Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1931, p. 14

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5ERVIEES Elghteenth Sunday after Trinlty RALLY DAY IN CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOI, 9:30 a. m.-Sunday, echool and Bible classes 11 a. m.-Speclal service and' address to parents and children MEETINGSý Thursday, October 1 at"2-.Ladies' Ai and Msinr Thursda at 7:45 p. r..Sno league Priday at, 7:45 p. m.-mJunlor league Saturday at 9 a, .-lse for the Christiant Education of Children -Monday at,7 :45-p. m.ý-Choir rehearsai, Tueesday at 7:45,1p. m.-Church couneil Wednesd.ay at .4-Classes for childTren Next Sunday morning will be RALLY DAY ln the lnterest of Sunday school and the classes, for the Christian edu- cation of chlldren. Ail the old pupils of the. Sunday qchool and the members. ot the Bib)le classes are expected back. We hope to enrolI a large nuniber of new pûpils aise. In the Sunday echool beginnlnig at 9 :30 sharp a brief prograni will be, given. by the children, after wvhich the arrange- ment of the new classes wlll be com-. pieted. This -is "a fine time for, new pupils te enroîl. ,Unfortunately the. Sia1ay .st'hooi is to - lose three teachers who have been active for srnle years. Miss Ida (Aensley who has bad charge ef the primnary de- partment has returned to ber hioie ln Michigan, C. A. Fick for many years a teacher of one of.the senior classes has been transferred. te New York, and Alvin Seehafer is to seek bis Docto' s degree at a technfiral school abroad. St.' John's wishes te thank these workes' for the fine service they have rendered. their church. The parents of Sunday schobli chu- dren are espwecially invited to attend the Sunday school sessions, and after a short 'recess te attend the short ehuréh services aise, ini 'wbich the children %wlll receive their certificates of promotion, as. welii as the awards and ,.:peci.il honors tpe ,;eholarship and good attend- ance at Sufiday school and churcb. No certificates *wiil be given out in the *Sunday school ssin It is thei'efore necessary that aIl the cbildren' of thié Sunday sehool attendl the churc~h servý- ice at Il o'clock. The 'regular meetings of the church .organizations* will be heid during the course ot this week, the Ladies' Aid on Thursday at 2, the Senior Young Peo- plie at 7:45 on Thursday and the Juniors on Frlday at 7:45. The classes for the [on of, eilidren w hi( urinoe the week on Esi . ristian are cou dagys at The Primary, Junior, and Senior Church schooln are ahI wéll under way. Parents whe have children to. enrol should enter them Just as soen as pos- sible. The courses are ail graded and the child han a poor start who does flot begin at the begiflning of each course, The enrollment thuis far le larger than other, years, -and, the prospects are. for an unusually successful Churchi school this year. The Beys' Vested choir practices eacb Tuesday and each Friday ln. the club bouse at 7:30 p. m. New- boys; from the age et eight and upwards should applY *!th, their'parents'at least filfteen min- utes before: choir practice. begîns on Tuesdays or Fridays. Baptiest Church Wiiinette and Ferest avenues George D. Ailisoni, minister "A Church that Cares" The themne for tbe, Sunday morning. worship of the chu'rch at 11 o'clock mil1 be "ýThei Providence of God," or "How Par Dues God Rule?" At 94:30 o'cloek thle church school wili convene in the various departiinents fer instruetion and worship. This will be. the beginining of the fali quarter's work, the three previous Sundays in Septem- berbaving been used in preparation. M,%anynew members weýre weicomned.in- ti the school iast week oit Raily Sun-ý The Young People's Society meeting on Suinday evcning, October 4, will' be in charge of the. Ser-vice commission, ltoss Blaylock, direetor. The1 the chu sday ev, AMttougn a 'large group has been en- joying theme mid-week meetings, there are stili othems wbo would receive a great biessing by attending. On Fiay, October 2. the young peo- pie willbave their annual 'Pep" ban- quet at the church. The Fellowship comn- Mission will arrange for games between 6 and* 6:30. preceding. the meal. The year's work as pianned by each Corn- mission will bc prosented. Miss Irene Lyons et Chicago *111 be our speaker. Tickets. are 35 cents and can be secured through the commission leaders, Helen (Orvis, Lee Biaylock, Ross. Blaylock, and Bob Meier. *There la a place.ln inor Church School for boys and girls et aIl ages: Beginners' dept. (ages 4 and 5): 10:45 te 12:00. Primary dept. (ages 6i, 7 and 8): 9 :30. tg 12:00. JUnior dept. (ages 9,. 10 and 11): 9 :30 te 104. Intermiediate dept. (ages 12; i3): 9.