a wei 7at was Your personal radio B your command.. Costs less than, a light bulb to operate. Beautiful "ýmodernistic" lacquer with, colora to match your room. Four tubes--operates directly off, light socket. S MiaIl and Weighs only 81/Ilbs.-no antenna. A phone call wilI. bring one to you immediately with no. obliga- tions. Guaranteed. Telephone Wilmette 1985 Now. Norith Shore bistributor j-entson uni- Ohio. >Miss ýrom there ini At. AaP :Ma rkets PORK LOIN'ý ROAST PERi LB.1 Squlbbs Tooth Paste Grove'ýs Laxative Bromo Quinine..... 1.0size....... Listerine; D0c sie............... Listerine Tooth Paste ............ Lavoris, $1.00 size....... . 25c 89C 25C 23c 89c 5Ocý size Brorno Seitzer, 30(. size. 60e Rize Mennen's S having Crearn, 50e size........ Palm Olive Shaving Creairi, 35e size........ Pond's Cold Cream, 45c. 25c soc $Loo0 45c 33C c 1931 GENtJINE SPRING LEG L M Roast L2 1 shore champion, havlng defeated the Dernpster Terminal club in a recent contest. *By virtue of their vîctory over the Tarvis Athletic club,, the Pioneers have a rfecoýrd of twenty gaines won, to seven lost this year. Play la Errorles Sunday's contest was featured by errorless plav on both sides and ýeS- peciallv by the slab work of Frank Roenerwho held the Jarvis club at bay tbroughout the game. fIe struck out eight meni, allowed but seven hits. and did flot issue a. walk. Fred'Krase. behind the plate, caught Roemer's' offerings in snappy. style. The work of the Pioneers' "million dollar" infleld- was another high light of th*e game. This eintirelv new infield, composed of Seghi at.flrst, Dienlien: at -second, BrYshel at shortstop and AI Roemer atthird, hanfdled thirteen ch ances withotit a, flaw and coin- ffleted two double plays. Wally Hawkinson proved bis worth in en ter field. snaring fly halls from all angles. Three Roemer brothers. Law- rence, Frank and Al, .%ere' in the lifiieup. Seghi Clouta. Triple Phil Sezhi, Fred Krase, F. 'Roemer and Dienflien did.most o0f the hitting., Phil Seglii -%as. es pecially effective. collecting a triple "With thé bags loaded. At the finish of their season, the \Vilmette Pioneers are issuing the following statement: "The. Pioneers wish, to extend their gratitude. to their many backers and loyal rooters. The Pioneers wisli especially to thank Sam Roemer, nfot only because he' kept officiai score- of ail gaines, but also because he exerted every. effort to make the Pioneers the winning, bal club they proved to be." IN. C.eB. Alumnae JHold First Meettig The Afrst meeting of the year of, the North Shore Alumnae associa- Ition, N ational College of Education., Servi,,g lSore ,Wilmette and- Central Aves. for more than 27 Years Phones: Wil. 400-401 ~*GRE/ W~ & PACIFIC TEA CO. tsem Division M.*renuue ç Paina'er and Decorator * m 10W0 Grenle.f Phone 2764 I l nom