Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1931, p. 36

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i - I i-&Iwo, North Shore Has Troop 4 Scouts Meet Cardinal Praises "University of Representative in to Plan Peppy Winter ScoutMovement Scouting", Will City of New York Once again, after a real ScoutingOpn on Cityof ew Y rkýsummer, including twvo. weeks at Words of high praise for the Boy BeOpnS o Most of the large business concernisi Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-WVan,, Scouts ,ot.cuoeet eehadb he JmsR otz cu oms have their o %n reioresentatives jo:1 Troop 4 'met to plan for,.a winiter .of;rnany delegates to the -Sixth Interna- JionesR.of t eoth Sracou n- New York, city, declares the fiorthý peppy Scu ciiis hsme-toa o cu ofrnehl e il,,announces 'that: a "University of Shore -Area counicil, Boy Scouts of ing,, at .which Bob W'erden xvwas .cently near Vienna, Austria, whenay, America. This Council states that it elected Senior. Patrol Leader. was Hjs ,Enmninence Frederic Cardinal S.ctouti1,_-tobeysarte sonaffb rPiffiý Archbishop of Vienina, addressed Otoe 1,was. planned b î tf is growing., and that it is gro wîng held Wednesday, September 2.3, in t of District, and Assistant' District rid.,N the Council even de- St. Augustine's church, \Vilmette. h session. In, the course ot hîs ad- Comisoesa hi eetret rapidly. Now ~~dress. Cardinal Piffi s.aid:,a cu eduresi ih clares that it bas its own New York Merit Badge instruction and over- The Boy Scoutmovemenuis unde ingHgh representative. night hikes head the list of activities ayat t. ln ak .This camne about in. the .following for the 1931-1932. season. Troop 4's. te o .I i vcnvctof The University of Scoutinigis to be. tha, te. ovScoutsare now oneof maniner: Scoutmnaster is .D. C. Leach, and thce gets n otiprati a group of training courses in a con- Karl, D., King, president of the Assistant Scoutmaster is George h d , centrated effort to help the volunteer Council 'in 1 928-29, is a National1 Bersch. TeR uetCntnthe' modern. 'oung. peopes. move- 1leaders of the north shore do. a beta- Council. repres'entative of the North is chairman of th-e Trooc, mitee ments. The idea of. readiness, to help ter job in their service, to bovhood. Shoe Aea ounil.fieis meberAnyboywisingto opna ral itee others, is-one which unites nations; it At their first regular meeting at Elni andcom trop ay et n tuchwit on .can flow out of.the natural compas-itPlace school, October 19, it is ex- ofy n th e ir Fre S. Ja e or so et vgod men, or out of the pètd that about 150 men will hear panyandrecetlywen to ew orkthese men.-Bill Leble, W\ilmette îOfebygpct to ssmechrg ofthirNe YrkDistrict editor. espe-iav at holic conception; the. the opening address to be given by office. Hence the Council is no-INin a __________ uentrlefc f. odde. Perrv A.-Lint, Scout Executive of the position to say that it has its pr cu ep oe.Lr ae-oel Chicago council, Bov Scouts of sonl epesetaiSe-outllma Density Greatest founder o~f the, Boy Scout movement, .1- America. tain connections with headquarters,' in N. S. Area Council voiced his thanks for the splendid Men of outstanding ability and spe- ,National couincil of the Bloy Scouts., Figures recentlv i;sued frori the od pknb ahtPi!e cialis ts in many different fields will located in New York city. 