Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 30

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SUIBSCRIPTION PRICE ...... S2.00 A YEAIL AU communications must be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for pub-. lication must reach the edior by Tuesday noon to insuue appearance ln current issue.' Rebolu tio 1nu of condolence, cards of thanks, obitu- arles, notices of entertalnmentè or other' affairs where an:admittance charge Is published, WiIl be cbiarged at regular advertising rates. 1. Grade. Separaion WiII Save Lif e Let's Hasten the Day! There N-vas a tine sonie vea rs.ago when schooi and homeé, teacher and lparenit, did flot cgoperate so snioothly, as might have been d e s i r e d.- When P.' T. A. ohn' school work, be- A ctivities gan , to slip, there Nvas soiewhat bitter disa- greeimlent as to whether teacher ormiother was to bhine. Aî durinig the discussioni Johnny. iearnied somiie-tbînigs ilot set down, in text-bo),oks., Then soile sharmp-sighted persoit saw' that; Jobuuti's edulcaition iWouid 1)e nmuuch- improved if inother and teacher held frienidlv meietingIs 11oW adthen ý\vbetIthe %vcather w~as fair and nuo trouble brewiuig. - That was the b)egiuingiii of the . Ipareuit- teacher inioveinenit auid the birtbidav of. tle Pare tT cacher associationi. 'l'le moveinit lias gorie faim silice thopsu davs. The nîbro .T.A ut a increased trecudou](0sh.l. l ow mIauIv nu11its thiere are howv iii:thiese 1.iitCd Stittes-\c don't, knowv, lbnt wc ësnlK>se iliat there is onIe in îeverv progressive cummnuitNv an-d maviieachi of oun.- large cities. *North shore P. T. 1 .às1are 111ot 1. murclv active but mlost beîieticialiv- active. Formi- er istinderstandicings be.tw~eeu humle and school bave virtuallv disappearecd. aid 11n their place there uow reigns aev 1hle and productive spirit pf cooperatlotn. (Grow'th i ii both sclhuol aîid boie is al- A driver .whocuts in and, out of traffic withouit giving warling does not use good sense. He seriousiy endangers the lives of al tho5e. ivhnm he passes. On crowded ýSunday afternoon h ighwàys" therefore unaI)ie to ireact to thie oest, ad- vautage of ail conicerined. L Ordilar-v goo(l seuse vI1 go),a long.-\vav towards i naking u Ilotoiug 1enj*ovable. 1t is vers- possible that miauviniotorists have neyer driven manv miles uorth on ýJilw-aukve aveînue. \\e ourseives.* thougbi n(>t the nuos.t recent North Shore arrivais, bad neyer un- Reorcstii receutiv gone be- yond Libertvvîile. A Suîidav or tNw-o ago. baving heard of the beautties of Silver lake; a sizeable býo.dv* of 'vate ,r.west *of lk-enosha, -wc turne(l our littie. car's nose uorth-watcd and soon l.eft behîund ts fam-iiliar sigbts. aid, souilds. M\anv other ,car-owners, evideut-lv had the' saille api, and.- ýve %Vere att en(le( on our wav b-v the tusial Snu -tfteriioon multitude. Buit the muiltituide was- fairlv thiolghitfuil anid S,0 fferü<i nu hindrance to our excursipon. 'l'le counitr\vside iii, its colnelv fali .cul- orings pleased 'and rested ur'~ok wvearie(l eyes. The. pIeastire. iicr'ea's,(l as wce camne inito the rolling lands uf inorth- ern Illinois andl southern Wisconlsin. Such trip., as t his. snicl roads s tlie:se.ý snich scenes as thesc, are. Onlv a portion pf the, resotrc.es of tiuè north shore. -t' l\\-a)-s thoughzlt thlat if the co011 stitutC(l aufthorities. %Notid hurndowu die tail dry w Necdshef ore saH xveeds temptud thle m1.atches q.of the smiali boys, ani l lport- anit fire biazard ud thereby be doue avv ,vith. And uowvWiuuietka Manager Wool hiser lias (le just this verx- tbiug. Dur couglrattilations to him (tisilae just as lie vvas a car j ts t st; The miachiîîery. of the current social season has started to'turn and wiil sooni' be running at full speed. KC",theienformationi at casuai giance ap- »)cared to he designated for the.' Book Page. More thorotigh scrtitniv, howevér, seemied to suLggest the Automobile Page as the logical rest- ing place. Later, the M. E., whio is aiso Keeper of the Morgue and Gencral Handv Man of the Saîîctuin, grasped, the (ileilnia by' hot-I horns,, anid ass-îgned HIie iniatter to the ,caltch-"all,%" tuon rare occasions* alluded to as a Iiumior colimmi. SO, here goçs ACorrespondent scîîds ini to the Londcon Ob- server the.following eviîden'e U.) he fact that' Shakespeare knew ail aýbout npiotor cars. -"Here is. the T'allbot." <"'.Heiry VI," Il., 2.) 'Wh7eiice is this knocking-" ("Macb)eth," Il,~ 2.) -"1VilI i ths gear ne'er be îneîxded "(*Troilus and Cressida," I. -'1.) 'l will reindy this gear c'er :lg..' (-2 Henry Ihoti 'hast wore. outt Ov.punnp." ('Romeo anîd *lOVthe mtvheel bcones it < "Hamliiet," IV., 5.) "(.one let nie clutch thee !" ('"Mýacb)eth," IL., 1.) "And lhere il en.imie fit for myi).lroceediing." C"Two Genitleiiien of Veroia." -11L., .1.) -You shall sec howIô\ handie lier." ("M easuIre for Measure," V.. 1.) 7T 1ibsteep his requires >lowv pace at first,ý." "O iînost wicked speedi!' - a 1t. ., 2.) -1How clost thoni know that constable? (Mes tire for Mcasure," 11, 1.) Tislapwîiug runs awav w Nith thle ShIlel!", ("Hamet,"V.. 2.) "(xive nie, Swift for. transportation." ý(",Troilus. and Cressidla," 111.. 2.) "Wihof, von know~ Forci of thig ow ".,Melrv \Vives-of -XVind1sor,", I'. 3.) VERSUS THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE Mique: * This is to glhc notice that we are lierewith proposing otirseif as a candidate for that rnew office that was .created sonie months ago. We thinik that it ivas Congrcssnian froin soime north shore district, that neyer,.existed before. Our q[ualifications are as lollovs: (1) Wc onot drink, chcew. smoke, or swear. (2) XVc sléel) a inimtim of mune hours icverv nlight.-. (3),. We have tatight schooi for over 30 vears. (4)*We- have a fair cominianid.o%,er chear. and simple laitgnag"e. (5) XVe cati play 1w sighît tuoderatelv d.çiflicuit piano -music. (0) Wcetise. at heast hialf of every -ear for recreation. (7) \Ve (Io pot idçerstaild how it iih hellp Enýlglalid to drop the goh(I standIard1. (8) V\e believe thiat somne peophe can ;)e trinsted îîîa wbke ottie adta othiers caji't. (9) \\"(1 like to trY politics for a Youirs for public service, Fil Os-sifer Chief Pet'erson, also of Winnetka. is now en- gaged in an investigation to détermine how long Lee has been pulling that "goldpiece" trick. See.vou at Sohdier's Field.. -MIQUE.

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