Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1931, p. 50

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*1 or 2 rooni apur *rmn., bedrin., kitcli close to trans. an( orate to suit. Rent *E. E. St tu1t S 460 Winnetka Ave. eat nc. Winnetka 1800 157LTýN22-lte> ATTR. APTS. 3 A ND 4 ROOMS. CEN- trally located. Ph. Wilmuette 2399 or 2427. 57LTN2O-tfc SO FOR-mE£NT HouisES SEI4ETED RNTI'1 * ILIST, Englîsh brick and -,tone, 4 ern. 3 baths; oi1 heat .........$120,00 U'innetka Framie colonial near, sehool and trans- portation; 4 bedrns . .... $l0O.00 Indian Hill; 4- bedrnis. ; 2 1baths ; open to offer . . ..............." '...$W0.00 C.,onvenient for a good sized fanily; large, lot; shingle house; c bed«room)s, 2 baths; hotwater heat; iear school- and transportatiýn.......$150.00. Wooded lot ; coetos(-hol 4 .1bedrooms, 3 bahshotwater heat; 2-car ga- rage.............$150.90 Overlooks Skokie G.olf Couree; 4 bed- rooms, 3 baths; ohl heat; reduiced. to .... ......., ........ Highlani.cd Park, Caàpeý Cod colonial ; large lot,; 2 bdom and 'heated 4leeping porch . $100.00 Beautiful stone home oit 172 feet of *lake front lýroperty. Large roomn.; 3 family bedrms. ; a bargain at .$300f.00 ALSO FURNISHEI) HOUSES I $150.00, a nd -u 1 QUINLAN '& TYSON, Inc. 714 Elnm St., Winnetka 'innetka 219S" 60LTN2271tc For rent 7 rm. framne, 2 blocks to "1,," deep woodedj lot garage $125. 6 rm. Stucco on Forest Ave., 3 blocks to. steami and 1 to electric. l-ated. -sun 'room. Bargain at $8.5. Very unusual and attractive 7 rni. brick, 1 block froin Sheridan Rd. hot water heat," 2 car garage, 2 lmths. -TIis home is In perfect condition and is a type seldoni offered 'for relit. Inspection. in- vited. R. 1M. JOHNSTON & CO. Opposite "L" Terminal, Xil. 68 and 444 60L22-lte 4 ins. htd. no0 gar. H.W.H. 2 C.g. A c.nmfortable 7 rc extra lavatory, pomch and garag Very 'large wc( put in flrst clas: McKFENDRY RI State Bank Bldg.« un parior, sleeping Hot water heat. ed grounds. Beiflg condition. LLTY COMPAN'Y il. 8383 or Wil. 5172 60L22-ltc GLENCOE 6 RM. HOUTSE, GOOD condition, iconvenient to schools and transportation. Rent $60. Ph. Glencoe 1716. . 60LTNI122-ltc Si FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES NICELY FURN. '8 RM, HOUSE, 4 bd'rmis., .2 bathse ex. shower, '011 heat. ga.cons'. to - schoolq.> Oct. to June iStIt or yr. 317 Linden,Pk. Pi. High- land Park. Phone,,H. Pk. 206,>or 69. 61LTiN22-ItP 64 FOR RgNlT-CiARAGEIS G'ARAGE -FOR REN T AT OAK AND BirchSt. $5 per-month. Caîl Winnetka 3379.- 64LTN22-2tc 72 FOR SALE-HOUSES Tlhe Coipllete Service For Home B-ikevs4w-'tyei-s Whether you lntend to b'uild or buy on the North Shore, our ."Lib rary of Fine Homes- offers our preferred selections of the best home values on the N. Shore. 'Ask for- these com- plete descriptions of each home. 75%CON ST R UCTIO0N LOANS-15 YEARS Monthly l)aymients include inter- est and principal. Real value its in Skokie Ridge Etts Deere Park, ' and Ravinia Wood- lands are available; use the plans dipayed. in the ' "Arch- itects' Exhibt"-or. you.r own lot and arehitect. Write or eall. B Iaird & WVarner 528 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1855 Hiollycourt, 1855 .. 1071 Skokie Ridge Dr., Gleftcoe Briargate 1855 Glencoe 1554 72LTN22-Ite A Real Home BEAIJTIFUL COLONIAL HOM'%E WITH spacious ro ors and a large screeneid porch overloo.klng lovelY gardens and. grounds of over an acre. House has 4 master bedrooms, sleeping porch, 3 baths, sewing 'room and 2 nuaids rôoms quc sMLtOaiV.; wood Ave.,. V&ini di. ûe. SACRIFIÇE. 125X165. 12 MINlý. WALK to depot. Fine resld. sect. in N. S& Winn. Price reduced to $9,500. Tel. Winn. 165. ý74LTN22-ite" NO NEED TO WAIT!, WE NOW HAVE JUST THE KIND 0F a-home you have dreamed of owning if the pricewas.in reach. It is supeýrb- ly construicted, has .10 rffis., 3 tile baths, 3 fire places, library, 2, solar- iums. , recreation rm., cho icest east ýside- location. The owner desires to stay.in Wilmette, and wvill take. in, trade a smaller home. Rememnber-thi.