'Régional Scout headquarters in Chi- fteCuc satiuet u- be called upon for leadership in th;s May, Visit ,.Headquarters cago show that the Nýorth Shore ing. unive rsify.; It is hoped that Mr. King will pay Area counicil has the highest Scout Starts W ithý Four C Our ses visit to the 'National Council -head- deosity Of aoy- couniciliReo- Scouts of North ShoreThuieriy ilstt thor quarters sometimre soon and send ai S-'iene-that is. in the states-inMi- to ýCooperate in Relief i courses,, with. others to beý added ý,rçp)rt o hisVý.ist. fr thi, neý,-'scol-ý iga, Ilinois. \Viccjsilater ,IAni"E.lementsn ofmeScoof tmou ster-r reprt f is ist fr hi~nes cl-iga, llioi,. îsonsn od ndana xori<ing n ooperation wth, thei. unIn. KriT!iere a re 225 Scouts per 102?O lredveis1o ocl eieiognia course wvîll ýbe given to leaders Mr. Kings son,, atD.. King, Jr.,' people in, the counc.il. This is nea tonth By cut o te o t T reviously enrolled in anycourse. is Scoutmastet- of, Troop. 1, sponisored* twice the ,deniitv of any other c u 7 Shore .Area counicil are. arra 1ngiîin . rgi gîaeswohv ae hstan by the, Wilniette Congreegatio)nal cil In the region, the oearest b)eing Ieachl of their eleven districts to carry rng an advanced co*urse, "ile Pnin- church, and bis other son. Ro)bert 125 per' 10,f00. The ot Shoýre oasseai os ohueco ciples of Sconttmastersipv" is offered. King, Eagle Scout. is Assistant Sco-ut Area couiicil' bas growo -under the Then "Principles of First Aid' is a master ofTroop 2. also sponsored bV leadershi'p of Scouit Executive NMvron Ç,ass forCrossthing for]r *the oeedy onr -f a urday .morning, Octoher 10. T heore Coss ist aidMrspecialzaio the Wilmiette Congregational church.. , Rbolt f rom i802 Scouts *in .Decemi n clothes ýviourse to b givenby Mn.Whiova "Bb"as hie is better known, has, ber, 1928, to .1,889 Cubs. Boy Sco-uts the local relief agency for distribu,- 'fteNrt hriaiwyad served as a miember of the staff at and Sea S)couts' at the prvesent date. ion The district commissioniers vvilil, Open to aIl ioterested. A. commis- .Camp Nta-Ja-Ka-\\ao and is nov at- --'e~ hreo hi epctv i ssoner's course for aIl District and As- _ _in ch rgf__ _r esetieiis 1* tending Dartmounth college. .i ette Press Club Is tricts. of this activitv. Where n .eed .ed,, sistant District Comm issioniers is to AI tucsar bio onte t in, be çonduc ted by J. R. Goetzk of WVin- J Open to A 1Interested. ruksaeeeitdoakato. i S.wimming Classes i h imttirs lu.saotthe collections. People. are urged to rVco aek h a ae October 10, in mnd* and-haetir Start on Siaturday if oma u tssafwor lkth Q 193113 i dt f aldr ias ptreeov tedhove ëfournecousesan The Deerfield Shields High school' sasn. f ou oud lketobution rea te ofTrop 3. ighood isto ea haý again ki*ndlv opened the ir swimr- vour ot r r ~ lu5 qubl con , tta ii.erbspoe iiefafn cums min pot o*te ey:co;tsof he ndtheJounaisn 'eri *-a(ge - the course, in -Elenîeîîts of :Scout-, ming o ol t-S oe Bo Scou ts fof t9eaîitheJornlimp adged Big Year Being Planned lma-Stershiý. Rc0bert Roeher, District* Xort Shoe Aea cunci frm 9 ~ tke tips f jurnaistc ineres an ~ Sout of roop19ofmmîLaoer FoLrestrest wh 1:0every Saturday morning start- to meet 'other Scouts .wh1o are inter- bas aScomuts xpeiefe ad tain ing Saturday,. October 3. This hour ested in iournalism. iust drop in te Troop 19 of Winnietka Community . î and a hiaîf is divided into three classés the ongregational Church Scout House is planning a big year. We are 1rg villa the advanced course. of instruction and! test passing as fo. meeting rooms Friday, October 2, or starting.oif the year with a filled yrn yoîkH no lows: 9 to 9:30 Swvimming Menit any other Friday and j-. ioîntre .staff. .For Thursday, October 1, we dcddM rnR bl ooe badge; 9 to 10 Life Saving Mfenit This is not a single Troop organiza- .to go. do,,ît to the beach and ma ke by National Brotherhood bade; 0 t 10:30Firt las swm- ion bu a ilagewid Scut rgai-plans for the hike Saturday. On t hej Myron C. Ryboît, Scout Executive Ming. zation.