Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 40

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A TaIk on Interesting Foods PRUDENCE ;PENNY .CookingEditor of the Herald and Examiner, end'author of "Méat. Nous MesNs." 2 P.. M. WEDNESDAY,,OCTOBER 14 Good Books Cheer up the sick Amuse tbe traveler Brigbte'n duil hours Select your Christmnas cards early and sape the discount! 1724 Orrington Avenue Evanston Orngton Motel Bldg;. EYES AF11ER OUTDOOR SPORTS more, enchantingly g r e a t eras of Engiand's-and Scotland's-past than johin Buchan, and the primary value of his historical romances is due to the rich and profound order of bis scholarship rather than to anyth ing exceptional -inis equipment as a writer of pure imagination, I-e'has neyer, in the historical novel, sbown. to higher advantage than in, bis ýpres- ent work, a tale, of Cotswold England in the closing years cf Henry*,VIII's reign, Engiand. enveloped in the, "blanket of the dark,"' with the avari- cipus nobles,, the starving peor, out- catgentry, thieving -adventurers, vagabonds, men' of the greenwood, ail banding together in revoit against t he, tyranny cf the despot.. Mr; Bu- chan takes tbe liberty of creating fo;c bis hero a character which has no existence in bistory, a mythical soni cf that famous Edward, D u k e o)f ~Bukingham, 'ý,ho died in, -1521. This youth, then kniown' sinmly as Peter Pentecost, reared ini igniorance of bis exalted lineage by rustics ai, priests, is haled fromn the piOUS 0où- scurity of bis Oxford studies by the revolt's lordly leaders, restored by them to bis heredï-tarv rank, raised to. tbe s t a t u.s of contender for the throne, a nd invested with commnand cf tbe insurrecticnary forces.' An fiHote/0[ If one closes a bock cf travel with a sigh and the words, "I'd like to take tbat trip," the author bias beeni successful; at least Miss Woods bias been se here in writing up somne- tbing cf the bistory and monuments of tbe Dordogne valley in scutbern, France.. An easy flow cf language, characterizes ber informaI narrative tbrcugbout,. as she- opens and: closes with, practical bints for mcotorists and. between, lays vividly, before ycu :the magnificent valley, in its surpassingý ricbness and beauty. Writing with a. considérable force,- somietimes weakened by use cf backneyed ad- jectives and- by verbosity, she *de- scribes cbâteaux nôt se famous tior s0 familiar bistorically, nor yet per- haps s0 sophisticatedly 'beautiful, as thoseç cf th -e Loire, but equally in- teresting and stirring initheir-feudal and me.dieval associations and ffic- turesqueness. In comparison with Marie Lands- dale's more formai "Châteaux of -the Touraine," Miss Wood's volume is poorly arranged and loosely knit, but it is vastly more entertaining work. Semewbat toc crammed with histori- cal noesit bias excellent. sections, such as tlhe description cf Castelnau- Bretenoux, "the I i t tle Carcassonie whichi Pierre Loti 'loved as a boy;," or Châàteau L'Evêque, whose: owi.er, Mme. Jeniny, tbe famous Paris Mo- diste, was once a poor girl in Péri- gueux, and is now the' grand-damie cf "the loveliest rose garden in al France." Thiere are cbapters besi'des on Bastides, tbe "new 'townis" cf the seigneurs, on Le Moustier, the en- cbanting l an d of pre-historic mani, and on the trouibadours cf the Midi, A sketcb map and pbotograpbs.ac- company the text. ENJOYABLE -SONG Ro< k Last year, jqst before Cbristmnas anrd a littie toc late to be discovered by most cf . those wbo would have enjoyed it, there was 1 publishçd by the M1iller Music'company a. very u n- usual bock' cf songs and mus ic 'for cbi'idren. "Raggedy AndOs Sunny Songs" is tbe titie;' the verses andl drawing (in color) are by 'jchnny Reviewed by Vera-lkeDermld "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word* was witb God, and the Word was God." Tbis familiar text cf the IKing James version cf, the Gospel'.cf St. John b as been made inte, a volumne cf surpassiig. dignity and beauty. It is a limnited edition botind in full natu ral linen with gold stamiping. There,-are.475 copies, and eacb one is signed by Lewis Daniel,, the artist. The- illustrations are smlbut done witb superb draughtsmanship. The lines are fine but powerful, and the barmonioùs compeosi.tion and de- sign cf each pict'ure are reniarkably weli worked out. The text,, itself, is done in the new 'sans serif type, xviiich is net in accerdance withr the strictest rules c f typograpby and bookmaàking, but wbicb, nevertheless. putsthe old trutb in a modern dress cf unusual beauty. and char'm. This- is the second volume cf' a series cf1 four te be 'printed. St. Luke, wbich was printed last year was seiected as one cf the cutstand- in.g bocks of the year (Tbe >1Fifty, Bocks. cf 1931). The Gespels cf-St. Mathew and St. Ma rk are te be finisbed' later. Facb one bas. been, and is te be ilustrated by a di fferent American artist,. St. L u k e' having been, done by Hans ,Foy. Nothing- cf this. kind has ever beeni done in America, te mny knowledge, se that this adventure into new fields cf modemn typography and bookmaking is a bold, brave. stroke. Both the volumes show a splendid exaiple 'cf wbat can be done with new ideas and new materials. The Gospels* were designed and di- rected by Lester, Douglas, whe is- new director cf' art cof Nationis Busi-, ness, published "by the' United Ftafes Chamber cf-Commerce., He bas bad- ivide expenience with typography, and, for severai Yearsbas tried, bis hand at éxperimentatieni. His, newest ad-'ý venture i sa. perfect littie gem. Ans' lover cf the Books Beautiful wvill joY in the ownersbip of the exquisite volumes. There are 128 pages printed- on what we learn is Vidalon Velin. 426 Liwku m.tloe2337 which will be enjoyed by any grown- up wbo may dip into the bcok 'or read it aioud. The illustrations enter into the spirit suc cessfuliy and arýý particulariy clever in, catching the combination cf. w-ooden-doll stolidity; with the. adventurous. activity be- stowed by the author's imagination. 6200 ICeumore at Granville .Phone Brirgate 8000 I. L. Johnson, iMge. I j

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