Oficials Outline Program Plans for Scout Year The- commiissioiners of the North- Shore Area counicil -met under 'the. lead- ersbip of' Scout Commissioner James, R.Goetz, Friday,. September 18, to iay plans for couincil activities and training courses to.presenît for approval to the Counicil Executive board which.:neets 1111 Tuesday, Septemiber 22. The District and Deputy commission.- ers present ivere Paul Ivluzik, Higb-, Wood; Keith Roberts, Glencoe; Hom.er Cazel and D. , Derby, Deerfield; Robert Browýn, Winetka ; Robert Roc- (rer, Lake Forest, and Mýyroni C. Ry- boit, C7ari McM%,anuis an.d 'Harold G. Boltz ýof H-fighlanîd Park. Trhe co!nissionters act as the coni- iiiittec on leadership trainaing and troop urganization and are spending a great deal. of effort ini planning the coming events. Mr. Goetz helieves "the coiuP 'rnssîioiersI organization this.,year will te a more vital force ini the promotion and administration of scouting on the snore than ever before." Among their plans is the coor dinat-, ing of efforts with the relief agencies ni collecting clothes for the needy. A more co)mpiete training prograni for voluntcer leaders and a system of serv- ing troops are iîicluded ini their planning. Scouts A re hwvited ,..to Two Grid Games Nortbwestern university bas invited tbe North Sbore Area Scouts to sec the Wildcats play Nebraska at their openn football game'at Dyche sta- diui at 1 o'Clock Saturday afternooo, October,*.3. Scouts are 'instructed to reporfttoý Gate No. 1 in uniiform. If îîot in uniformi, Scouts must present their registration certificates, it is stressed. Troops must corne as a body under their own adult leadership. Scouit Paul Urion of Troop 4, 1i'Vliette, soit of Henry K. Urion, zoos one o! t-lie twedve Scout$ to Con qj!eié. the highest ratik in Scout-. i .nq-thelicLagIe rwik-'while a.t Camp Ila-Ka-Ja-tlait this .iummcr.i- This is his third consecutive summer at camp where he has'attended a total of niine periods or eighteen weeks. He is a niember of the Honor Campl bro- tberhood, the Order of the, Arrow. Scout Urion became a Teiîderfoot Scout ini Mardi, 1929, eariied bis second Class Auigust, 1929, bis First Class Oc- tober, 1929, Star and Life August, 1930. He is 15 years old tbis year. His1 IBoy Scouts Hel> in Canning Food Boy Scouts mn a number of com- munities are aiding in the .,toie to preserve for winter use, of. the desti- tute, the. bumper crops of fruits and vegetahles whicb, as a surplus over immediate needs canneo therwise be. uised, according. to experts of the De- partment of Agriculture. Rural Scouts a re especially interested ini the pro- ject because of their proximity to the sources of supply. Tu iiBirmu,îglam, Ala., wbere the *roet was spon'sored early l)y.the Cmunity Chest and is being car- ried on under the auspices of the Red cross, Boy Scouts have a foremost place. The project is. keeping several bu ndred Boy, Scouts and Sea Scouts of that city. actively engaged in the efforts to conserve food to be dlis- trîbutéd ibis iwinter. Fully half of thîe Boy Scout troops and thîe crews of ail four Sea Scott ships of the city are engaged ini the project. A camping period for ôlder Scouts was postponed so that mo re Scouts could devote time to thecan- ning canipaign and the Birmingham counicil bas offered the full tinie serv- ices of its assistant Scout executive, Frank W. Braden, in the project. Troop 22 Has Session; Plans on Future Events Troop 22 of Glencoe got 'under wav %vith its regular meetings on Fridav-. iýglîtSéptember 18. We were -lad. to get started once again, our Scout -, niaster Dr. S. F. Hedgcock opening lie meeting with two blows on his whistle. Troop.22.has many eve nts planned for the future.' Nineteen out. . of twenty in Troop. 