Lauds re Area If Project The National organilzation recently, addressed a bulletin, to the field cail- ing, attent ,ion to * the urgency, for Scouts everywhere to. help out in the present, need for relief and in4uiring wbat each council was doing in re- gard to it. In response to this bulletin, Henry Fowler, oresidetofte oth Shore Area couincil, sent- the following let- ter te James E. West, Chief Scout exeutieBoy *Scouts of Arnerica:, MÀr.ady Coo6perating t "The North Shore Area council is already putting, in force a prograni along the lines you indicate, and A especially at this tinie, we are putting in force a bo'use to bônse. canvass for al kinds of apparel, which ' k to be delivered to the headquarters of the relief asoiation of each dis- trict, also ascertainiflg in what otb- the above -in addition to an inten'- sive programn of. tréop organization i and leadership." Praise of the relief project is con-, tained in the foliowing reply made to President Fowler's letter by Chief Exectitive James E. est: Encouraged by Service "Thanks. so much for your letter of the 25th which was forwarded to me here at the Mayo clinic. where 1 arn nndergong repairs. 1 hope to. be able to leave Thursdav for home, hitu~ cornpleting just twvo weeks' stay "The evideince t hat bas cone to j me of thbe practical "service i by Scouts is most.,heartening and en- c our aging.. 1 an vers' grateful to Voit. "PleaIse give MY 9greetings to those w ~orking with youi." Program Is Under Way for Scouts of Troop 31 T'h rsdav, October 1, Troop .3 Board of Review TroH-eld by Troob 23 Top23 of Glencoe bad a' Board of Review at its Iast meetinig. Sorne of the boys. had been Working bard duir- ing the summer, as the following,,ad.- vanernilent wi,1I show: Tefiderfoot, Bud Rothermel .a nd Jack Edwards; First' Class, Hirarn Belding; Star, Bill Krumsick, Bill Rothermel, Bob Nevinsj and' edward M ack; Menitbadges- Bill Rothermnel, peroal health, public health, pathfinïding, firernansbip; ~Bob Nevins, firemnansbip, first aid, pathfind- ing, personal bealtb: -Ed Mack, 'Wood- workin,,c ycling, leathercràft: T'om Rodman. swim'ming; Hirani Belding, swimming. The men' who presided, ai the. Board of Review were Colonel Waefelaer, Mrs. Finck and Mr., O'Grady. We started th( Scouting, vear under our neW Scoutrnastet, Mr. Below, wvbom we ail liîke very muich.-S.crihe Bob Nevins, Troop 23, St. Elisableth's_ FEpiscopl c dtircl. - Twenty Chinese Boys in Scout Group t Oa kland Troop 45 of Oakland, Calif., a group comprising twentv Chinese boys, bias devsed an unusuial miethoit by which the parents of the Scouts nmight become more. interested in the Boy Scou-t prograrn. Troop 45.lbas li a ! i t s inembership application blanks printed botb in Eniglishi and Chinese in order tbat the. parents .ighit be able to uncirstand what thev are signing and' get a correct impression. of the Scout organiza- tiion. Thle troop is sponsored by the Oakland 'Kiwanis club and at the troop's recent anial parents' night, 200 personls witnessed a programi given ini English and Chînese. Exhibition Is Discussed at Session'of Troop 15 Troop 15 beld its weeklv meeting on Thursday,. October 1. Sherman .Aldrich, the Winnetka District com- nîissioner, discussed mîwth us the ex- hibition and what we can do to get Scout CI North for]' *Round-Up of Clothing Will Begin Saturday Saturday rnorning, Oct ober* 10. the Scouts in the vanious districts, of the -North' Shore Area couùncil* wil conduct the cloth'.ng round- up as previously announced. The material will be turned over to the local relief agency for distribution this. winter. This isrto- be a.bouse- to-bouse canvass, every borne to be visited. People are asked- to- cooperate by baving their bundies of clothes teady*for tbe Scouts a s they cal. In Winnetka, because of other plans, under way, tbe clothing. round-up will not be held until a:,later