WANT HIGI ROUTED ST Kenilworth Bo3 a r d App 1roves Move to Take State Route 42.Off Sheridan Road The Wilrnette Village trustees voted Tuesday night to cooperate with other north shore villages ini the endeavor to ,have State.High-. *wav Route 42, and ' U.-S. Route 41 taken froîi Sherid.an road and re-route(l west of thé forth shore towiis.. The Kenilwvorth Village, board lias endorsed .a movemnent, sponsored by the Hubbard Woods Improvement association for the relocation of State, *Highway Route 42 a-nd United States Route 41 from Sheridan road to a more appropriate location west of the corporate limits. of-the north shore villages. The Kenilworth board, went on reeord as. favoring the proposai Mfon- day night at its regular niou1thly Meeting. .The communication from the im- provement association listed the fol- lowing objections to the present location of rouites 42 and 41 on Sheri- dan road: 1. The welfare of village resident.s.- 2. The efficient handling of through traffic on sucb routes, which is flow hampered by frequent intersections and private driveways. Furthermore, the developnient of such routes, as through high speed arteries, is inconsistent with their. use for scenic and other enjoyment. Old "Tank House" Razed by Flames A Wilmette landmark knôwn as "the old tank house" at, 1137 Forest avenue was destroyed 'by fire last Ask Pupils to Enter Prize Essay Çontest Children in the Wilnmette grammar. scfiools will be busilyý engaged in the next fewv weeks ini an essay contest sponsored by the board of chairmen of the Wilnîette Community House. association. The subject of the, essay will be, "Wh4 Wilmette Needs a, Commu- nity House." Three of the contestants will re- ceive handsome awards. The essay adjudged the best will bring its au- thor a fine Eastman- Kodak. The second best essay brings a WahI pen as award, -while the third place win- ner will receive a Wahl, pencil. Judges ini the contest,: which closes November 1,1. at 5 o'clock ifithe afternoon, vill be Miss AnneWhit- mack , Wilmette's librarian; Breck- enridge, Clark, secretary of the Chatuber of Commerce, and E. W. Weber, editor of WILMEITE Lpt Essavs côntributed mnust flot be more than 1,000 words in length, it is explained, and. when completedý nmust be delivered to. Miss Vera Holding at the Wilmette Village hall. The contest is open to ail chikiren attending Wilmette grammar scbools, both publie and parochial. To Set Date for Special Electitrn on Water Question The regular meeting of the Village board Tuesday of this week was ad- journed to Tuesday, October 13, 'when the date will be set for the special election to, be held on the proposed, construction of a municipal water plant 'and w*ater systemn in Wilmette ata cost of $60,000. Enough signatures have been re- ceived on the petition to holda refe- rendum nthe water iuestion toi tri a numuer t ity managers sciieduiec to talk on the subject, "My Most Im- cub Pi -Portant Problem and How 1 Amn Solv- Eioi ing It.', Mr. Osborn is also to tel Car"e à the convention of bis experiences j - 1 when he was president of thie associa- uo tion in 1922., Other north shore vil- MUSIC lages besides Wilmette w ill erpeipit sented at- the convention. e M............ £a ages...........36-37 al-Shore Lines ..30 Section ....44-45 ife 42 Page 3 pages$.. 43 0o New Trier HigJ, School Has 2,082. Students, J<ecent Checkup Shows; Boys Outnurnber Girls Enrollinent at N.\ew Trier Highi school has reached a total* of 2,082 students, according to a checkup made. on September 29. This is by far the largest enrolîment in the his- toryof, the school. There are -571 -freshmen. 560 sopho-. mores, 471 juniors and 480 seniors -and post graduate, students. The boys outnumber the, gitrls, 1.077 to 1,005, the'figures for, the four classes bein,- as follows:- freshmen-boys. M9, and girls, 278-. sophoniores-boys, 29.3. and girls, 267; juniors-boys, 247, and girls, 224; seniors and post graduates ---boys, 244, and girls. 236. The enroîlment figures show an increasingly heavy. demand for post graduate work. Thiere are about forty post graduate students enrolled, and this year for. the first timie two ad- visor rootus have been formned for these students, one for the bovs and one for the girls. Clyde Grater is the- faculty niember in charge of the boys7 room., and Mrs. J. W. Lighter is i charge of the girls' rooni. Many people regard the increasing- demand for post graduate work as an important step toward the junior col- le'-e, Frederick A. Kahler, dean of boys at New Trier, reniarked this week. The junior college operated ini connection with J. Sterling Morton High school at Cicero started in this manner. The enrolîment at the col- lege jumped from one hundred last year to 350 this year. TO. EMPLOY POLICEMAN a> Chief* of Police H.em-y Brautigain were inistructed by the Village board Tuesday night *to employ another part-time policeman to guard school, street crossings. California - N o r t h. western gamne await those WhoWin.' B e Co o e s Chic ago With this. issue. WitueflE zLin~ becomes a memnber of a league of eight nfews magazines whichreach a popula.. tion of approximately 200,000 in Chi- cago's. highest class and. wealthiest suhurbs. The, purpose of this lIeague, incor- porated as -t he Chicago Suburban Qualïty Group, is to* facilitate the Placing of1 national. and other large- scalé advertising. [<Local editorial, and advertising policies of WImETTIýLIpE and the other niembers ar e not af- fected in any way. Their ownership anid manlagemient continue 'as in the past. In 'forming the league only the sub- urbs which have -the highest rating frbuying ability and educated re- spoise--to, advertîsi>ng have been1 in- ciuded. In each -suburb the medium w~as chosen which unquestionably dom- mnates its communiity and possesses . long established reader interest and ad- vertising power. SeIocted for Local Fmid Thus WîLi£rF, Lin, witb the prestige of its twenty-year career in %vhich it has won the interest and confidence of an entire comniunity, becomes the sol rçreseJ1tative of Wilmette and Ke-nilwrth., This group covers the.enitire north shore and the most select areas of the western suburbs. The towns 'ini addi- tion to Wilmette are: Evanston, Kenilw orth, Wid.netka, Glencoe,- Ravinia,> Highland Park, 'Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, Oak Park, River Forest, and Maywood. The papers in -the group in addition to WiJ.MErn LuPE are: - Evanston Review ITE LIFE [NS LEAGUE: Affili ated W i t h Suburban Qualiiy ;requireci to make but one transac- ion to cover the entire .group-one ýrder, one piece of copy, ". set of lectros or mats and one billing are al b-at are required. Offices of the' Suburban Grouip have (Continued on Page 56)