Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 51

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Feature pictures and short subjects Lare carefully selected to provide the Wilmiette theatre with a rich, and varied program for the current week. Maurice-Chevalier will star in "The Sriling Lieutenant"' on Sunday an.d, Monday, October Il and 12. A- tre-ý mendous, combination of acting tal- ent,- directorial genius, writing wis- dom and music-making magic have been woven into thrilling and 'joyous nmotion picture entertainmenit.. Twvo gorgeous leading ladies,' the brunette Claudette Colbert 'and, the blonde Miriam Hopkins, keep things lively. for« the, smiling Frenchman, whose voice, recently given to- thrill-, ing radio audiences, wil have fu'l opportunity to express lis personal- ity in Song. Charlie Ruggles, the gleefuil inebriate' of a score of film liits. gives of his laugh-making tal- ents tolthis niew picture. Bobby. Joues Inatructs. Aniother, feature on Suniday and M-ond(,ay xvwili be "The Spoon.," onie of Bobb)y Joues' series on -Howv I PIay G7olf?' On Tuiesday, Octoh)er 13. Clhar!ie Ruggles wl appear at thec Wilnette theatre iin lus first starritig *vehicle, "l'lie Girl Hab)it." He is the wealthyý younig bachelor. enigaged to a society gi(Sule Coniroy). 'The fact tlhat Charlie is so nice to every girl le nîcets niakes i dlifficuit to keep the engagemienit f roi dis solution. Among1A" dite girls w~ho'alieniate Chiarlie's wvay-, ward affections is Taniara Geva, the i anious dancer oif "Thlree*s A Crowdl," w1ho lere makes hier first appearance iin lie talkies.. * Barlbara Stain\vyck. as the star of 'iltNurse" at the \Vilmiette thiea- tre on Wednesday and Thiursday,. Octolber 14 and 15, will establish lier- Self even mnore secure 1- ini the learts of local theater-goers:_ H.EmÉoionaDl Qualities The, role in "Nigit' Nurse" gives great opportuity for the display of * the nmany enotiônal qualities wvhich inake lier so appealing to people of A ages. Bell Lyonl is lis roughi-and- ready best as the young liard guv who cornles to lier for- treatrnent of a ou(ided arn and %vins fier heart. Iu n ",igit VNurse," tihé filinta bc' slozmz at tefl'ic iiicttc theater 011 Wved>ie.day and Thursday, Oc- tober 14 api 15, Ben, Lyon and Barbara Stailî,yck. pictiured above; play the Ikadisifg roies. Ben cornes ta Mliss .S tanwcrk for, treatinent for a bidlet 7wound and ends uf b.y makinfg more Jrcquent visits on a mnore important mission... love! nld Myrn;a ILoy sup)port W-ill Rogers ini this hilarlous story of lhe .Kiighits (Àil th Ropnd Table. Everything WilI, Rogers (ioes is f unny, everything he says is f unny,. so be prepared for one of the best lauglis of the year. "Ijuckleberry Finn" and -Phantom of Paris" arethe attractions on the Varsity theater's double feature pro- grami Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 8, 9 and 10. Yoing and. old alike will. enjoy "Huckleberryr Finn," ýscreen. versio n ofI Mark Twain's grand'.old tale. Loads of laughs and a tear or two for the sentimentalists corne with 'this film. Junior Durkin, as Huck Finn, is said to furn in the finest-performance of his screen careter. Jackie Coogan- is Tom Sawyer. while Mitzi, Green and Jackie- Searl also add to the- enj oyment of. thi s film. "Phanton of, Paris," starring. John G il bert, Leila Hyars, Lewis Stone -and C. Aubrýýy'Smith, is an amazing movie with a plot that is breath-taking. -ex- citing -aid, romantic. It is adapted from' the mystery story, "Cheri-Bibi." ' written by -Gaston Le Roux. On Monday4 Tuesday an d Wednes-. day., October 12, -13 and 14, the Var- sit:ý will vpresent -another great -double feature program, offcring "This Mod- ern Age" ith Joan Crawford, and "The Mystery of Life." interesting ed- ucational filmi with Clarence Darrow e.-plaiing the process (f evolution.. AWAIT TWAIN CLASSIC "Huckleberry Finn," starring Jun- ,or Durkin, will be shown at the XVil- mnette theater on Friday and Satur- day. October 30 and 31. Aduits Wili Enjoy This PERFECT Program as Much as the Childreni THURS., FR1.& SAT. oct. , el & 10 Our MottU> 1 Quality, mot Quantlty This theater wllIl present the grefitest productions la thé eomnlnkyear! Vou ean always <epend on on Seelng a GOOD SHOW TtBeist Round System On The North Shorel TONIGHT and TOMORROW WARNER BAXTER and Dorothy MaekiMlàl TheýlinaTodd hZasu PlMIS ('inedy Saturdlay, October 10 EDDIE 9lafLI AN in lOý-"VanisblniK Legieu", at Mat. "'Herrlng Murder Case"--Caýrtoosi Sun, Mon., Oct. 1141Z Bohby Jouew ln "The Spoon"0 Tuemday OnIy, Qctober 13 CHALIERUGGLES in "-,The Girl. Habit". Wed. Thura.. Oct. 14-15 %-onMncricur x..nKee, IIKIC L 1 %-. - grand old. story. Rolling the curtain back to the sixth century, "Sir Boss," as Will is to, bc known from now on,, carnies you f rom adveuture J merri- nient andback. again. William Farnum, Maurcen O'Sullivan We.lcJays .: i CHILDREN 10c I I. -r or Lte L erloo Bridgt roadminded- j' agon

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