Lowe rs- rices a .a,, Frocks. in'.New* lModes.and. Fabrics ---A G rea. t Thr e-D1,a'y Sel.ling at .90ý Wool Crehes Sillc Crepeës Supple Velvets Frôcks for every occasion and in every approved style are availabi, in this vas+ selection. Here are *models . ordinarily decidedly hig'her in price . for women. juniors, misses and larger women. Practical, swagger streef and business togs, softly molded afternoon dresses and sleeveless frocks, longer and more feminine in type for evening bours. And every one belles the extremely. low Founder's Sae price. "tare'I Slio/s-Seioiul Floor Grained-Leathers Achieve New. Bags. They're Imported!, These Gloves Formfit's New Girdiiere Wilmette 1100 Davs trefStore Hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M-Saturdays to 9'P. M. Davis Street