Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 34

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i oti and a mnatching tulle vei and cap * at lier niarriage Wednesday evening, Septeniber 30, to Willis Harrison Litteil, son of -.%r. and Mrs. Guy Littell of Kenilwvorth. Slie carried a *large shower bouquet .of white, or- chids, fhues of tevalleyan w Ct sweet peas. The ceremon y was' performed 'at 8:30 o'clock at the Kenilworth Union church -by -the Rev. Herbert L. Wil- lett. A reception .vas giiven ,at Indian:. »Ill club by the hride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clinton Tatham, 195, Fairview road, Glencoe. Mrs. Herbert McKinney of Ey- anston, -who. attended lier sister as matron of: honior, wvore a gown -of deep.peach rose coloréd, satin and a bolero jacket with s h o r t steeves. She wore short ýpink beige gloyes and peach colored satin slippers. Her bouquet,, which wvas conprised of talismani roses and Mlue. delphiniumn, was tied wîth a large l)lue satin bow., The liridesmàids were the Misses jane Littell of Kenilworth, Evelyni Johnson of 'Milwaukee, Virginia. * Schaefer of Grand Rapids, and Edvthe Dixon of Chicago. Their gowns1 were al made, like that of Mrs. McKinney, ,and .vere the saine shade. Their arm bouquets, how- ever, %were bound with peach satini *ribbon, instead. of the .bIne. M1rs. Tathani,. the bride's- mother, Iooked chiarming iii a gown of'tranis- *parent green vevet. The groom's Both hiad on shouder bouquets o.f *orchids that shiaded from brown to yellow. Serving Mr. Litteîl as best mnat wvas bis brothe r, Hugli Littell. The ushiers were.Roswell Coyne of Kenil- worth, Curtis Tathian,-brother of fhe bride, ,Herbert M'%cKinney, and Stan- ton Arnold., Owinig to the illness of Williani Nichiolîs,' bis place ,vas taken. b' Mr. Arnold. Thle church ý,vas decorated w ith painis, \\'oodwý%aria f erns, and large urns of dahlias. A vine of snilax festooned the aisle at the end of whichWiere two tall candelabra., Th, lounge of Indian Hill club w*as is s lie Trqgys of lflilînette is, bo lîaï'eontof bthe/'roinipent roles i,, '*Cock RPobin." the' flrst offering «f te nwv orgaiicied litile thea- ler groiup, the Slîa-wlieePla.vers, zvhich zill be p resen ted Octobr 23 and 24. The production w'll be qzve-,iiai Slhawnee Coulitir Club. F ro Snails to B3uttons. Is Gamut of Hobby Show .Red snails, horned toads, buttons and badges, foreign doîls, and coins wvere ail on exhibition last Saturday. afternoon at Shawniee Couintrv club When the .children lield their hiobby àand pet show on the front lawn of the. club house.. Thirty proud and youthful. exhîbitors displ ayed their pets and hobbies.- Prizes were ýawarded' Kix-Miller for biis staini Jack F3,fe for is isornéé to Ri1chard collectioni toads f rom inîen, ci evenling oIShaffer -nan of the ai bridge : hairman of the Saturday evening lntQrmal bridge parties. .Mrs.. Clarenice Burpee has bëeen ap- pointed .chairman, of -the,-informaI * evening bridge parties that are helid once a month. Assisting Mlrs. Bmr- pee will be Mrs.-MW,. Riley Harvey of Glencoe,, who is, in. chageoft first-Monday-of -the-month parties, Mvrs. Frank. Bufpee 'ill be chairman. of the second-Monday-of -the-month parties, which.,will be the progressive lridg e events for thetmcnmbers. As- sisting M~rs. Frank Burpe.e will be Mrs. Percival Hunter. of 'Winnietka. * Mr. Vl Sithof Wilnîette and iMis. Allani Houston, j r.., of W\in4îietka are ini charge of the tidMna-f . the-nionth feature h.r id g eparties. Mrs. Houston is still chairmnan of the bridge hostesses. Mrs. Ray- Clark is. in charge of the. contract -bridge les- sons which begani October 7. and vil conitinue every XX'ednesdlay evemw for sixý coflsecutive eeks, Dinncr wvill precede the bridge inistruictl-in. On* Tuýesday, Septemlber '29, Mrs. Kutten had a