Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 18

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dance greeted the -;pectal speaker-, Joseph L, Moss,,who la assoclated.with the welfare work of the County board. ýIt la hoped that an even lairger atten- dance *.1ll be present this Sunday eve- A series of Sanctuary Services will be held beginning this, Wedncesday night. These services will be conducted in the cburch itself. There wlil be organ se- leCtions, a br-lef devotiozial addre4's by the pastor and good fellowship..-Mis s Briel wiIl play this week '"The I4ost Chord,"ý and. Dr. Smith will speak on **I Wili Shovv Thee the Treasures of, Varknems.' The Weeleyan Service Guild meets Tuesday. evening at 7 :45 at the home, of Grace C. Roe, 835 Linden avenue Mafrtha ]PennllngtonI wiil be the assist Ing hostess. A brief social hour will follow the meeting. Bu-siness.and pro- fesional women and al young, women a bove high school age a rê cordially. in- Division Day, is TjIursday, October 22. The divisions ili meet as follows: FIRST-1 :30 P. M.%I-Mrs. PliTor-d Olde'; 1026 Eimwood avenue. SECOND-10:30 A.Mr. W. 'F. Hfarvey, 934 Sheridan road. THIRD-10 A. M.-At the church. Each meniber i asked to brlng a box luncheon. This is an RUl-day se'wlng meeting. FOIUTH-10 :30 A.. .M .E. Lindblad, 720 Cijreenwood avenue. Xir*1. J. P. Kletzing, a-ssisting hôstess. FIFTH-Sulppei- at seven o'clock at the home of ls E. W. K. 110e, 83F Lideh avenue. The,.Churceh suhool had an attendance of '179 lat nundsiv moning, The men titled "The oae.~<f Freedoni.- The Womian's Honme Zissionary. 5- Jriety jk meeting this atternoon. Thurs- day, October 15, at the church. The Fifth Divi sion inîcets this morn- .ing,, Thursda, Octobeir 15, at the church, at Il Wclock.: Aý 'Rummagt- sale i.,-bei.ng sponsoripd b>' the Wtômiaîfs. Aid socieîlty ýOctolWr 29 and 30. Each miember or-friend of the church is asked to do ber utmost to i'nntrlhute oane o twoa rtieles of -eloth- The B. Y. P. 17. wIlllmeet Sunday eve- ning at 6 p. in. The Stewardship com- 'Missi,- Bob Mele, chairman, 'bas se- cured our church misslonary,. Miss Brodbeclc, for our speaker. CHhJECH -NOTICES On, Werdnesday evening, October 21, Dr. Allison wll lead the:group at the mid-week meeting. In a. discussion on~ "1Drama-a Factor In Religious Educa- tion." ,Ail those who are particularly In- terestedl In this phase of our church actlvity aYe urged to attend. Beginning Wednesday, October 28, and continuing each: Wednesday in Novem- ber, a series of five Fellowship Suppers *111 be held at the churcb.' Fine pro- gramts are.belng planned for these meet-. ings. The Evrening.Link wili hold a Wiener roast Friday, October 16. If the wea- ther proes unfavorable the meeting Will be held at the church. The Aduit class will hoid a Juvenile Party' at the homée o Mr. and LIrs. F. G. Sutherland, Friday, October 16. Russell Johnson wi111 be the as- sistant Scout Mastex1 of our Boy Scout ,troop which meets Thursday evening., The *troop Is iplanning an overnlht hike in the near future. Presbyterian Chutrch. Woman's club (ireenleaf avenue and Tenth st'reet Church office: State Bank buil'ding Telephones: Wilmette 64 and 688 Re'v. James T. Veneklasen. minister 721 Nlnth street Morning worshtp ..Il A. M., Sunda>' school ...->.9.:30 A. -.NI Junior chureh .......... A. M. Y. P. S. C. E.........5:30 P. M. Prayer meeting, Wednesday .... 6 P. 2%M. At the morning woirshiiî> hour,. October 18, our new pastor will preach. At the sante hour ' Junior elhur(-h, under the leadership of Miss 'Dor-othy .Wehiner,. for ehikciren up té and including eleven years of age. Sermon topic: 'Ti-s Tne. to Pray." Sunda>' :all ages. seho.l t 9:30.Clasesfor meetlrur Wedi îday evenip There is a place ln our Churcli schoolt for boys anid girls of ail ages:1t Beginners. .departinent (ages 4 and 5)-t 10:45 to 12f PýrimarY department (age a 6, 7, and -8)-1 9 :30 to 12'1 < .1- 1 Junior department (ages 9, 10, and .1)- 9:30 tot>10:40 inteirmediatie, department (ages. 12 and 13)-9:30 to 10:40- High school 'department- 12 :15 to 1 (classeg> 5,:30 te 7 (social- hour) Our church school staff welcomes chul- dreni and young people te attend the' Sunda>' iorning classes and worslp cservices., Through, friendly discussion and definite guidance in.instruction and worship *e furnishý help In. building character and'.developing Christ-Ilke living. The activities during the, week foi boys and.girls aire definitel>' Included In our programi and eaeh group recelves guidance from experienced leaders. The week-day schedule follows: Tuesdayýs-4 p. m.