n Pepperel Shéees, 72x99, 81'9, 99C Pepperel Cases, 42x36, 45x36,25 .ach ...... 2 C Pequot Sheets, 72-X99. 8 1x99, $ 9jf eath e3 Pequot Cases, 42x36, 45x36, 37ç o ni -Specialls for Four Dpays, Thursdy-Friday- Saturday--Monday. Right at, +ie lime when you wil need Fait Merchandise. Donfl Miss This Sale. Kotex, 3 packages, 45c value,4 for I f Kleenex, 1 package, 25c value r 00I.U l-oilet Tissue (Scott's)3 121/2c rail.... 3for 29C Beverage Sets,, 4 glaises and- IciIder, $ 1.00 value, adi..... 59C a e Pepperel, Ilroning .:Board Covers,25 RUBRITE, the .1deal polish- and duing cloth wven tubular, lOjrd. i Ironng Pad ýand Caver,, natural calor wool. pad,' non-inflammable with eye- let Iacing caQver, making a perfect :iraning 9 surfacei cdh ~c WOOL BLANKETS, 70X801 North Star make, plain pastel colors, comfort style ......... 59 WQOL BLANKETS, part wooi, size 72x84, weighs 41/2 lbs., plaid colors, in pairs, each pair$ 39,5 WOOL BLANKETS, part wooi, 70x8O, comfort style, plaid pattern, ecdi.................$1.0 SIL.K HOSE, ail pure silk from toe to top, new Fait colors, pair...........1....................... 49c Comfort Challie, new coiorings, Caftan Bts ag ie each 15c 729~purewt, 8 .:,Dresses for School Girls 'of cotton fabrics, sizes 6 to 141' your. choice ......95 Men's- Store Specials Men sWhite Braadclath Shrts, preshrunk , 1*29 caliar attached, ail sizes, each.....,I Men's Sweater Coats,a Il wool in heather $ l 9 shades, buttc;n front, each . ......7 iefs in~ white.9 ~6 for 95C Save Money by Shopping Here Four Deliveries Daiiy 1148 WILMETTE AVENUE Phonos Wiimette 588-589. Always Quality Before Price ýPhono Wilmetto 2655 *5 'j