Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1931, p. 52

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Ine., and Miss Reynldls, nc., Wed~- nesday afternoon of iast week.' Several hundred guests responded to the invitations sent out by Mrs. Nellie A. Hanna and Miss Felicite Reyolsand, as they sipped their tea and coffee and chatted ini littie groups, they eagerly watched the parade of sports and street frocks and c o a t s, afternoeon dresses, botli formai and informaI, dinner dresses, evening wraps and gowns, whicb con- tinued fromn 3 unitl 5' The climax of the revue was, a wedding, party. Mrs. William 0. Beit and Mrs. Ralpb Hubbard of Iivanston i)resided at the tea table. which was placeLi at one end- of the saloni,.its'clothi of jonquil yellow satin. scalloped at the edge, its center piece a striking ar-, rangement of yeow.ar i g old s matching the cloth, trito ma, yellow coxcomb, and zinnias in the brilliant yellow and )range hues, its low cati:- die sticks edged witb brownl wreaths, and bearing iighted tapers of a nlew brown. While thbe mannequins strolled tbeir way tbroughout both s hop s.: which were crowded, astrinigedei - semble played incidentai music which ended in, tbe popular ",Wedding1 March.." Many promnent matrons, ment- bers of the younger married set, debu- tantes, and a f ew sub-debs f romt Chi- cago and ail along the north short were among those wbo were guests at botb shops. Mr. and Mrs. R~aymond A. Kiken, 1341 Ashiand avenue are back front Cincinnati, Ohio, where they went to attend thé funeral of a f.riend. Mrs. Raipli L. Hartmani,, Gregory avenue, lias returned1 a Visit to ber former, home, in York City., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leason,, Gregory avenue, are back int breafter visiting friendsfor eral days in Muskegon, Midi. 1325 f romi New 1312, th.eir sev- Photo by Caelos Mrs. T/otas W. Wilc isàtte former Relda Mfurray, we.hose mar- riage took place Se pteniber 19, at t/te: St. IPranstsXczvicr Paris/t ho use, mit/i a 'recreption following at. t/te home of the bride's parents> Air. and Mrs. Patrick J. Alitrray of 534 Meirose aveinue, Keizilworth. Thle Wileys have takei ait apart- nient at 503 Park drive, Kenilworth. DINNER HOSTS, TUESDAY Mr. and Mrs. George Bartôn, 1710 Washington avenue, wili give a din- ner party Tuesday, October 6, ini honor of Miss Theodora Mitchell of, Evanston, and lier fiance, Dale. Mc- Laughlin and also for Miss Alice WoodNworth of Evanston, and -her fiance, Françis ÇCrist. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harrou i of Miami Beach, Fia., arrived ini, Wil- m ette yesterdayi to be guests at the home of Mrs. Harrouli's sister s faî-nily, the R. H. Meakers, 1527 Wal- *nut avenue. Mr. Harroun won, the firat five hundred mile, automobile race, which, was heid in Indianapolis. in 191 l -o- Mr. and Mrs. Wiliard I. T hayer, 121 Robsart road, entertained the H and W club at their home last Mon- day evening. ...... March of the Goblifls . . ;Clrrtis< Waltz ........... ...Curtis Home Sweet Home .......Curtis Frances Dahncke Boatnian's Song.............. Brett Arabesque ..................Burgmuilei' Slumber Song .................. Guritt Ludile Krause. Hop Toad .................. ..... Brett Arabesque .. .-...........uri Spring Zephyrs..........Brett Geraldine Hoffmaflýt Wavelets....... ......... .. ...... Brtt Etude .............. ......... Streabb)g, Andntie..................iahIli Busy Fingers ................... Brett Lucile Hofirnan Miýarjorie Sniythe, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. W. H. Smythe, .43 Kenil. __ýort1i avenue, bas entered Denison university at Gran ville, Ohio. 0o Mrs. George S. Woods,,474 Willow road, Winnetka, entertained her club, at luncheon andî bridge Wednesday of last week. Miss Ella Krieke, 1404 Isabella street, bas, been visiting in lier former home, Milwaukee, for a week, 0o Mrs. 'A. W: Ruf had- as ber guïest over iast week-end, Mrs. F. H. Hen- iiici -of Coloma, Midi. Miss Elizabeth Kelly, 412 Cumnnor road, will leave lkenilworth Monday, October 5, for Vassar. Miss ELLA B. BUTZ Makçer of DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES Pillows, SIi< Lamp S'hades, Slip Covers, OId Article,, Refurbished. Prices Moderate 802 Lake Ave., Wiimette Phone Wii. 801. N O TI.C ,E-lý,,ýý.ýý :ý £ngineers have pr-es-ented FINAL, ESTIMATE foée Canneon-Conrad Construction Company for Storm Water' Seweri Special, Asséesmeut No.' 62257. Any persan' or persoas having dlaims for labor or niaterialmust present same on or before October 10, 1931. C. P. DUBBSP ,FRI.ENDSO!> Joan have, heard ber CLIMthe dyr-Leen Shop S Eknows, not oniy rssoe -HAS miade, ber skin teey of her friends. No PERPET-~ageing lunes for UAL Joan. A giow of VCITHT-in ber face keeps, .L~.~~..iAAsunshInte in ber soul. 1167 WilnetteAve. Phone Wilmette 4598 REALD THE WANT ADS "'Il"' E. G PauIing & Vo 1,S. La Balle Bt. ~sm~Iln U40 Direclor of. Music Illinois Piano College Branch Sudio-923 Greenleaf Ave. Wilmette 482 THE PUBIIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES ANI) VISIT THE READING ROOM --il ___________________________________________________'I. The Bible and Worka of Mary Baker Eddy and ail other authonized Christian. Science Literatur. may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading R.oom. Local Improvements. eoard of

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