-Bill Lehle, edito)r. W'ilette. hike uwe will pass tests so, that the of- the North Shore Area coîîncil, ivas ..The first balf hours of the life sav- voetopiil dac.W'lhvrcnl aeNtoa rn ie ing class will be lanid instruction and New Requirements for woetopwl;avne e1 aercnl aeNtda rn ie 1 1 1 a, lot of fun. On. Thurs.day doWxi at 1 hieftain of the Order of the Arrowv, the last hali hourwýater practice. Be- SnoP.riLaesitelk è~eet os asi h ainlbobrôdo o cause of4 the liniited time only those SeirIto edrtelk ýý eet os.mrh h ainlbohrodo O Scous wshig istrctin o ~- According to the recentîy corrected jý '1110hve aup sore y n Scout Honor campers. This report amiatoi i Sou tst cn ~eaccopy rof the B3oy Scouts otf 1nericab st1e roe eshf ega carne f rom the National Grand Chieî- commodated. constiti1tD:n, new requiements are johreiitetro.I ô at tain, Robroy Price, as the rest4t of EenonHopin ad clvn Grteycited for the position of Senior Pat'rol Ijî ro 9rpr t~mtnt the recent -election held by hýri, FetnHokn ndCl ouse any Th urslay uiight,,at 7'.30. >te rn Leaders in troop. The, constitution , lodge. ' here< are more than 150 WVa, wifl.-conduct the classes. ' oth ras"hsofc Sn 0 arlý_ --1mmeso h re'fteArý% ~~oeaer i stopen-Ka-JaFi ' st îr Pla t o1Žts e ragTri ~mn e Nr th Sho rea o theAr w are Senior Red Cross LUfe saver-s. LII11 pw~ ls cit $fnnt o~e x u ot hr ractciw ______________who~ have served a mirnimum i:errm o 'r have earined this honor at Camp 1la-, New Troop Organized tventy wee a arlLaeae'-,rçusW oi Ka-Ja-Wan. pstrong of characte, pfcie'nt in addts oM eig Theobei o hi ode s bn sioner for, Boy Scouting in Wînne t k a, Troop 17 of \Vinnetka hedisfrst "ea.Th eeting as g< f uhul"h elpfulness into a life purpose of a' new ro is being, organized il, meeting of the neiv season on Thurs- type, but was mainly for the purpose 1 eadershiLp in unselfish service to teWinnetka Country Day school. day, Septémber 24. Although only of getting the new candidates ac -_____________ K. Virgil Hollinger, who wvas Scout- eigbteen Scouts wý%ere present a verY:ý quaînted with the :,Ider Scouts.- Theý NEW SCOUTS RAISE RECORD master of Troop 14, will be the snappv meeting was held under thie troop sat around the fireplace andý The following new Scouts recently Scoutma ster of this new Troop. leaden-ship of John WVest, Scoutmas-, spun yarns about Camp Ma-Ka-.Ja- registering with the North Shore Henry IL. Anderson, who also has had ter, and Phil Swabacken, Assistanlt Wan. This was very inte. sting as Anea counicil raises the total number___ Scouting experience, wilI be Assis- Scoutmaster. There are several va- well as amusing and undoubtedly to 1,889, hsicue 5 us ,1 tant Scoutmaster: This Troop will cancies to be. filled by oew Scouts, sa gave, ail the recruitswohae-otBySco~ n 1 e cus h draw many new boys not pneviousty candidates. are wýelcome at CoMmunityI been th ene a favorable -impression of largest number of boys ever- reached coamected with Scouting. flouse riext T.Iursday.. camp life.-Ernest Sc-haper; Troop 3. by the shone's Scouting progn.,

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