Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1931, p. 31

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repentance" and numia protestations of 1, former congressional spokesmen for the]J Anti-Saloor. league. Battalion commanders were ,urged hyi Colonel Reeves to investigate the record1 of congressional aspirants and see howi it tallied >witb their promises. "We.are fltimpressed %vith. the sincerity. ai some of the conversions obtained with- in the last tbree nionths," said Colôniel Reeves. -Statements made- hy office seekers today do flot tally with those 'made to o ur political. action conrimittee, * ini Washington last f ail. We may, find il necessai-y 10 inquire %vby the quick change of tront,' Visit Congreasman Colonîel Reeves explained that a coin- * mittee f rom- the Illinois Crusaders,. headed hy J. Richmond Dean, Ernest Kreutgcin, Paul Mueller an& himself, bad calledl on the dry eongressnlan. f rom liiiiiis in %\ashington l ast winter.. '*CongresstninCarl R. Chindblom vas mast oùbduÈatc andl ridiculed the idea that liberals would ever be able to un- seat birn because of lus dry attitude,"ý said Colonel Reeves. -He advised us thàt the more the wets opposed ihinui, the ' larger bis rnajorîty at election lime. However,. Mr. Chliidblom bas an- nounced he vould niove from the wvet lth district, where, lie knlows 4 ca!i't * be. elècted, and i-un f or congress on a slightly humid platform ii the newly. created I3th district, whicb ý contains the f ountain hcadU of. 'be Woman's Christian Temperance Union, whose spokesman ini the paýt Mr. Chindblom bas so obligingly been Cite Churcha Stand "Ralpb E. Churchi, spokesrnan of tlie Anti- Saloon league in the state legis- lattire,. also lias congressional aspira- tions ini this district. So far, Mr-. Cburcb bhas ignored oui- communications as. t0 .bis present stand on Volstead- îsni. li las been the policy of the Anti-ý Saloon,,Ieague, iiithe past to desert a bone drv for a slîgbhtly moist can'dicate if the chances, of success seern best.. Iii view of their past policy, Mr. Chu rclWs silence* and Mr. Chindhtlom,s sudden change were Most significant. '*We ba-ve advised the nortb shore coimmantders 'of the Crusaders, Henry M. Huxley of Evanston, Albert Snite *of Highland Park and Warweli W,,ins-, ton of Lake For-est, that Mr. Cind blom's record will probably be of more Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown,, 515 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, and their tbree children. have returned from a* lovely sumnmer spent in Onekama, Mich. PJHAT Cleancut, -well-groomed appear- ance of the successful man is best achieved by establishing a regular dry cleanin g habit, Frequent cleaning makes your clothes wear longer, too. So the. rst ofis autunin s er i c s of eleven fi-ce motion pictures for chil- dreni Saturday morning, September 26, at Field Museumi of Natural His- tory. Thie filins 10 be shown are "',,b len lAutunin>Cornes," «"Hiawathag's H unt i ng Grounds," "Featbered Braves, "N as k a p i Indians," and '.Wbere thbe. Red Trail Enids,"' these 1150 CenitràI Avenue. Phone Wilmette 3710 or 704 * Aaific,qe and PIant-Waukegan and Webster Aves., Llighwood, 111. Phonec Highland Park 3710 I

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