Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1931, p. 9

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and was followed immediately by a wedding breakfast at the Orrington * hotèl. Only the immediate families were present at both the marriage * and the breakfast. The bride wore a.gownv of beige lace and a beige feit hat. She held a bouquet of talisman roses and iiues of the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard will make their homne on, East Lake terrace.in Chicago., FLIES TO TEXAS Miss Lois Schuliz of, 1314 isahella street reports a perfect trip and that sue is "Still in one> piece" alter f ly- ing on Uicý T. W. A. Lindbergh line to Amarillo, Texais, ast Saturday, wl here she xvas met hy her sister and. h)rotlier-inl-haw. After visiting in Hlere- tord f or a -few days she goes by auto- mobile to Carlsbad, N. «.\. She expects to fly home froin Amarillo to Chica- go on lier return trip in ab)out ten (lays or twvo weeks. Mrs. Roy Franklin France eft k Sûhd(la morning to inotortôtOMiami Beach, FIa., w%ýhere M.\r. France is architeet for and is supervisor of> th-e construlction .of the largest apart- nient building in, Miami Beach. Mrs. Francelias been spending the- past, foir îmees with lier niother' Mrs. Frank Fran.ce of 601 Laurel aven ue,, wvhi!c licr ýtw o sons were enteririg college, onie his sophomore yeàr at Xortwcstrnthe other his Junior year. at the Uiversity of Chicago. Planetariurm, a broadcasting station, and a trip~ behind the scenes in a theater In most cases the pnice of a trip is one dollar. A bus meets the children at~ the Village hall each Saturday morn- ing and bnings,,them back to that point at about 1, o'clock. While the trips are plannfed p i manily to be of interest to, child 'ren in and above the fifth grade, adults wiIl find sorne trips 'of. interest and may join' the group, it is said.' 'Each wveek notices of Uice trips 'will be posted and distributed a t the schools. Reservations shouild be made by Friday, noon either through the principal's'of- fice or with directors of the trips. On Saturdav, October 3, a tour wil be taken to HIill House, the M 'axwehl Street station,', and.,the, Historical so- ciety, starting from the Village hall at 8:45 o'clock in the morning. IN, RECEPTION PROGRAM. Miss Adehaide Jones, 1090 Central avenue, directed thîe commnunity siing- ing and gave a program of inciden- tai music on the piano last Saturday afternoon on the occasion of the tenthi anniversary reception of the \Vesle yan Service guild in the First MNe.thochistcliurcli, in Evatuston. Mr. and Mrs. Burt J. De nnan have returned to. tbeir home at.21 Linden, aenute* after a week's stay at White: Sulphutr spnings, West Virginia. Mn. DenuTiian vas attending a conventioni ofý the Edison Jlluminating company. Miss Two to Six A selection for her with as much thought'as formerly given to her older siste.rs. A particularly, at- tractive modieli is mrade ýof veIllo .with a ýreal beaver colla r-t-ucking and scallops. back and frontm-silk ined and, is' priced Mt $17.50, OTHERSFROM$9.95 TO' $27.50 M iss Seven to Twelve. Much as she adores be r younger sister her style mnust be suited to her 'advanced' years. A coat espe- cially designed for her is made of imported Hlama fleece (that cannot wrinkte) with a long-haired raccoon 1 collar, and is lined in wool kasha. The price is $39.50 OTHERS FROM 513.50 To $49.50 Il. y! Ham and Eggs' Courntry Style 'Miss Junior ,e the very laiest vogue less sophisticated than but S- - There is No Stibstitute for Good Food Weeks' Dinu9Ro 1131 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE .355 WILMETTE Juniors' and Girl WiImette 1 168 Wilmetfe Avenue ,Wear, Wlmette 3 12 1/rn-rn--rn i--rn! Oh...

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