meeting at lier home of *aIl the bridge chiairmenl as Well as tlie woméein members of the club., About fifty guests were present., Tea w'as served. at 4 :30. Thle group plannied to hold a siilar meeting eacli month to discuss the ac tivities of the club.) War Vets at Gr~eat Lakes Send Plea for Sweaters' Convalescent boys at Great Lakes hospital are asking, for. sweaters. Keilworthi residents, or anv others on the north shore, who- have an\- sncb donations to give are asked. to notify Mrs. James Prentiss of 201 Cumibe- land avenue, Kenillworth, and she will. cal . for them. Mrs. Prentiss repre- sents the ex-service men's comnmittec of the, Neighbors of Kenilworth. *The annuai meeting of representatives of the Woman's clubs cooperating Ini this work for war veterans wvi1I take place Tuesday, Octoher' 13. After this nmeetinig an inspection tour' of the United" States Veterans' hospital atC Heleni-lHayes, aaugflter of Mvr. and Mr.Clarke L. Hayes, 911 Lake ave- nue, wvas iinarriéd to Albert J. Walcott of ILvanston,. soi! of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Walëott of Seattle, WVashi. The occasion..vas also the thirtieth wedding aiiive2rsar%, ot the bride's father.and mother.. The Rev. George P. Nagil1, former pastor of the NNilnmette Preshyterian chiurch, reaci the , wedding service at 4 -30 .o*clock. A reception and wedding' supper tollowe(I. '[le bride Wore a blue velvet gowa and carried an arrn b)ouqjuet of gardenias and files:of the vallev. There wverc îno attendants. She came in on the arm of lier father 'while Adele Laue Kenn.iedy,, piaiist, played the wedding. mardi. The cerenlonv took- place n thée'living room, )efore tl)e fireplace, \%-ichl liad on eitlier side tail candelabra. ýThe rooni wvas filléd .Nvith wvhite- chrNvsanitlemutis, deiphin- mum. gladioli, an(l flo%ýversÀin tie autumii, shades. The bride's table wvas decor- ated in white and green.- Amnong the out-of-town. guests %I11 attended the cercmuony wvere the bricle's grandinother, Mrs. S. J. Hayes of St. Louis: the hride's unicle and' aunit. r andl *Mrs. Rý..R.. M\anileè'of Waukeslha, Wis.. and Mis argaret Allein of Indianapolis. XVheni the Walcotts return xf rom thfeir> honcymiooni, hich they hii'e taken hv motor, they vill ake' their hontein Evanston. The f ormer- Miss Hayes is a grad- uate of Penn Hall, Chamnbersburg, Pa., and of,' the School of Music, North- western uni versity. NMr. Walcott is a graduate of the University of Michîi- gan where he alsoj eceived bis doctor's degree in science. He. is niow a ineni- ber of. the faculty. in the, mineralogy (ldepartmient oif Northwvesterni univers- 'W'l mette Garden Club Members Win Meda.ls Mrs. W. Wallace Kerr, 707 Forest. avenue, a member of the Wilmiette Gar- den club, won one of the ten golà mnedals awarded recently by the Chi-. cago Tribune for .oustanding fali n.U eior DoarU oiU l ait 1U1 ieVly a The oficers of thie guild are M.Nrs. lunchieon Mondav at bier home, 22 In- W. H. Williams, president: Mrs. Henry dian Hill road, Winnetka. Orga niza- Taylor,. treasurer.; Mrs. Carolyni Elîs- tion of committees for the annual worth, secretary; Mrs. Herbert Lun- Cradle bail, to be given at the Drake dahi, presid-ext of anxiliary; Mrs. Wil- hotel Saturday, October 31, wvas begun Aiarn Taylor, secretary and treasurê-r of at the luncheon, and invitation Iists aiiary. . were made out. t Thie Wilmette Senior Infant Wel- fare board will meet at the home of M rs. C. P. Evans,* 616 Gregory avenue. a t il11o'clock, Monday, Oc- tober 12. The North Shore Vassar club held its opening mneeting October 5, at the home of Mrs. Paul A. Jenkçins, 1016 Forest avenue, Glencoe. Mrs. Wil- lianm C. Van Horne, president of thec Vassar Euthenics Alumnàe, associa- tion, gave the:*fternoon's progran. I I

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