i t r 00 E. M. Sweet and his familv, who Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T. Brown of have been living in an apartrnent in 1710 Walnut avenue returned to, Wil- the Linden Crest, have moved to 734 mette recentlv after spending a few Noyés street,' Evanston. days at Cedar Rapids. Iowa. board to investigate the matter of maesunan.AIail elA8nlL, ievVinage cheap er methods of heating the Ken-. manager wilI be directed to obtain ilworth water plant than witb the competitive bids for oil burner equiip- present gas heating equipment; ,made meetingof thsieraboa heOtoe his reportý to the board Wednesdav in_._______ofheboar nigbt of last week. Under "the mos t car eful. operation NJjI Cene -W in of the present gas heating boiler, Mr. O erPiner V'n Streed reported,, tbe cost of- heating n the ýwater plant runis between .$750 The Wilmette Pioneers were de- and $775 per season.. Mr. Streed wvas feated Sunday afternoon at the hialidsý informed by the Public, Service corn- of Lefty -"Speed". Anderson and. bis pany that a reduction of approxi- backers from Nules Center in a gamne mnately twenty percent in the.cost of, played in NNues Center, by a. 10-2 gas .beat, for the water plant could* score.* Altboughi the, Pioneiers. col- be obtained by a-capital investnient lected eleven bits off the deliverý, of of about .$1,000 in -insulating the 'Anderson,, poir- fieldîng and lvorse building and that as soon as natural bs unn eetedrc as gas is available a further reduction ftl of approximately twenty Ipercent In pst heatingrates could be, expected. Ili Schlueter opposed Anderson on1 Mr. 'Streed also, reported that be tbe- mound aiid as going alI o il g had investigated tbe question of con- smootblv, until the fifth -when Niles vertiigtlie.presenit.gas bolier for'use Center bunchied several of their four- with oil burning equipinîent. Several teen bits to score three times. Nufes manufactiiiers bave offered to. make Center made another splurge. in the t he necessary cbanges to the boiler, sixth. i.Frank Roemer twirled tl ' e tai ks anid equipipent and to Instal last two înnmgjjýs for Wilnette and 'their burners for prces ranging froin got by witliout inuclb trouble after ,4500 to$l00 lie said. Mdr. Streed two more scorers crossed. the plate also reported, that a numnber of thielin the séventh. oul burner companies are wiling to- guarantee a saving of at least fifty, TePonesgabe 1 la i percent in the cost of, fuel at thetlite second on Segbi's triple and* F. water, plant, so that the expenditures Roenier's single. Poor base riîni.îî11g neccssary to make tbe cbange would spoiled. several othèr Pionieer chance.; l)e saved in fuel cost in two or tbrtee for s9coring. vears. After bearing tbe report, tbe Keni- James Baker, 347 MNaple avenule. ilwàrtb board voted to keep the pres- began bis junior studi es at North* ent.gas lieating cquiipmiet. ni, opera-. western university' ast Mondav'. DUPONT PAINTS Oufside White Reg. $4.0 Flat Wall. .Reg. $2.70 Porch and Deck Paint Interior Gloss Whte Linoleum Finish Reg. Prepared Paint Reg. CLOSEOUT Reg. R eg. $1 .70 $4.0 $3.60 $3.75 $3.69 gai. $2.49 gai $3.29 gal. $3.49 g al. $1.39 qt. The. Newer: FA LL H ATS 4-Hour Va ispar V ar nish ail colors-n'iot a Il sizes50/ Ch 0VoPaint ail colors Reg. .$3.00 Linseed 0O,1 (vouir own iicani) Turpentine SPONGES Sheep's WooI, Forinerly $1.0 off. $70gai. 8cgai. 79c gai. 79c ea. 19c Ca. 59c Ca. 19qc ea. Miss.MCMAHION AT WORTHENS 1148 Wilmette Avenue 411 Lindesi AveW et 1.Phono Wibette 2848 àSh of Here and Save Money! -Now s the tiniie to painit and fix up the outside -of, your honie t6 withtanid the winters' abuse. and the inside, to mnake those, cozy nioo-ks cozier for the 'iinter hour wbei. tbey'Il be most, appreciated. WXe offer flie,. uationally Jknowii brands of pailits listed below gt excep)tîonally, low prices. J3ùy your' paints,. painting and cleaning supplies here and SAVTE M.ONEY dùring this wtek.