Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1931, p. 6

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Corne in and get a Professional DENTAL MIRROR VRa.EE,:J With each 50c. Dr. West's. Tooth Brush $1,00, Value-both for 50, 24-Hour, Service on 'Developing and. Printing, Photos Clear as Crystal *by Crystal Photo Service Free Delivery in Wdlmette and Kenilworth until 10 P. M. SNIDERo*CAZEL. DRUG COMPANY Serving North Shore Residents for more than 26 Years Wilniette.and, Central 'Aves. Phones:. WiI. 400-401 Nygaard of the renilwortm'î w schools and a group of friends wvho 'had gone for a cruise in Mr. Ny- gaard's boat, "The Roald." Those rescued were Coyle Stein of Park Ridge and Miss G;ladvs Yo u ng of Rogers .Park. Mr. Stein and Miss Young h a d. gonîe for a canoe ride,. intending to stay close to shore, but a strong off shore wind carried theni ont into the :lake and the canoe.caps-izel.' Memn- bers of Mr. INYgaard's 1arty, cruising South, siglîted.the coupfle ini dîstress a considerable distance outtini the Jlake. and, immediately went to their rescue. They W-ere (lragiyed into.,the "Roald", in an exhausted- condition al were taken to thelhomne of WVal - ter Hw. Andersen, a...iieiber of the Nygaard. pa.ty, to rest. Whien the rescu ingparty reachied them, Miss Young, who could flot sNvim , as sitting ini the water-filled canoe, whichlhad capsized tfive timies, and Stein wvas.iii the water tryïng to balance the craft. .Thev would have drowned if the "Roa1d" lhad heen a feNv minutes later in reaching them,ý Stein said, With Mr. Nygaard at-the tillie the rescue Nvas made Nvere Mi\r. Anderseni, Mr. and Mrs. flerbert Taylor 'andI their son Billy, Mrs. Bessie ayor and Mr. Andersen's three bov's,, al of Kenilworth. Miss Beth Brou-cr, 720 Fifth street, lias left for Denison Ûniversitv, Grau- vlle, Ohio. *With the digging.'. of 102,000 feet of new ditches and cleaning out and* bringing to grade 103,000 feet of old drains ini the North. Shore Mosquito Abatement district. Superinten-dent A. H. 'Meier annoUniceS that the season' s %vork lviII close October 10. . This is -a t rîfle carlie r than the drainage force usuiall%,.retirecl, Super- intendent M.feier explains. but the sea- son 's work is w~ell ini hand and at the district. meeting Thur.;dlav. eve- nling of last weel< it, was thought ,!(- visable to conserve expenses at th11 time aiîd be pr epared .to 'reniemthe miosquito war earlv iîext spring. Hoavy Work Earlior- The heaviest part of the work in the district is. frbm about Aprîl 1I to julv, 1, after whîch . he forcé is eni- gaged in: prelimi nary operations for the following.season. 'Mr. 'Meier sa'ysthie Skokie region iniow is as dry as the proverbhi~l "hon1,e." and thiat. onilv once'this sùm- nmer, follointg the flood rains in julv. did the ruosquito horde break ont Sitîce that tinîe, hliever. inîaiv more miles of draina-e ditches have heen dug. antii! it wotild(1 reqtlire a veritable flood to encourage Mosquito [activitv inithe region. Abouit eight m1iles.cf lateral ditchec: have been made this' summner ini the. Skokie between 'Winnietka avenute,;tînd the cotunty jlIne,' whlich hoogll draiins this vast area. Complote Ditch Systenm \Vithin the last month thcre has, Ialso beeil installéd a conpflete sNvstenîi of ditches.desjgned to effect-velv-drain idg. Avenue, Wihnette Phones -Wilmette 20-80-5 Bay it here for less BUTTER-Brick -or, Roll, 5 lb . . .. . . . . . . . Strictly Freasii EGGS, 2 doz. ... 2 *1 lA tinie i~ tî~uI lear oi thenerver enters the ;east iork, NWCst of the XVlmette golf coui>rse, and e,,- tendi ng to' Suniset Ridge, road. .Ti also prôvides muchi needed, drai,îage for the Glen Oiak.sulbdivisicmnietin it is exlained.. The' three--dîtches ýfrom Sunset Ridg road to the river. between Wil- low andI Voltz roads have als,( beemi opened. Asa: result- of the beneficial effèct ofthis drainage .work, SupeýrintendIent 0-mnenum Meier explains hielias fouid Ttt nec-. essary to use only about nne-hlf here as nucli oil for spraving as Nvas re- a gài i quire-d last year. Therehlas been. very little &ompi>Wtmî concernigm utsfrom resdents f - A-4 -4. 1-u --:. When it cornes (romr "Pearson's' it's the. best W. Dolivot t. WiImettos Kenilworth, Winkkotka, -Htabbard Wood, Gdonc.. 1167 Wilmetto ve Phone Wilmette 4598 Some of Mifss LUilian's Speiaýls Monday, Tuescday, W.dnesciay- Hairceul and Shampoo $1 $140O Manicure and Arch $1 Facial ing place. Even th.ough the district force wl suspend its operations Octoher 10,. ie North Shore Mes lito Abatenient district office on Greeni Bav road. Glencoe, is open. throughotit thîe vear. and should there be a helated stand of niosquitoes. you are, reouested tq. -telerphone.:Stperintenden Meier an d he :w1ill sernclaninsiýpect.or to ascertain- their source, and exterminate then,. il

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