And the ismartest legs will be wearing Gordon, Wool Stockings to. the Northwestern and Ne-. brasika gaine o.n.SaturdaY. These Gordon Wool Stockings flot only give warmth -but harmonize perfeéctly. with the new tweed and spec- tator sports' costumes in texture and color. -New, rich beige shades, new f ashion browns and deep taupes. Moreover, they're to be had in varying weights- so that you may be pre- pared eq #aly for theso first pleasantly-cool Sat-.* urdays, and the later ones when the cold weather- man means business. In the Hosiery Section -LIORD'S--First F1007 I. Prices Slash.ed Closing. on. E aitil SMALL DOWN PAYi (1) Conlon Ironer, BB,; Was $99.50, now $79# (1) Conlon Ironer, SR, Was. $49.50, now,.:$9 (2) Conlon Ironers,, SR, Was $99.50, now, $79. (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) Conlon Ironer, $119 Model,, now only .$9 Apex Ironer, Was $119, now.-$8 General Electrie Ironer, Was $84.50.$60, Conover Elc. Dish Washer, $139.50 to $99., Conover Elec. Dish Washers, $49.50 to $39. Special Dis play-LO RI 'S-.- LORD'S Furniture Floor-the Entire Thitd KEL VIN' 1/3k Kelvinator, D-8, $484 5 Special DisPla-IQ)il The. Crédit Departoeent Io Alwayo neppyt. Arraige Charge Accouats for ResPoi Out These Floor Sam pies