Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 46

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the state poice. - the right after a car has been passc.d. At the saine tine, Chief Moody "\Ve shall enforce the nioderate told bis officers to keep traffic on ýspeed ndle particularly on twvo-ane two-lane highways moving at a niod- ihighways in the nietropolitan area, en~te rate of specd, and to order where a few unreasonably slow driv- drivers of. slo,ý%lv, moving cars to ers can hold tip long lines of traffic. WHAT!e NOWRINGE-R? q il MM I 1, NO! ýNOWRINGEIR THIS new Princess washing machine spinsî water out of clothes insread of wringing ît'out.. It's very easy. First you Ioad clothes into the roorny washing tub for quick, thorough clean sing. Then you transfer them to the spinner chamber. hea, new batch'is ashig the. inocor whirls the first "batch" al most ry.. ready for the lune. H1undreds of homemnakers are -finding that thîs..new method saves time and handling. The Princess washer, finisbed -in porcelan-enamel inside and out, is oniy $2 down for a 1îÏmited time- and you have 18, onh to pay the balance. See it demonstraced at your Public Service, Store. .With- its liew Cortiliental mnodels jusi receitty taitiouitced the, Packard Motor -Car---copnpanv lias brou ght ont a. new body model. If is called a cou pc-roadsterf î for it is qrtickly clzanged from one. into flei. other. The acconzipatviing pîctue shozcs. the ,îcu' car as a coipe.' Whcn inade. mb oa ré-adster thé top folds dottu i.nito a, rcecess flttsh zcith the back >of the front Driver. License Law Motor Club, Men Safety' Meet Sub.eet, Favor Elevated. The drivers' license law, wlîîch fai 'led to pas the Illinois legisiatuire Highway 1-rojeeL, this 3-car but wvhich ivas writtcn initot Una,îiuuîots endorsemietton thi the statutes of a niumber of states'. wvi1l corne ini for agood .dcal of dis - Iropose(l. Austin.- Kiîîzie elevateci £ussion at the 'rwcntjleth AnnualI gha- together %with a plea for the. Safety Colngress and Exposition in immiiedjate beginnig<1cnsrci Chiago Ocobe 11 to16.it s al- vas voiced Sunda 1bv ail of thecmi- The Safetv Coi grcss rcturis*o 5 ft hileig a M ot cl. hi Chicago this ycar after an absenîce5.(, h hcgoMtrci) bý silice 1929). Despite uinscttled eco- etn vshl i h Ieîa toic coni'ditionis, advancc repcrts iii- Ath1etic club). dicate a record attendance oï int m . FoUwiing this action, Cliarlés 'M. 7,000l delegates from ,this.and io(reign- Havesý, of WN.inneètka. president of the~ couintries. o h atdy club., declared that ini the event. of*a An entire session ontle1la a -fs pecial mlieeting of the ii,Inois *'vCfln- the Meeting will bedvtdt c1 ral As.ýsembily this fall, 'he, motor subject of traffic e(e't( otl i)wtl CIJegiSiation. wlth Cm- clu ol urge. the -legisaors ti phasis placcd on tlic drivers' license i make tile neccssarv appropriatint) Iaw. Howard 1). Browii Au1tomlobile that construiction ceddbe sta'rteid. Club o~f Michigan, and Dr. FEarle G. Wîrcis lno qnlestion aâ t11t1l. Brown, sccrctary of the Kanisas State teasibilitv of the Auistîii-Kiin'.:c eV, board of 'hcalth wvill tell how. tîlii vated hIighw\%a\," Nfr. Hayes to:]lthe r-espectmye states passcd the iaw, miotor club workers1. whio lad a,- seîwbied fronm the sxvtocuîe Dr. 'Miller McClintock, probabl v ini Illinois anid Indiana iii which ilic the outstanding traffic authoritv m lboeaes Pal ortiirj ,the countr\y, iill also appear on tî lboeae."ln o thisprj proganifor hissesson.ect havc l)een under considéra "1011 proran fo ths sssin.for svrl erand withjn aà,short timie after the legislatuire takes ac- SHOWV BIG GAIN tion, emliploy Ile lt couild.be provided Higliwav construction Mwork that lîrectlv to froin. 15M00) to,30.000min has been coînpieted- thils seasumon arl(l ilidireCt1,ý, to iïnany îîî ore'. Froîn. the state bond issue, systcm .and ui two'ntf threc 'ears %vould be neceS- ýthe country road s is nlow 11 CxceCSs of ý,ary mmx which to ýcomlt h rject. 1,000l miles. This is iindicated inithat "oadditional taxation of .ats' sort he Compilation made by Frank T'. is Colitcmlplatedl. The entire cost, 'Sheets, chi.ef hiighw,ýay cuiginieer, of wolild l>e dcrived froi tfie gasoline the work complcted up to September tax vvhichi accrues under the lamw to PUBLI SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS JOSEPH W. I(El-OE, District Manager, Evanston H. C. REYNOLDS, Districitiu>riz.gendeag, 1141, Central, Avenue Phono mte 5150 Main St. Gr-easing is a special:y with iis-a>.y day, any car $1.09I THRE OILWELL et Lwndçn Ave. *Bob 'n' Mqc Phono. Wilmette 3331

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