date.. Ail other dis-' tricts will have theirs as scheduled, *October 10. Assistant Scoutmasters Both New- in, Troop_23 This being. the first meeting of the fall, li thinic we hiad a pretty good showing. WVe had about twenty Scouits coutrng the tbree new candidates. We were glad to bave our old Scoutrnaster, Bob Mebren, witli us and our t-wo new Assistant Scoutmasters,. Eddie Gritz- baugh and Jack Meliren, and . also our new Senior Patrol Leader, Bob Bucher.. After the introducing of'the newv can- didates to the Scouts we bad inspec- tion and the Lindy patrol won. Then wve bad fifteen minutes for patrol meet- ings. After that we bad test instruc- tion classes. Tben we played. a game called Concentration on Numbers. Witbi tbe Scout Oath, the meeting ,was dis-. rn;ssed at. 9 :15.-Phil Hoza, Scribe, Moose patrol, Troop 24, Sacrcd Heart. cburcb, Winnetka. Agate Martin Is New, Troop 19 Scoutmas ter Agate Martin is, now Scoutinaster! of Troop 19, wità .E Moss and Allen -Ingram bhis assistants. Ont ThursçIay, October 1, our troop liail a rnarshmallow roast dowii on the beach. We had a, lot of. fun. Qne on the banks of Brays bayou andithe patrol is goîng on - found a brown bag concealed under- and' get a few, new fellI neath. Openng it they found $233 will make plans for pas in poly counterfeited 50-cent pieces. Menit badges. The, These they turned over to Chief to bave an overnigbt W Deputy Marshal. J. R. Dalton, whe', October 9.-Reporter G in, turn. handed tbem to secret ser- Troop 4,' Wilmnette, Eý vice men. churcb. - IIL --- -1--1--v qut, Lrull .i tite room in AU IIVI tcU noldour meetings. WS. Then we Counicil's Song book ready for free We opened the meeting with the ing tests and distribution to the Scout troops. Each Scout. Oath. After this we planned atrol expects troop rnay obtain its book at the things for the coming hobb3y show <e on Fniday, Council headquarters. Additional this. year. A f er a few stunts we raid Spinnier, copies rnay. be secured for special .closed the meeting, witb the Scout- Augustin e'$ troop events, such as Fatber's and manster's. Benediction. -Johnl King. Son's banduets. TrDop.,10O, Wilmette. Highwood Leads in Registrations for "University" The registrations for, the University of Scouting have started to corne in f ast, the school leaders announce. OQne District, Highwood, under the leader- ship of Paul Muzik, commissioner, b as already ten men regîstered- f romn. the three Scout tro ops in bis district and is goirag to get stili. more. Robert B. BofDistrict côtmmissioner for Win-. netka, bas turned «in eigbt registrations. Robert Roeber, Lake. Forest commis- sioner has fine menî. Open to Ail Interested This university is. a cooperative group ýof Scout- Leaders' Training, courses run by -the North Shore Area Council, Trainîng' comrnittee, opening Monday night,. October 19, at, 7 -30 ini the Elm:Place school, Highland Park. Courses will be given in the Elements of Scoutmastership, tbe Principles of Scoutrhastership. ThrincipIes of First Aid, and Con'mîssionersbip. Any interested mien are invited, to enroîl throughi headquarteçrs in Hfgh- land Park.- Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, J u n i Io r Assistant Scoutrnasters, committ eemien, coml missioners and fathers of 'Scouts ar .e particularly urged to eniroll. Followig is a list of those mren en- rolled: Highwood-Pauî MNuzik,'Louis Young, John Jacobv. Ambrose Can- tagallo, Michael O'Flaherty, -,Allen 1-uIse.. Jacob Jeppensen, Lloyd Moon and Victor Waiecka. Lake Forest- Robert Roeber, John 'Marshall, jim, Tihbetts, Garrit J3ax, J. Corrn, R. Lulîdee.n. 1'. Atteridge, R. Dobbin. \Vinnetka-R . Brown, P. Swabacker, M7V" Martin, XV. Quinby, J. Moss, R. Anderson, J.ILons and;,A. Ingramf; XVilîett-G.Bcrsch. W. Osl)tir: TVanhoe-W. Brovvder: De.erfield-C. Bovle aüd Rav Dohbins. Troop 20 of Winnetka Organizes Two Patrols.