or areas, that they willJappear as one definite picture. Rather. the grouhds, the lawns and gardens are made' up of many pic- tures, definite and outstanding, each in. itself. One picture may center around 'a ravine-bridge, another may exist within the confining borders of P an artistic vista, another may be within the confines of a formaI gar- den withits parterres and paths, its central points, and with Its f rame- work of hedges, its paths leading to the framed -or staged terminal fea- tures, pictùres within the picture. It is advisable to take these pic- turc possibilities, one at a time, check themn up wvithour idea of what.a pic- turc may be and then work toward the ideal in eàch case. For instance, the door within the garden wall, nav 1be taken as a study and for practice. It *nay be staged or framed, developed'into a picture iii many wavs, soune formaI, sorne in-, -ùiàml. An archîing-tree niav 'supply the skvline and frarne, or a delicately clinging tracery of vine. Sbrub groujp- ing-s niay e tised or forniaI ever- green lantinigs rnay trame. the pass- age like sulent sentineis, ANYONE MAY .-.RACTISÉ THE ARkT Any garden off ers plenty of f ea- turcs f rom which anyone nuay select: a lictUrC possibility on which to, prac- *tise. If you' have grown less en- thusiastie labout the ordinar, garden processes, new jnterest miay be aouised -any-day --by--stutdsryig ai' developing the picture qualities *throughout your gardens. * The simpfler studies nighit include the gardexi nooks, the fraining of a v ~window: box, the *irnproving the set- ting .of sonie pet bôulder in the rock: * garden-. The beautyý. of specimen ýtr-ees de pends largely upon their sur-ý roundings. The groUnd entrance and the main entrance to the bouse are pictures Which should receive of. ou r best talents,, that theyin'ight'bespeak heauty, friendliness, comfort. Contrasts of formi and texàture1, col- or combinations, backgrounds.. sky- li nes, framies for our pictures, aIl of thlese things are exceedingly impor- tant,: just as thrifty. plants are necw; essary. The proper use of the mate- To the master of the garden, it may be great because it is so well. suited to his needs or because it is a part of the home where, he lives with his family 'and where he is at home to friends. The Garden Picture's greatness may be that it i.s made. a part of pic.- ture sque surroùnding hilisides,.or that it is made to form aa- part',of a natural p icture. of which the sweep of the lake. or a winding river is the cen- tral anid dominating feature.' And after ail. a landscape is .a masterpiece, flot because of one or a f ew values, but because it bas ail the qualities which together surpass the inediocre. and yet is restrained, flot overdone. THE GARDEN AND SCULPTOR'S ART To uinderstand the picture qualities of a garden, we mnust notice sorne of its înechanics. sonie-of the rules. we nust anlal,\ze it or wve caPnot bc inod-. XVe are however, quite generaily, gettig accustomced to the.newly dis- covcred fact that.there is closerela- tion between landscape painting and landscapc buildling. In fact we wili find that the scuiptor's art.cornes into the picture. Rosa Hugonis Useful and Beautiful,*Bloor.n By Charles Fiore (Fiere Nurseries, Highwood) Ouie of the most sensational recciut discoveries ini horticuiltuire is the lovely Rosa Hutgonis -which is quite as usefut as it is beautiful., Althouigh. its foliage, rcd-mnaroon canes and hairy bristies of new g-rowth, arce(le- lightful ail season, the ,hriî is* at its Ioveliést ini earl.v Ma.v whetn the innumerable buids.open to (isplay the dainty -vellow' flowers which ,trans- forni the bush into a shinmcringý mound of gold. The long, densely flowered canes inav l)e cut.for bouse decoration wi- thbut detrirnentt to the landscage ôf.,a sizeable bush. SIn Jullv and August the bushes are vers' ornainejîtal ýwith a lovely, show of redfriits if planted now, WillI bloom ln your Gar- den next Sprlng. If you plan any landscape Improvements let us help you with your personal requiremients. Telephone Highiland Park 523 for an appolntmnent. CHARLES FIORE NURSERIES Located on Route, 22-One Mlle Weét of Milwaukee Avenue Spc(alits lit LANDSCAPE GARIENING IIIGHWOOD Oftce-49 Prairie Avenue Phoune H. P. 523: Nurier3rPraiirleVIew Phone Libertyville 628-R-1 AboNve ar*e $0ne of oui. ever- gre~ens which add a touch of~ cheer to the drab, winter lawn. Bleoxv a view of sorne of our larger elms. Weil proportioned Ireeý-. Plae<I d i%ýtntitgeotily onu IN THE -MIDD)LE WEST eau %ippIy y.our ïntedi. If you on ly wata fewr sh rubs or à full groWn trep, we luave an unusual vand- et>- if I.ealthy plantsefor every ii, p 1e ake., your seleetion, nuw. prices are lowest In many years. And. purebaslng from us yFoîa are agsured. of thie bést iblanlt.ý uni trees... eaeh hav- ing~ teien'perefully grown by our WUc irill bc gfrid o confer with *iearure may -ne apUUi .with an 1thet charm ofwhich il7 is capable, it may be a bit \QLa±auWary, a fountain, or an outlying vista. A. garden's, greatuese may bc the border value which . it gîves to a great sweep of lawn. Its greatnes mnay.be becaus-e 'of the hilisides, upon. which it is spread. or because it is your own J.R.Foute Laudseap e Servfre ,,Phouit Winuietka 914 WWL.5 From."Shrub>sto, .Pull Grown Trees Ni fb ma t