saturdav, after-, - nioon, October 3 , at the Winnetka Comm unli.t v House, 620 Lincoin avne, and Wedniesda%- afternoon, À ,D VER,,TISERS Otioer 7, the the Wilmette Masonie, temple~ 1010 Cenltral avenue. Here o scientific' tests assure 49wtwr T Eextra goodnoss oôf Bowran's Mlk is directly due to'the extra care exercised at every *Step in its Swift travel f rom farm Ï0 you. Proof 'of this extra care is definitely revealed in laboratory tests of ail Bownîan's Milk. n £1 was announced tins w1eek by r'ephen C. Simnis. director of the, museum. Admission to thiese lectures is free. They will be g i v e nl on successive Saturday afternoons in the jameî Simpson theatre of the mluseurn, and ail will begin at 3 o'clock. Emiiineiit' explorers and scientists have been enigaged for the course. Following are the dates,: subjects and speakers.,.* October .1-ý'An African Hunting Trllp"-Dr. 'Phomas S. Arbuthnot, of October 10O-"Burma"-m-Louis H. Bak - en, of Hamiliton, Ont. October 17' ' Bryce, 'Zion and rand Canyons'-Dr. C. O0. Schneider. October 24-"ýPioneering ln the Cainad- !an Peace River Country'-ilof. Charles. C. Colby,. of theéLnlverity,ý of Chicago. October 3-Es of Suez"-H. C. Ostrander*, 0f Yonkers,,N. È. *.November 7-"'2Nexico"-Frýed Payne CI 'atworthy, of Etes Park,. Colo. November 14-"Explorations, in thé. Old Maya Empire"-Dr. Sylvanus, G. Morley of the Carnegie -Institution, Washingt.on, D. C. November 21-1*AOn the Trail of the Vikiig"-Cap.tlt. Donald B. Mclln Not-enibè" 28-"Carnera Shootlng lii the Southern Marshes"-Alfred M Biedirectior, Chiceago Acadeniy- of No tickets arie1 necessary forý adis- Sion. tO these lectures, and1 theý public is, cordially invited to attend. Legion 7th District Eleets New Officers At the annual elections held 1.hC first of thi5s month at Peoria at theu Axuerican Legion state conventiin thie followving Seventh district (nortli shore) officers were. elected I1w tlw district and approved bv the statev departmnent, being oficers w-ko wi work wit1i Sevenith district Con,- mander Hawkins., of, W.lniette, ýduri-" ilig the second vear of Iiis..two-3-ea.- termi, as fo11ovs Harold E. Hub)e-. North Shore post,, Senior vice-com- mnander;. district adjutant, _HarrvY A. SevveIl of North. Town po st, wi o wà,a re-elected, to the office; finlance 'oi-. fie'William Conway of N o r t il. Shore p)ost,. whio was re-elected to the Office, and sergeant-at-arnis, XValte:* . "Ilusr'a.i- oct1s-ajn turica anid Mladagascar." Ou fT u e s d a y anid Tliursday tiiere will le generai tours of aiithropologicai, botanical, geologi- cal and zoological exhibits. These tours, coinducted by staff lecturers, are openî to al m u s e u ni visitor.. Parties assemble inside 'the north en- tranlce. mo M TRI MLIC0Ff ZPRO FAVORj

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