-Girl Scouts Tuesdays-4 p. tn.-6-Camp Fire'Girls, Tuesd.cys-7 :30. p. m.--Rooîevelt. Troop NO. 2,. Boy Scouts ,Thursday-s-3 :hlp. in---Bluebird.s Thursdays-4 p. m.-WVekeacafila Caml, Fire group Thursdays-4 p. m.-Junior Choir re- hearsa i Thursdays - -à :30. p. m.---Týroop No. 1, -Boy Scouts S-turdays,- 939a, ni.- Pack-No. 63, C'ubs Those dès«Irling information concern- ing an>' of these organizations nay vcalI the church office, Wiliiiette 1204, during office hours. 1The first Mens club dinner of the year will be held Monday, Octobei 19,it 6:45 p. ni., in the chu.rch. The offieers promise a rnost 'interesting program for this. flrst meeting. C. lEdward Thorne>', of. the Chicago Raplul Transit company>, will speakc on the' eubject, "Greater Chi- :cago.-i Reservations for the dinner ma:, be made through the church office or by r'alling «.11. J. C. Crossley, Wilmietto The Neighbor-hood Circle iil meet on Tuesday, October 20, at- the borne- of Ms John A. *tlecLea, 924 Green- wvtood. avenue.' lhe assisting ho>stes.ses wili ,be Mrs. J. Melville. Brown, Mrs. 1%. ffi. MeMilIen, and Mrs.. Charles. N.- Soet. J h 'L t St.Jozns Lteran Wilmettk, and Park avenues, 'Wilmiettc- Hernian W. eyer %M. A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396' Chureh telephonn 3111 be glad to cé have them c on anyone on hmi.. h prior, ed the .or will ;ted, or gook, Worms8 Adopt Rides for Year, iThe seconld meeting *of the "Booký Wo rms." the Winter Reading club, was held in the club room at the Wil- mette Public library,. Fridav after.. nioon. October *9.- at 4 o'clock. There. were twehty-four -menibers present. The following ýclub laws were dis- cused and adopted: 1. Membership in the club is to he lini- Stedte twenty-five. Others deslring to- join the Book Worms may place theiîr names on the waiting list. 2. Ail boys and. girls froni the fifth tdý : eighth grades, inclusive, are eligiblé. 3. Each memnber must have a llbrary card and read at least three books a month. Also, each Book Worm nmust be willing to exchange iformation .about books read with other Book Worm.s. '4. An>' Book Worm absent five tumes. wlll be asked to give his. place to $om-e- one on- the waltlug liat. 5. The club meetings wiIile )éheld at-4- o'clock. Five- minutes after that tirne. the club- roorn will be clôsed and those not, prgsent *111 be . ounted Ab- ment. 6. For the tume being, there iil be twtà officers, the president n t ec- tary. The Book Wormis are lqook<itg fort ward to an interestirig prograni thiis winter. In addition to reading. the *V Will visit various places of literar,-; interest, and wiJl assist in the chil- dren's rooni during Children's' Boni[z week and on other occasions. The. following Book Wornis are charter imembers: *Margaret -Backstromi.lLorraine. Beechier, . Nancv Bercaw, Maryý Jaw- Birong, Doroth 13orre, G eorge Cil- ton,, Jeanne, Gordon, AIlica, Haake. Paul Ha;ýke, Imogene Kaufmnan, Do. ot hy Klin, .Margaret MarY Kreusch. *Ruth Lichter, Hel'en. Jane Uindstromn. Catherine McDaniel, Gertrude Pape, Mary V. Penick, MNargairet Sclinitz. Maxine Schneider, Eleanor Spered'e-, Merle Vogt. Lucille Watson, Viola1 grade Týhois a re Lii Ut! fore :30. * , mer, b>' Ena Round solo, "Lord God of AI Mrs. Ceorge Lamb is superintenident Mendelssohn, te be of the primar>' department.. . Otis, bass. - Ail memnbers of the The Senior department ef the Chuîrch friendcu are cordially achool là, in charge et Z. A. Parkhurst. -tervîeêtonighit. i3rx ---- r *..1-p- * tf--lneJ.DsiC.lPuteUIc ViVflce ot I rutn,- iat Ifs So Joyful" Rev. Mr. Buxworks chiefiy among the whicit touches on problems, religious, March!'-Kl*etseh- Mohammedans of hie district.. Evetyone s, pianist~, and a Is invited to hear hlm. social, and economic ini the new age. raham' (Eijah), The talks are being delivered every ung b>' Edward The classes for the Christian educa- Sunday morning at Il o'clock in the tien of cilidren continue te receive new rn congregation and pupils. However, mnuch as we wikerto ch room, and Friday evenings invited ta thi.s have. new pupils we hope that parets at8 o'clock.-His lectures are free to will decide te enroli their children now 1 the p'eneral.public. i

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