Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 25

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artist.'A tuimner of artists and patrons of the opelnmg of the ex tea Last Thursdav. Mr. Lusk displays a l is drawings, iniost of i conte cravon,. and ýa about %vhichi afew forts' of are (1on1e ini water colors. The exhibit is wortliv, and stimiulates mi1e. Th'le artist secmtis.to lîe* greatly ,initerested in rhyîhmniic swveep) of fine. wh1ether 1.lie is suiggest- ing it frugalvly n a mude or more forcefully- M. >a ,landscape. Thie rhvthinis of body lune are 'quite evu- dent in the se veral nudes on exhibi . No- attenîpt seeins to be made to re- veal flesh. and, lood warmtm, but rather does the artist strive to show % abstractlv .an expression t.hrough ,the design. In the Iandscapesclone in conte. crayoni, Mr. Lusk lias vwork*éd.quIckly to catch a mIood. reëes bloise out and the.ground moves, as if ever% - thing.r is breathing and1 chariging .Nvlile oie looks at it. His effects of light and air and shade are stimulat- mmiý to thie on-looker, and the chianges of tonie are pIctorially intriguing. Thiere is always rlhvthmiiical conitiitv-ý and balance.. and above ail, there is mnoveiiient. It .may be that as. the artist grovs he wvill see the eficacy of: M'ore nietictilous selection, Iliat lie \viIl strike,,out ail nton-essetitials -and give his ..landscape even mnor e strength and 1)uùrpose throuigh a more econornical usec of the crayon. Alwavs ývhere he lias sacrificed de- tail and given niost to offly éssenitial unie, as in is nudes andi a few of the more classic portraits, lie lias re-j vealed himiself to. be ani artist with inisighit and esthetic initelligenice. NM1r. Lusk's deep absorption in estlietics makes ail of biis work unusuiallv in- terestig to artist aiid layn aiiaike. 1,rhere are oniy 'a few- water colors, and- their charin and vitalitv make one wish for more. Thev vibrate, and stimuflate oiel emiotitnnally. Thïere is a delightful japanese effect iun one. particularly. Thé exhibit is to b)e op)en, until Oc- tober 21. In'aan adjoitinig roonm is an exhibit of works bv 'Milwaukee artists. as a poet-ecturer. Mr. Sarett wvii1 present his programn Tuesdlav, 0co ber 27, ini the Haven school auIdi- toriumi, Evanston, at 8:30. Tickets wili be -on sale-October 19, at Chand- ler's, 'Toinmy Airth's, Northwestern (?o-op, and the School of Speech ini Evanston and by niemnbers- of the north shore ticketsales commrittéee in the V'arious north shorc townis. .11 H-arold Almnert, wlio have been visit- ing thieir sister, 'Mrs. George D. Up- son, 607 WVasinigton avenue, fo~r a montfli, returned last Nveek tQ their homPes iin Montclair, N. J. COR'R:ECT' TIME Given by Telephone Mrs. H. J. Karch of souitherii Illinois Cili UNI. 2400 15 the house guest this week of -Mrýs. P»atý'- lie01on Pone. -T- R'I. lii;~iç 'lý1 Gtiiirn t,-ià -I >tet àmini. attention. H.: F.. ýPhilipsborn &"Co*, 105 SOUTH LA SALLE ST. Franklin 8391. We Off er 'lwo Grou'ps Lüuxurlous.Fur 'Trim.,m ed Coats in Special ellng Event $5500 and $65.00. Two groups of' coats speciallyý copied for us from bigher priced m odel1s feature the newest and smartest F all fashion points. You'11 find the new broad shoulders, new seeves, fitted waistlines, and k staigt lnes below the waist 5) t a slight flare at the bot- torm. Ail the new FaIl colors in fabrics famous for their wear- inig qualities and smartness are represented. Purs ini this collection ame, Seal, Red Fox, Kit Fox,' Krimmer,, Badger, Skunk, Caracul, Persian, and Kolinsky. cornnmtees: Generai ticket sales, Mrs. 'M. H.- Slosson,. 720: Simpson street, Evanls- ton. North shore ticket sales : Highland. Park, B e t t y Phielps, 275 Prospect avenue;, Glencoe, Mrs. Boyd Ander- son, Ridge 'rbad; Winnetka, Helenl Limerick Ber Mvimette, Mrs 94 zMý Mm 1 - . i -qý

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