-30 to 10:40. Hlgh Sehool. dept. (ail four years): 12:15 te 1:00cas-5:0 to 7:00 (so- ('lai heur). Information cencerning the programi of religlous education mnay beo obtained during regular office heurs by calllng Wilmnette 1204. We welcorné new fami- lies anid urgeë parents te place, their children in the proper classes as soon as possible. Next Sunday begins ýthe regular Church 'school activities o f the. fall quarter. A staff et competent teachers- will. Iead boys and girls Into wholesomne expérience ef Chrlst-Ilke, living. 111gb .tandards ef education and Christiart idealism form the basins of our prograpi et religieus education. The Cubs will attend the No'rthwest- ern-Nebraltka football gaine on Satiir- day as guests et Northwestern univer- sity. ThoN-e will he o n morning Pack meeting. AIl Cubs are asked te be at the church playground at 12:30 sharp if they wish te attènd the.game., There will be cars te takoeeryone te the stadiumn. The Board et Trustees wlll meet on' .Nonday, Octobor 5, at 7:30 p. ni.,,and the Board et Religious Education at 7:45 p. m. We now have a GIN-i Scout troop tri oue church. Ail girls of ton years and eIder who wlsh te join are asked te eall the church -office or attend one ef the regular meetings on Tuesday atter- noons at 4 o'clock.. The high school group met again las-t Sunday evenlng for lunch, a social heur, and an interesting discussion on the possibility et givlng a play. The cast will be selected fromn this group in the near future. Eaclh Sunday evening from 5:~30 te 7:00 o'ciock, our hbigh scbooll young people have, a lunch and Social heur ln the church. The firat Womat's Guild luncheon et the year will be held on Friday, Oc- teber 9. An. Interesting programni s bo- lng pianned. The choir meets for Its reheaYsal eaeh Thursday nlght. There IS opportunity for thon. who would like to slng te. Join this loyal and heiptul organlzatiôn. A Bock Review club will be started if there Is sufficient luterest te cail for' ,ts organization. Those interested are asked te confer with Mms. S. E. Lee- man. The fellowing. Scout troeops for gils and boys meet lu' thia church: Girl Scout Troop 1--Thursday* eve- »ings at 7:15.> Girl Scout Troop 4-Thursday atter- noons at 3:45. Girl Scout Troep, 5-Tuesday after- neons at 3:45. Brownien ý(Girls seven te ten)-Wed- nesdays at V:30. Boy Scout Treep 3-Thýrursday evening at 7:30. Cub- Pack-Wednesdays at 3 :45.- Girl ScutTroopa 1 and 4 have 'reached their maximum quota. There are places ln the eother troops for those. wbo wish to, Join. Pres-byteritan Church Woiban's club Church oftle:, State bank buildinig Telê.phones WIimette 64 and 688 Rev. James T. Venekiasen, minister Sunday, October 4, mornlng worship at il o'clock, eonducted by -the newpas- toc, the, Rev. James T. Vèneklasen, wvho Will be here te takie up bis duties as minister of this church. AIL members of the, cengregation and friends are asked te bhe preseént Sunday morning te welcomne Mr. Venekiasen and bis family. Sunday school rit 9:30. A. M lse for ail ages. If your children are fot. àttending anether Sunday school we will welcome them bere. Supt., fleginners' Dépt., Mrs. B. M. Celvhîi. Supt., Prirmary Dept., Mrs. R. Il. Hen- derson. ~Supt., Junior Dept,, MIs s Sarah Supt., Intermediates, H. 0. von der Ho'ff. Supt., Seniors, F. H. Hollister. General Supt., R. H. Rice. Prayer meeting, Wednesd.1y. at 8 P. M Spoke 10 will. fuYnish the,. pulpit fiowers during. October. Christian ,industrIal League Buiidle Campaign September .22 te October 5. A truck will eau If you caîl Monroe 2474. Preabyterlan Ceiléjeefe- Christian Edlucation auxiliary- membershtps re- ceived during the montli of October by Mrs. M. R. Barker or Mrs. Elmer L Stene. 5 p. ~. tCommunion service St. Augustine's troop No. 4 eto the 7 :45 p. m. Gospel service Boy Scouts han its regular meetings ini the Parish house, next door te the post- Tuosday, October 4 4>ee, eirnry Wednesday evening at 7 :30. Monthly business meeting of chu'rch at. New applicants for membership sheuid 8 p. m. a.pytenThe rebtria.n troop of BoSot.mes orParish, bouse Ukurm<ay, October 8 'Eh Tuea vnn t7:30, as'theY 8 p. ni. Mid-week service. The official but important at 7:30. willI hold a on Monday The Young Peoplo's department will Dr. and Mrs. Willett will heoeut et hold lts first social meeting of the year the city during the coming week, visit- Frlday evezaing at 8 e'clock ln the Girl ing their son, PaulY. Willett a.nd hi. Scet -e.family là Kansas City, Mo., and at- tending the annual convention etf the- The officers of theIligh Schoollbe Dsile tCritl'lcia an.

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