-, splen- did residence POSITIVELY muist libe sold, and you can be the judge of the price. JOHN F.' HAHN, 111C. 1619 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 2700 85L22-lte 136 FOR BÀLE-,OUBEHÔLD GOOOS FOR SALE-75-LB. CAPACITY ICE box, hall tree, Baby's wardrob)e, Glidet' swing, baby's high chair, tea wagon, sewing machine and 3 pc. sunrin. set, etc. . Ph. Wilmette 4163. S6L22-ltp ORTHOPHONIC VICTROLA, WAL- nut cabinet. Worth, $125. Sell for $30. Excellent condition. Must sacrifice. Leaving city. Ph.. Wlmette- 2297. 86L22-lte WALNUT DINING TABLE AND G chairs, excellent condition. 2 pc. mo- hair living rooni set, also day bed. Very reasonable. Ph. Wlnnetka 525-R. 86LTN2)2-lte. ESTA'E GAS HEATROLA, LIX E like new. Suitable for sinaîl home, of- fice or store. Ph. Wilmette 2732. 86LTN22-ltp FRIGIDAIRE AND STOVE. LIKEI new. Ma be seen at Rensch Ware- bou.se, Willmette. Ph. Longbeach 6340. 86LTN22-ltc FOR SALE-COM%,BINATION-, GAS AN'ýD coal range. Ph. Wilmette 2078. 86LTN22-ltp- FOR SALE - A USED HUMlNPHREY Rudd water heater. Ph. Wllmette 2989. 86L22-Itp day afternooti, September 22. The enroilment this year is the Iargest in the history of the institution, a considerable number of applicants having been refused admission be- cause of insufficient dormitory facili- tics. Harry Clark is preparing, to enter. Princeton universitýy next fail. IN PURDUE DRAMA George M.--Pearýce of 1114 M1errili Street, Winnetka, bas been cast as "Judge Ugo Praga" in th* drama "The Mask and- the Face" by C. B. Fernald, to -be. presented bY the Pur- due university Playsho p .at 1t hé uni- versity. October 9 and 10. Pearce is, a senior in the, schiool of electrical engineering at Purdue. The North Shore Alumnae chapter of Gammta. Phi Heta sorority xil hoid a- meeting Mna aftemnoon, October 5, at the home of Mris. N 'eil K. Tilton *604 Drexel avenue,ý Glencoe. Elwood Mons, 157 W,ýoodstock ave- nue, Kenilworth, left Saturday, Sep- tember 19, for Exeter, N. H.., vhere he is entering the. Phillips Exeter academy. Mr. and Mrs., William S.- Seiby, 2111 Wiimtte aven ,ue, announce thé, birth of > a daugfiter,. Wedniesday, Septeiber' 23, at St. 'Fraicis' hos pital. Mrs. Peter Roemer, Jr., 319 Four- teenth Street, entertained at a lunch- eon last Friday for lier sister, M'vrs.. R. J. Dawson. VILLGEOF %WILIMETT]E _ýOT1CE TO BIDDERS SEALED) BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THIE VILLAGE MANAGER 0P TH E VILLAGE 0OF WILMETTE,' ILIN1,OIS, AT HIIS OFFICE IN THE VILLAGE HALL, UNTIL 10 A. M., OCTOBER l 2th, 1931,. AT WHICHÏ TIME AND PLAýCE SAID BIDS WILL BE, PUBLICLY OPEXED AND DE- CLARED FOR THE FOLLOWING M-ATERiAL, F. O. B. WILMETTE:- 45 tons Class B-12' 1engthis-8"S diamneter B & S Water Pipe. %tons (3 lehgths) Class B-12' lengths -6V diamieter B & S Water Pipe. 4Sx"Bends. 3-6"x8"x8" Tees-Bell end-,, 3-6"xS" Crosses-Bell endsi. R. elec. 1721vyairiie. n**"*s aria **.ny ospitai. ivrs. Marquette is the i UD V IUAL N. W. R- R-and ee. 71 4 blocks to transportation. Owrier 'forer Sa.y Gaiagherof Wîmette r Ae. . P 60T22dtP leaving city and reduced his p'rce to -,DOR NFURISHD 772LT22-Itc Miss Marjorie Smith, daughter of CHAS 6.DILýAI E Co I,,es dWnnetka 1.0L2lpEDCDTRE MS. Mr. and Mrs. D. W.. S m i t Il, 337 5608 N. Western, Ave, Chicago N'rLY LOCATED EAST 7 rooms, best locatîin, newly decorated Wsigon-aeu, eund T pel. o ehll-ese v.eta inetka. 7 'rooms. Garage. $16,00o. Ph. Wilmnette 1615. Madison,* Wis., la.st, week to. pursueTe.,ogbea.ch 1181 Fre bookletý inneka 51. 60LN22ltp ' - ; >1 1 - .Also opp. Oakwoodo*& iML. Hope ent.ý nnetka 51. 60LN22-ltp72L22-îtp ber . senior studies. Lopofc: 228 N. Laale t Phone Bide V Phone

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