22. received the1 lUa-Ka-Ja-Wan "*M" the first period3 this sunîmer. They are: F. Graham, R. Murray, G. Murrav, J. Williamns, K Moulton, W. Bettcbcrr, J. Caliounl. Leaders to Get Certif icates for Training Credit Scout leaders of the North Shore Area counçil are to be awarded certl- ficates of credit for directing their Scouts for two weeks at Camp Ma-;Ka- J.a-Wan this sumtrer. This, leadership training credit is a part of a five-year training prograni in wvhich, the many' leaders are participating. At the con- clusion a Scoutmfaster's key is awarded to those completing all required îvork. James R. Goetz of NVinnietka, chair- mani of 'the Leadership Training coni- mittee, ann .ounices and congratulates each of the tollowing. men and states, *'The- number of volunteer Scoutmas- ters and Assistants -spendi,îg at léast a week in camp nearlv doubles that cef .any previous year. A sumnîary showvs tha.t forty-three diffierent. volunteer men representing twenty-eighit different Scout troops and ail eleven, districts camped at Ma-Ka-Ja-\ýVaii for -a total of iîîet.v-six weeks. Firit Period Leaders First- Period-ý-Wilnette, Troop 10, Earl Haugbness. Wiinnetka, Troop 15, Tom Larsen; Troop 18, jim ýLyûI]s. GIe,îioe, Troop 22, Harry 'Stannard, four %veeéks. Highlanîd Park, Troop 30,ü John Udel; 'Troop 31, Lloyd Killiaîî, onie week; Bill tammoiid, four îveeks; Illop 32, Arthur Fox; Troop 33, Carl Rein; Troop 34, Harlan Betts. *Fort Sheridan, Troop 67, Leoîî Scott. Lake Forest, Troop 46, Gordon Kelly. ,Golf, Troop 53, Raymnond Danielson. Glenview, Troop 55, Walter Engstroml. Northbrook, Troop 61, W. Ethiertoni, Robert Flderts. Mundielein, Troop 77, William Sheehan., Leaders Duriagý Second Period. Second Period-Wilmett.e, Troop 2, Frank Wilson, oie week; Troop 3, Harrison Storms, -Kenilworth, Troop 13, Jack Hoxwe, four weeks.. Highland Park, Troop 31, Bill Hammond; Troop 32, Arthur Fox, Joseph Riddle. tLiherty- ville, Troop 72, John Bird., Thfrd Period Le&d.r* Third Perîod-Kenjlworth, Troop 13, Jack H~owe. Glencoe, Troop 22, Harry Starmard. Highland Park, Dr.' Carr; Troop 35, James O'Connor, C. Vivirito and Lew Sarett. Highwood, Troop 36, John Jacobir. one week ? M. <YFillirtv : wno are the ieast bit interested in study. Lake Foreý Sea Scouting or who would like to Jini Tibbetts; !1 learn about Sea Scouting are invite 1. Tibbetts, woodwor] (-orne in uniforni if vou bave o-' 't swimining, life savi isu trged. Each Sea Scout iu particui-- eathercraft, persr. larly requested to bring a friend who field, Troop .50- might -bc interested in Sea l'C:tiv~ i ter, first aid.. cam"1 ulbrt 1 ny LIluse bcouts registering at -lite rroOP 45-Star, headquarters.-will be used. Ushers will And belp him. aVoid its fears. t badges, Jin, be selected iu tbe order tbeir applica- For the heart of a, boy ini its bo- e; Edwin Bîcier. tions are received. If too many Scouts ancy Dave TiI>hetts. apply,, préférence .wilI hé gîven those Is the one that is pure and free. healtb. Deer- of highest rank. Ushers taking , this So put nié in touich witb the hieart of rit badge, Bob dutv will be. required to serve at ail the boy, the. fie home games. The heart *of tbe mail-to-be. t